Triple Method Billonaire's Club


Feb 26, 2013
Just right now on the PS4 version I was able to nail all three billion point methods in the same game:

- Billion Point Shot (six times)
- Backdoor Billion (once)
- Old-School Billion (once)

The OSB method is to get a billion by simply racking up normal points. My final score was just shy of 8 billion. Anyone else do this in the same game?


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
If you exploited the skill shot, then this is easy. you can get an old school 4 billion by nudging the ball into the plunger on heartbeat ramp shots long enough.

I find the backdoor billion pretty easy as well.

If you get an old school billion without doing this, that's a real accomplishment.


Feb 26, 2013
I got my high score without even knowing about the skill shot exploit. The game naturally gives you a lot of skill shots if you play long enough, but I got 25K reward a lot more than the few 200K rewards you can get. My score would be a lot higher if I had done something like that.

I ended up with about 1.9 billion in old school points, a lot of which came by hitting the heart ramp a ton of times early on and earning a lot of extra balls. Because of that, my skill shot multiplier shot up to the x80s, meaning every skill shot was multiplied by that much. Even when my ball drained, I kept getting so many extra balls that the multiplier was retained.

It wasn't until I officially slipped to Ball #2 after almost an hour or so did the multiplier reset. After that, I got a ton of points from the Big Wheel and Bride transformations. I don't know if I have the stamina to try and reach 10 billion, but I think I could do it if I focused.


New member
May 27, 2012
Random question.

If you get the old school billion, and never a backdoor or big wheel billion, do you still show up in the billionaires club? That leaderboard was originally introduced to try and account for how unbalanced scoring was. If you end up on that leaderboard it could really deflate the achievement.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
If you play for endless multiballs / big wheels (staying stocked with EBs along the way) by mastering the main ramp and being able to hit the heart ramp consistently from both sides (but especially the left flipper) it becomes pointless to nudge for free skill shots... you're going to get plenty of them anyway. My game this weekend I flipped it over 255x back to zero, and back up to 170x again. Pinbot value shots and locking balls give you a steady flow of skill shots already... not to mention the fact that sometimes heart ramp shots will jump the track on their own too.

There's more billion shots beyond the 8 if you are willing and able to stick it out long enough... (see my post from yesterday in stickied thread) so that negates any idea that there's anything more productive you can be doing after the initial 8 billions. Plenty of 50 millions are awarded too and those never go away.


Jul 11, 2012
yeah after the hundreth attempt I realized it wasnt giving billions any more so back door and along the way OSB's i think I have 16 billion+ rolled over the skill shot like phreaker said, I've heard that mobiles have no limit to the billions can this be confirmed?


New member
Jul 15, 2012
yeah after the hundreth attempt I realized it wasnt giving billions any more so back door and along the way OSB's i think I have 16 billion+ rolled over the skill shot like phreaker said, I've heard that mobiles have no limit to the billions can this be confirmed?

Pretty sure that's true because in the first couple months after the release there were lots of mobile scores higher than anyone on a console was getting and I'm pretty sure I've read confirmation of that from one or two people in this forum.

When I finally did get that 9th billion shot lit on the ps4, it sure seemed like I had hit 100 more big wheel shots before it happened. It took a long time.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
billionaires club is disabled in tpa so the scores go on the normal high scoreboard with the billions digits chopped off.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Well I wanted to try out the share feature... I quit facebook a long time ago so I started a dummy account just to do this. Really hope they add "share to youtube" sooner rather than later. Anyway, this is the end of my 33B game from the other night. I chopped it down to 5 minutes or so. I had already decided I was going to quit when I lost the ball you see in play here... but as crazy luck would have it, the game gave me one more billion shot to let me go out in style (at the beginning of the video). So this is proof I'm not blowing smoke about the game eventually awarding more billion shots after 8 (at least on PS4... and again, they are still VERY VERY rare after the 8th)... and yes you don't see the tens of billions but wait for the 4:34 mark.


Jul 11, 2012
I wonder if thats something FS decided to do or is it in the actual ROM? Kinda reminds me of Teed Off gopher wheel where you can hit the same 2 letters over and over no randomization. 33B good job so the initial cap is lower than PS3's 9-10 before it stops for a loooong time.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I wonder if thats something FS decided to do or is it in the actual ROM? Kinda reminds me of Teed Off gopher wheel where you can hit the same 2 letters over and over no randomization. 33B good job so the initial cap is lower than PS3's 9-10 before it stops for a loooong time.

The "limit" has always been 8. I scored 8 on a real BOP once and I remember being frustrated it wouldn't give me any more but I had no idea there was a limit (nor was I aware of the backdoor billion but that's undoubtedly very difficult on a real machine). It only finally made sense to me all these years later learning this because of TPA. On the PS3 I got to 8 several times and couldn't get any more but I also wasn't able to make a game last extremely long then either... partially because of the lag (and the PS4 version with my new TV in game mode is SO very responsive and great) and also I didn't even know about the left loop extra balls until recently either.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
thats my first target EB first then play, usually end up with 2 stacked for insurance.

I was getting it up to 4 EBs, then I would only shoot for the left loop one if I was in danger of running out of them. If I lost just one ball and was down to three, I'd stick with continuing the shuttle ramp shots because I'd get the one from hitting the 600k pinbot value.

Also, to make the left loop safer, wait until you are one shot away from metamorphosis. That way if you lose the ball while shooting the loop (one of the only "gotcha" shots in this game is you can sometimes get a right outlane drain if you hit the post on the right side of the shuttle ramp) you get that other ball back.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I've made 245 million on the iOS version with:
Billionaire's Club x8
Backdoor Billion
Old-fashioned billion x1.245

Makes me wish it'd given me my 1000 HOF points, but noooo it's just a crappy score because rolled over.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I did this today I think. Not sure because I was on a big wheel, it came up Billion shot, I hit it, then when I filled the shuttle ramp again, it didn't spin the wheel, would only let me shoot the ramp and I scored another billion? Either way finally hit 1K HOF points, so I am gladly done with this painfull to the thumbs table.

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