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There are a few things that just don't come across in a virtual simulation. I've stated a few in another thread, but basically they are:

Nudging strength (how hard you can nudge the table--in a virtual simulation a nudge is the same strength every time whereas on a real machine you can nudge as soft or hard as you need to, depending on how sensitive the tilt on the machine is set!)

Flipper control: You just can't do the same kinds of flipper maneuvers on TPA as you can on a real machine, e.g., live catches, etc...

Also, I've seen a few machines that have more upper flipper control than a virtual button allows. Often a machine with an upper right flipper will have a flipper button that will flip both flippers if pushed all the way in, but will only release the solenoid on the main lower flipper if you release it fully. In other words, you can partially release the button and activate the solenoid on the upper flipper while keeping the main lower flipper up. This allows you to cradle a ball in the main lower flipper while still giving you full control of the upper flipper at the same time. I've never seen this kind of control in a virtual simulation.

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