UK Pricing Error

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Jul 29, 2013
Posting this here in the vain hope that it doesn't continue to get ignored:

The UK IAP discount for iOS users is incorrect. Despite promising a discount of 40%, we are only getting a discount of 30%.

At £29.90 for ten individual tables, the Season 3 Pass ought to be priced at £17.99.

The Pro Pass is also incorrect: £27.99 represents only 50% discount against the full price of £54.90, despite the promise of a 60% discount in the IAP blurb. The actual price should be £21.99, if the promise is to be fulfilled.

Compare these to the US prices, and you will see that we are paying a rough equivalent to the individual purchase prices - it is specifically the discounted season pass prices that are unfairly high in the UK store.
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Jan 28, 2013
I honestly think that FarSight need to address their UK price points. On PC too.


Jul 29, 2013
Well, I heard back from Farsight support:

The text in the "What's New" section is from the US version of our app. The prices displayed in that text are dynamically inserted and in most countries the season pass equals 40% off of the price of buying the tables individually.

Sorry for the confusion.

So, to summarise: "We know we are falsely advertising the discount, but we don't give a damn. Suck it up."

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
So, to summarise: "We know we are falsely advertising the discount, but we don't give a damn. Suck it up."

Grow up! - either buy it or don't, the actual cost is clear.

It's an American product so if they prioritise their home (and main) market then I applaud their patriotism.
It's only the same as when you install any US PC software and you get to the 'select language' pull down and all the countries are in alphabetical order, but... top of the list is USA(simplified English). :)
Go Team America! (that's not me being sarcastic - I genuinely admire patriotism and National pride).

British people spend far too much time and effort trying to adapt to others to the point we have pretty much disappeared up our own politically correct, racially tolerant, sexual diversification enthusiastic a$$holes.


Jul 29, 2013
Grow up! - either buy it or don't, the actual cost is clear.

It's an American product so if they prioritise their home (and main) market then I applaud their patriotism.
It's only the same as when you install any US PC software and you get to the 'select language' pull down and all the countries are in alphabetical order, but... top of the list is USA(simplified English). :)
Go Team America! (that's not me being sarcastic - I genuinely admire patriotism and National pride).

British people spend far too much time and effort trying to adapt to others to the point we have pretty much disappeared up our own politically correct, racially tolerant, sexual diversification enthusiastic a$$holes.

Yes, it's *exactly* the same as your completely sh1t analogy. Thanks for your contribution.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
So, to summarise: "We know we are falsely advertising the discount, but we don't give a damn. Suck it up."

Yes, it's *exactly* the same as your completely sh1t analogy. Thanks for your contribution.
You've committed the rare sin of managing to libel FarSight and personally attack another member of this forum before one of the moderators noticed.

If you have that many problems with the game and its creators, you probably shouldn't be on this forum. In fact, I've made it so you're no longer on this forum.

Have a pleasant evening.
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