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Everybody here says that Farsight's tables are too easy but for me they aren't. I've beaten a few sure, Scared Stiff, Big Shot, etc. but many others I haven't. I've gotten close on Medieval Madness and Attack From Mars but no cigar. Now I'm playing the Vol 3 tables on FX3 on the old Zen physics and they are as hard if not harder. I can only get through two boxers on Champion Pub for instance. What a nasty right outlane. I've gotten a few magic tokens on Safe Cracker but haven't put up a great score and I've done ok on Theater of Magic but haven't completed all the tricks yet. This is on the "easy" Zen physics. The ball at times seems destined to drain. I play a control style not flow so maybe I'm trying to force things too much. I don't get it. Maybe it's easier if you've played a lot of real life pinball. I've only played one real machine, South Park, so maybe that's it.

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