Well it must be more profitable for them to do real world recreations than their originals now. I have a few Zen originals but they don't hold a candle to the recreations of the Williams/Bally tables. I first got into Zen with their South Park tables which were ok but I still want a recreation of the real life Sega table (the only real world pinball machine I've actually played). Son of Zeus is a visual treat but the feel of it is really off after playing the Williams/Bally tables. Other tables like Adventure Land (sp) are a mess from a table design standpoint, IMO. So between the poor physics and not so great table designs of Zen originals I'll take more recreations every time. The censorship is lame but after listening to the latest Blahcade podcast it doesn't sound too bad for this new pack. Also there's always a chance for everything to be uncensored down the road but who knows. I think it would have been really cool if they made a separate app for these recreations. A true Pinball After Dark game. Anything goes baby!