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I don't know about the mobile versions, but the MacOS version of the app is a HUGE downgrade vs Pinball FX3 on Steam.

Firstly, the rendering resolution is tied to the desktop scaling so on my 4K monitor with no scaling it tries to run at 4K which is hilarious.

Worse still is even if I switched the scaling to 1080p or even go to low resolution mode 720p, I get 60fps but some tables stutter and the scaling causes shimmering graphics, particularly My Little Pony which the DMD stutters before you even launch the ball.

I compared a few tables to the Steam version on my Ryzen 2500U laptop and its a night/day difference.  The graphics just look a whole lot duller/flatter (lack of dynamic lighting?), its really stark on Attack from Mars for example.  Now perhaps the M1 is just THAT weak for gaming, but I'm dubious as the 2500U is hardly a powerhouse either.  I'd be very curious to see it on a Mac using a dedicated GPU to see if this is just a downgrade for the M1 specifically because the Switch version looks better than this.

Perhaps the most frustrating thing is you can't even remap the controller to use the bumpers instead of triggers. 

I also just managed to accidentally open the Apple Arcade overlay over the game multiple times by pressing the left bumper, which left me locked out of the OS entirely as only the last one would close.  Oh and that overlay cannot be controlled using the controller, even the achievements screen (which I only just stumbled onto).  Good going Apple.

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