apple arcade

Apple Arcade is a video game subscription service offered by Apple Inc. It is available through a dedicated tab of the App Store on devices running iOS 13, tvOS 13, iPadOS 13, and macOS Catalina or later. The service launched on September 19, 2019
  1. Zen adds two Star Wars tables to Zen Pinball Party

    Zen adds two Star Wars tables to Zen Pinball Party

    Last month, Zen added two new Star Wars tables to Zen Pinball Party, which is currently exclusive to Apple Arcade. The two tables are Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars The Clone Wars. The tables, which were among the first three Star Wars tables Zen produced, were...
  2. Scared Stiff

    Zen does it again - “Zen Pinball Party” for Apple Arcade

    Well Zen has done it again. More of alienating their biggest supporters, more fracturing of their content, more exclusives locked away on another platform. It’s gotten all rather ridiculous. I am referring to today’s announcement of Zen Pinball Party exclusively for Apple Arcade. A lot of...

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