2014 TPA Resolution Thread


Feb 26, 2013
While FarSight has done a nice job of adding challenges to TPA in the form of Standard Goals, Wizard Goals, and extra incentives like trophy hunting on the PlayStation platforms, do you guys and gals ever come up with your own, personal challenges?

If so, what are some of the TPA accomplishments that you will strive to achieve over the next year? For me (in no particular order):

EDIT: All done (PS4 version)! :cool:

- Earn 250K+ points in Big Shot (yes, I know it is a wizard goal)... On 1/1/14 I got 340K.

- Complete the Backdoor Billion challenge on Bride of Pinbot... did it on 1/4/14
- Complete video mode on any table... did it in ToM on 3/2/14
- Get a top 1,000 leader board score on a table I've owned for months but barely played... Terminator 2 top 700 score on 1/12/15
- Earn 'Super Dude' status with no shortcuts in Dr. Dude.... on 1/12/15
- Overtake Parallax Scroll in the leader boards on a table... a +63K score to overtake him in Dr. Dude on 1/18/15
- Get top 100 leader board score on any table that's been out for a month minimum... earned a top 80 score on only my third game of High Speed (TPA or arcade) on 2/8/15
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
For me the 2014 goal will be simple - complete all of the wizard goals on the PS4 version of the game.

I guess I should finish up the wizard goals on a couple of the PS3 tables that were released after the trophies ran out also. Finishing up through the end of season 2 would probably be a good place to stop on PS3.

I've done all of the ones on your list except the Dr. Dude one I think so that might be a good one for me to try out on PS4 someday.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
The two things I most want to do in TPA are the mamushka, and try a tube shot...


There are shortcuts to getting superdude status in Dr Dude? I really didn't think that Pro Mode sold all that well, especially for Dr Dude :/


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I took it as meaning getting there in one game without any stored progress.. maybe I misunderstood then.


Apart from getting the dude meter advanced from the grab bag, you'd need to get 5 Multi Balls in one game :/

I usually make a persistent challenge for myself to try and get a multiball while the playfield 2x multiplier is on, but I don't think I've gotten Super dude in a single game.


Feb 26, 2013
In Dr. Dude, you start off as a Plain Dude with the goal of reaching Super Dude by completing challenges over and over. There is a random reward where the game will sometimes spot you a Dude level for free (including spotting you Super Dude after only a minute or two of play). That's the shortcut I'm referring to since I have never gotten Super Dude status "manually".


Hmm, weird. I have never been spotted Super Dude automatically. The only thing I have gotten from the bag as a random reward was an advance on the dude meter; you advance one level. If you were at Major Dude you'd become Super Dude.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Yeah, that's probably what was happening there. He probably had stored progress from the prior game and hit the advance one level random reward right at the beginning of the game. I think getting to Super Dude in one game from a fresh ROM status is a good goal but I wouldn't concern myself with avoiding the random reward to advance one level along the way. That wouldn't take anything away from the accomplishment in my mind.


Feb 26, 2013
I didn't explain myself right. There is a Dr. Dude mechanic called "Bag of Tricks", which gives random awards. One award is to advance the Dude meter by one. Another award is called "Super Dude is next", which will give you Super Dude bonuses and "a gazillion points" next time you complete the Dude requirements.

My challenge in 2014 for the table is simply to get to Super Dude without these random awards. I'm not saying getting it is not legit or anything. It's simply a tough challenge for me to do it the manual way.


Feb 26, 2013
First day of the year and I've already cleared one goal. On Big Shot I shot past the 250K goal with a 340K effort. Unfortunately it put me just outside of the top 100 leader board scores for the table (I needed 350K for that), so no 2-in-1 this time.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
While FarSight has done a nice job of adding challenges to TPA in the form of Standard Goals, Wizard Goals, and extra incentives like trophy hunting on the PlayStation platforms, do you guys and gals ever come up with your own, personal challenges?

If so, what are some of the TPA accomplishments that you will strive to achieve over the next year? For me (in no particular order):

- Overtake Parallax Scroll in the leader boards on a table (I did it once in 2013, but he got it back)
I already have, on TotAN on PC. But it's from some kind of bug. Still, I'm gonna count it, because it's the only chance I'll ever have ;)

- Complete video mode on any table
Video mode is easiest to complete (IMO) on ST:TNG :)

Good list though. I'll have to have a think and update this thread. Possibly finish all wizard goals for all tables on all platforms I own TPA for.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
beat my ToM high score of 6.4billion. get in top 5 monthly as much as possible (was 5th, but now 6th in Centaur this month), and get in the top 5 weekly on a table i dont play that much.


Feb 26, 2013
I already have, on TotAN on PC. But it's from some kind of bug. Still, I'm gonna count it, because it's the only chance I'll ever have ;)

Ahh, but did you do it in 2014 (check thread title)? That's what will count for me since I already did it in 2013.

Video mode is easiest to complete (IMO) on ST:TNG :)

That may be cheating for me since I haven't really played that yet. I'll narrow my choices to tables I've played a lot, like MM, AfM and TotAN. Maybe I'll practice it in ToM since it looks doable.

Good list though. I'll have to have a think and update this thread. Possibly finish all wizard goals for all tables on all platforms I own TPA for.

Hmmm, maybe I'll do that too, but only for tables I really play. I'm only on the PS4 for TPA now, and there are maybe seven in Season One that I don't play at all for some reason. I'll go for Wizard completions when S2 and S3 touch down I suppose, to do it in one time period.

beat my ToM high score of 6.4billion. get in top 5 monthly as much as possible (was 5th, but now 6th in Centaur this month), and get in the top 5 weekly on a table i dont play that much.

That's a good idea. If/when Farsight polishes up the PS4 leader boards (they are terrible right now), I'll look into something like that.
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New member
Dec 14, 2013
That may be cheating for me since I haven't really played that yet. I'll narrow my choices to tables I've played a lot, like MM, AfM and TotAN. Maybe I'll practice it in ToM since it looks doable.

That's a good idea. If/when Farsight polishes up the PS4 leader boards (they are terrible right now), I'll look into something like that.

the video mode in ToM is easy. champion pub was easy (but challenging), T2 is kinda hard, its a hit or miss. harley davidson is moderate etc.

im looking forward to the ps4 version, i play the vita the most, too bad the leaderboards arent cross combined! :/

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