Visual Pinball


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Rotate it how?

You download the FS table and just playing it will start the table in full screen. You will want to leave windows in landscape orientation.

The only hangup you will have is that the DMD will be sideways. I believe it's sideways counter clockwise.

You will need to open the script and there is an option for DMD rotation ( I can't remember the exact line in the script) but you will want to change something to =ROR (for rotate right) or =ROL (for rotate left) then you can stretch and place the DMD anywhere you like.
That is a simple single screen setup, it gets a bit more complicated if you start using backglass monitors and whatnot.


New member
May 17, 2013
I'm using a 1280x1024 monitor. If i just start a FS version with 9.2, the game is rotated and stretched. Looks very bad. Tried rotating from the ati control panel, didn't help, as half the image was missing. If i would rotate the monitor, fs versions still are no good, as the aspect ratio is messed up from the stretch.


Mar 25, 2013
Here are my DMD rotation steps for FS tables if you're playing on a single monitor:

1. Load table
2. Open Scripts
3. Find the following setting (may not be exact syntax for all tables):

'Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("rol") = 1

4. Change to the following syntax:

Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("rol") = 1

5. Save table
6. Launch table
7. DMD window should be rotated. Right-click DMD and choose "show border"
8. Resize/Move DMD window where you want
9. Right-click DMD and remove border

Many of the table designers have added the "'Games(cGameName).Settings.Value("rol") = 1" command in the script but have commented it out. So all you have to do is remove the comment, save it, and resize and move the placement of the DMD. But you'll come across tables that do not have DMD rotate command in there. If that's the case you'll have to manually add that command to the script. It's a bit tricky on knowing where to add it but typically its somewhere between 'With' and 'End With'. Example:

With Controller
cGameName = Array(Romset1,Romset2)((BBBUWOptions And (3*cOptRom))\cOptRom)
.GameName = cGameName
.SplashInfoLine = "Big Bang Bar, Capcom 1996"
.HandleMechanics = 0
.HandleKeyboard = 0
.ShowDMDOnly = 1
.ShowFrame = 0
.ShowTitle = 0
.Games("bbb109").Settings.Value("rol") = 1
End With
Controller.Hidden = 0
On Error Resume Next

You may have to play with the location in the script you place the rotate code. You'll know its wrong when the table launches with an error or the DMD doesn't rotate. Also in my example I'm using tables ROM name which I find works more often. It's a pain to do this to each of the tables but worth it.


Mar 25, 2013
I'm using a 1280x1024 monitor. If i just start a FS version with 9.2, the game is rotated and stretched. Looks very bad. Tried rotating from the ati control panel, didn't help, as half the image was missing. If i would rotate the monitor, fs versions still are no good, as the aspect ratio is messed up from the stretch.

Yeah not sure if you can get that working. I think he meant rotate the monitor physically (e.g. put it on its side). If you don't have a good way to do that then the FS tables are probably not going to be worth it.

The other option is to get a monitor that will rotate on its stand. It's the poor mans cab but works pretty damn well.


New member
May 17, 2013
Yeah, i got a nice rotating monitor and found a fix. Set vp full screen resolution to 1280x720. Rotated it looks nice, even with black borders, but it has the right aspect ratio. Would have been nice to have the fs tables play nice with the monitor in landscape mode, even with lots of left and right "padding".


New member
Mar 26, 2012
The vp9.09 has been released.
Finally updated from dx7 to dx9.
Now pretty much all tables run smoothly
Oh sweet, that's an official release now? And does that have the improved physics as well or is that kept as a separate fork for the time being?

Obviously you're the person to ask around here, the more I've been on VPForums the more I've seen your name pop up!


Nov 15, 2013
I had it once, tried to install it again a few months ago, couldn't get a damned thing to work right. Very confusing to get running.

I suppose I will try again now that I've upgraded my PC, but, why does it have to be such a PITA to get running.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Oh sweet, that's an official release now? And does that have the improved physics as well or is that kept as a separate fork for the time being?

Obviously you're the person to ask around here, the more I've been on VPForums the more I've seen your name pop up!

It does not have the improved physics. They wanted to do an official release with as close to full compatibility with the feature set of DX7 VP as possible, and seeing as the improved physics are still in beta and require some table tweaks to get working well in a lot of cases, they were not included.

Still a great release though - plays SO much better on my PC than the DX7 version.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
It does not have the improved physics. They wanted to do an official release with as close to full compatibility with the feature set of DX7 VP as possible, and seeing as the improved physics are still in beta and require some table tweaks to get working well in a lot of cases, they were not included.

Still a great release though - plays SO much better on my PC than the DX7 version.
That makes sense! I'm not sure what the plans are for the physics beta/tweaking thing, but hopefully that gets forked (hope I'm using the right terms here) into the new official DX9 VP sooner rather than later. Having a blast getting existing tables running well with it.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I tried to play the Tron Legacy able they had at VP Universe. All I got was HORRIBLE lag. Like, my game would screech to a halt.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Hey carl, what version of vp are you using to play those newer sterns? I can't get any of them to work.


New member
May 29, 2012
After a couple of tries where I lost my patience and just shut down my old PC without accomplishing anything, I finally got VP working on my old W7 64bit machine.

It used to crash all the time when loading the table data, but this time I uninstalled everything, made some tea, took a few deep breaths and followed the instructions on the VPForums site with full attention. And voila! Suddenly I´m playing Addams Family, Roadshow and Simpsons. (It really shouldn´t have taken me so long, since I´m kinda used to all this romset business from my MAME experince, but it took me ages to realize that the table and the rom are two different elements.)

I gotta say, while the quality of the recreations varies wildly, tables like Addams are very impressive:

Runs super smooth, and the physics feel very convincing - faster and harder than most TPA tables. TAF is one of the very few tables I actually played in real life, and from my memory this feels very authentic.

The biggest thing, though, are the mechanical sounds in that specific table. The flippers have this heavy, loud OOMPH behind them, the bumpers rattle in a very satisfying way - it´s very hard to go back to TPA, where the flippers sound like they were made of cardboard and rubber bands and recorded at what sounds like 11khz.

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