DLC Acheivements not Giving Gamerscore

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I have no idea why they didn't have a 400 gamerscore attached to this game. However, you also reset your table goals by deleting your profile then downloading it.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Well I deleted my profile didn't I, Thinking the achievements would sort themselves out. Probably lost their goals on the other tables too now, totan etc?

Nik Barbour

Asked this on the 'DLC release date' thread first thing this morning - but obviously more appropriate here (didn't spot this thread - only got 5 1/2 hours sleep before work today due to BOPing, not too sharp today - pass the coffee).

Could anyone please give a nice simple xbox idiots guide on how this profile recovery is done (and when its safe / possible to do it.)

Also does anyone have any tips on what backups I should be doing, just been saving everything to the hard drive since I got the xbox last month.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Well I deleted my profile didn't I, Thinking the achievements would sort themselves out. Probably lost their goals on the other tables too now, totan etc?

Actually, now that I think about it, the game data attached to your profile should be recovered along with the gamertag unless it was set offline or something. So even if the table goals are saved there (and I can't imagine they're not just in the save file), they should still not be deleted. Are you sure you didn't delete your TPA save file rather than your gamertag profile?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I would try it without deleting your profile.
1.) push guide button
2.) sign out with any profile you are signed in
3.) on the first page after pushing the guide button go to "Recover Gamertag"

P.S. but the achievements aren't up yet.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I have no idea why they didn't have a 400 gamerscore attached to this game.

XBLA DLC cna't have 200 GS attachached to them, plus even major games have an upper GS limit. They'd run out of points to hand out in X months time (Rockband for instance gives no ahcievements for any of their DLC as you'd be able to get thousands of GS out of them an) as MS cert won't allow for that.

The same issues arrise in PFX2 (only 1 achieve per table) and on PS3 (people complaining you only get bronze trohies). Games with a lot of timely DLC always run into issues on how to hand out achievements and points, which is why you often see ingame achievements (like the tablegoals).

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
He is referring to the recent limit raise on the gamerscore available to XBLA titles from 200 to 400. For example, Spelunky has 400G base. However, I don't believe it is allowable to have achievements in the base product that require additional purchases in the form of DLC in order to unlock. So utilizing the new limit in the base game would only have allowed FarSight to award more gamerscore for the 4 initial tables and would not help the DLC situation.

In general, you're right. Games with a lot of DLC (that have achievements; so not Rock Band) always run into issues with the limits on the rates and totals (Pinball FX 2 are getting close to the hard limit of 99 achievements on one title). I'm fine with the in-game table goals system supplanting the achievements. All I was saying when this was announced is that IF they were going to add one cheevo per DLC table, it should have been the Wizard Goals completion one rather than the trivial local high score one.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
All I was saying when this was announced is that IF they were going to add one cheevo per DLC table, it should have been the Wizard Goals completion one rather than the trivial local high score one.
I think noone here disagrees, including the guys from Farsight (Mika admitted as much).


New member
Apr 16, 2012
So the achievements still aren't on xbox.com. That's pretty lame. :(

TPA DLC came online after the usual marketplace update, so I assume this is why their database (with achievements and leaderboard) isn't updated along with it. In which case it might take till the next maintanance (tuesday?) to implement them.

Nik Barbour

Again - sorry to be an xbox novice, but....
I assume, any scores obtained on any tables since dlc download till database restoration will be wiped, when you re-download your profile. Is that right?


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Again - sorry to be an xbox novice, but....
I assume, any scores obtained on any tables since dlc download till database restoration will be wiped, when you re-download your profile. Is that right?

I think it only applies to achievements, I restored my gamertag and all my table goals were intact. I'm sure scores will be saved too, because of the save file for TPA on the hard drive . :)

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Again - sorry to be an xbox novice, but....
I assume, any scores obtained on any tables since dlc download till database restoration will be wiped, when you re-download your profile. Is that right?

That depends. Each Xbox 360 title is allowed to store a very small amount of data (only a few kilobytes, I believe) on the player's profile itself. Outside of that they must utilize traditional save files. TPA has a 912Kb save file so it seems safe to assume that all player data is stored here instead. It would be great to get confirmation on this from Mr. Reitmeyer though. Anyway, assuming that this is true, recovering your profile should not lose anything. Even if it's not true, and some game data is saved on the profile itself, recovering will only lose unsync'd updates (stuff you did offline). By the way I am speaking only of the local high scores table in your game, not the online leaderboards. It's harder to say what will happen with those, but my guess there is that scores you achieve now will never be posted to them.

Nik Barbour

Thanks guy's!
Better wait till next Tuesday till doing any serious play then.

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