1.2.2 Now Out! (Feedback & Discussion Thread)

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New member
Aug 12, 2012
At first everything was working. Then I seemed to lose TTZ pro menu. So I logged out and then in. That caused me to lose everything but TTZ and TOTAN. Logged out and back in once more and now I seem to have everything again. Keeping fingers crossed!

I did it this way:

Log into your farsight account and make sure you have TZ and/or STTNG (depending on your KS).
Recover purchases
Log OUT of your farsignt account. Make sure you have your paid for tables, but not TZ/STTNG
Log back into your farsignt account, make sure you have your TZ/STTNG.
Lob OUT of your farsight account. Stay logged out.
Go and tap each of your purchased (i.e., not TZ/STTNG) tables. It should say "Connecting" and then dump you into the table. Exit table and get back to "New Tables".
Repeat for every table you purchased.
Once you have all your tables back in My Tables, log back into your farsight account.

At his point, if you have all the tables, it will say "New tables (none)". And all your purchased and TZ/STTNG tables are together and playable without logging in or out shenanigans.

Edit: The trick is you need to get TPA to redownload all the licenses while you are logged out. Then when you log in, they stay licensed.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Just so everyone knows, Apple jumped the gun on posting the update for the $0.99 iOS version. Both iOS versions along with Android and possibly Mac were scheduled to be released tomorrow, December 21st. Just look at the date on the iOS update page and you'll see what I mean.
It's the 21st in Australia, damnit!

How long do we have to wait until it all goes through? Is it safe to say that's why I haven't received my copy of TNG on iOS yet? I don't know whether having a different email address for the App Store and my FarSight account makes a difference or not, either. FWIW I actually completely forgot to back TZ, I can't say this has happened before.

Edit: Now it's working (after logging in and out of FS a few times). So happy! Pro menu isn't there, but that's not really an issue. At least I get to hear that glorious music now :D
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New member
May 18, 2012
Dear forum members, this message is for FarSight employees, thank you.



New member
Jun 13, 2012
Edit: The trick is you need to get TPA to redownload all the licenses while you are logged out. Then when you log in, they stay licensed.

Thanks Worf this did the trick, hopefully others who have been having problems will have similar results!

Count me in amongst those who don't like the forced landscape menu. Not just the forced aspect, but the fact it's locked into landscape one way. I normally hold my iPad with the home button on the left in landscape, so I end up flipping it. I've also seen the prompt for login appear upside down, so clearly not quite right.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Hi, so it appears I have the free version as well. I have purchased a bunch of tables too. Will the free version be updated? Or is it better to buy the .99cent one and then restore my purchased tables after re-downloading everything? If I have to wait a week for the app store to reopen I would much rather pay .99 cents for instant gratification! ;)

Craig Grannell

New member
Sep 30, 2012
Oh my. I love Pinball Arcade, but that front-end interface is utterly dreadful. On the iPhone 4S, load of stuff is wrongly sized or misaligned, and it still persists with SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! SWIPE! It's like a disincentive to buy more tables, because whoever's designing this interface is making them harder to access. The fact the UI menu's in landscape when most people play in portrait is just crap-flavoured icing on already foul icing that covers an otherwise very tasty cake.

They should just get Tuomas Hämäläinen or some other UI designer to design a simple, fast, sleek front-end for iOS—one that enables you to get to your tables fast, and to filter a growing collection really easily. His mock-ups are way better than the dreck in this update. (And it's such a pity when everything else is great.)


New member
Jul 17, 2012
I'm getting so irritated!! My IPad 3 has not updated with Star Trek yet. What's going on?! Why am I not seeing it? Everybody is playing the table but me. :(


New member
Oct 5, 2012
The fact the UI menu's in landscape when most people play in portrait is just crap-flavoured icing on already foul icing that covers an otherwise very tasty cake

Agreed. I reverted to 1.2.1 just to get the old front-end menu and portrait mode back, nevermind STTNG. Constantly rotating the iPad/fiddling with the orientation switch at every table change got old very fast. I may try 1.2.2 again in the near future just to check out STTNG some more (to decide if I want to buy it) but other than for that reason, I'm staying at 1.2.1. I'm just glad I have backups of previous versions to revert to and in this case (for me at least), it's proving to be well worth the little extra step of making a backup.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
I installed the free version a long time ago, but have bought every table since.

Now it seems like the free version hasn't been updated yet in iTunes. Does that mean it's time to pony up the 99 cents for the paid version?

Do I need to delete the free version?

If you switch to the paid version you will have to re-buy all the tables. They are tied to the version in which they were originally purchased.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I normally rush to update as soon as I can.
In this instance I'm waiting.

FS - Try not to destroy the goodwill you've earned...


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I discovered this AFTER I deleted the old "FREE" version that had all my paid tables. So now I have the new version, plus I put back the old version and had to re-download everything again. Any word on the 'free' version being updated?
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