WOW! I love Attack from Mars


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Attack From Mars is probably my favorite 90's pin that I've played IRL. When I heard that it was going to be a part of TPA I was instantly sold on it :)


New member
Sep 8, 2012
AFM is a great table. Its right up there at the top of my favorites list along with MM which is extremely similar of course.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
AFM is an excellent game, more varied and interesting than MM imo, even though the latter is the more desirable/expensive game IRL. My favorite Brian Eddy game has to be TS (the Shadow) though. Hoping for that in TPA some day.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Yes it is a great table. I think MM is above it mostly because of the Memorable quotes from the castle occupies. Also I think Much more accessible. The saucer shot isn't as severe as a castle shot.

May favorites though are No Good Golfers, Monster Bash, Taxi, STTNG, and Cactus Canyon, AFM to follow.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
AFM is an excellent game, more varied and interesting than MM imo, even though the latter is the more desirable/expensive game IRL. My favorite Brian Eddy game has to be TS (the Shadow) though. Hoping for that in TPA some day.

Oh, god, yes, I'd love to see The Shadow in TPA.

I remember last time I played an actual AFM, I was a kid. Final ball drained. I walked away from the machine, and suddenly, I hear a THWACK. I turn around to find the start button on the machine to be flashing. That's a match I won't forget.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It truly is a total package. It does border on being too easy. Racking up a big score is not too difficult. The shots are typically not too challenging to pull off and doesn't hit you with cheap drains down the middle or outlanes. The speed becomes a big factor in adding challenge as the ball starts to really whip around. Plus it has a nice, straightforward ruleset that is easy to understand. The humor and animations are fantastic with great sound/speech. While the basic game is easy getting wizard mode is nicely balanced with some challenging prerequisites. I've loved playing it since it was originally released back in a few locations around where I grew up and I feel fortunate that it still is around in good condition a bit more than other tables from the same time period.


New member
Jun 5, 2013
It's a great table. When I first downloaded TPA a month or so ago it was the free table and it convinced me to get the full app. I've played 8 or 9 tables since and nothing has really replaced it in my affections.

It strikes a nice balance between being understandable and having some depth, the play area is open and uncluttered, the theme really coheres quite well and the effortless humour throughout makes it pretty hard to beat.

Silver Ball Kid

New member
Dec 22, 2013
OK I've had TPA for a couple weeks now and this has become one of my fave tables. I am kicking myself for all the times I chose a table other than this one in a real arcade back in the day. I never played this game in real life and I am regretting it now. Lord knows I had more than enough chances. Always busy with T2: Judgement Day or Funhouse or whatever. This is one that I will surely be seeking out in my pinball travels in the future.

One thing I like about this table is how straightforward it is. My wife keeps saying she wants me to "teach her how to play the right way" and I think this is the table I will start her on. It is laid out in a very logical way and it will be easy to explain to her how to do things in sequence and how to get balls locked and such.



New member
Jan 14, 2014
Complitly agree with you there. Brilliant table.
Hi everybody, i just discovered this game. Quite funny is the fact that spent 250£ on ps4 "AAA" tiltes, but 90% of the time im playing pinball arcade.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Looks amazing in dark mode. I finished all wizard goals on just few tables, now its time fof AFM. Just loves this table, its slylish and lots of fun. My girlfriend plays it all the time.

Thanks for wellcomeing, ps4 wersion is great, but im waiting for couple of bug fixes and season 2 tables. Im playing T2 on ipad :(


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Yeah there's a real AFM at a pizza place near me... I played it a few months ago. It wasn't in terrible shape either. It was set to 5 games for 2 bucks so I dropped in the $2 and lasted a good hour or so. Was funny to see the replay score at only one billion... then it increments up a billion each successive game... no RTU or anything approaching TPA scores but a fun session nonetheless with several replays.

This is my next "revisit" table on the PS4 version. Sitting at #115 right now just begs for improvement...

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