Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3


Jan 28, 2013
Whilst I'm still thinking PS4...

FarSight, I noticed that the low resolution wooden floor texture seemed to make a re-appearance in the E3 demo. I appreciate it was a work in progress.

Please can this be upgraded!

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New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'd really like to see some direct capture footage from Farsight.
They didn't mind showing it off on their FB page and they have the tech to capture.

I just hope it's not the same low resolution table scans with new lighting.
I believe they do this with the PS3/360 versions fo several reasons.
1. To keep the DLC size down.
2. Because they had to snag a few textures from the net.
3. They simply scanned them improperly.

They'll need to start from the ground up and not start with the 360 stuff to build on if they want to do them properly.
There are a few tables on the PS3 where the lower resolution textures on the table graphics stick out and bring down the quality of the entire table.

They should also either get rid of the horrible looking flyer scans (240dpi?) or rescan at at least 1920x1080p.

Oh and if they PS3 doesn't allow music playing on every game via the XMB (I hear M$ has a patent on this) then I really hope they give us that ability IN GAME. Zen has done that from day 1 on their first game and I use it all the time.

First and foremost though I think they need to fix what's wrong on the PS3 (Leaderboards, Black Knight, etc), the menu, add online co-op play, and more.
Since quite a lot of the PS4 buyers will be current PS3 owners I think they should take care of this stuff before shifting to the PS4.
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Sometime FS decision making is questionable, i mean how many other developers would develop just for DX9 and then say that they will add DX10/11 later, its not like DX10/11 is a new development in the world of PC. Why on earth didn't they just develope for both from the start like a normal developer would!!???

Its like the enjoy making a rod for their own back sometimes

Crytek? Crysis 2 shipped as DX9 and added DX11 support later.

We built it for DX9 cause we had a DX9 engine written, and cause Xbox 360 uses DX9 so there is many similarities.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I think we should stop armchair-developing for a bit and see what the PC version looks like at launch before passing judgment.

FarSight has to get 30 tables ready for the PC. If they have a DX9 engine ready to go (and they do, because of the 360), let them use that and spend the time saved finishing up the Steam integration. We can worry about eye candy after launch.


New member
May 16, 2012
So you'd want a new VW Beetle for free because your 40 year old Beetle had wheels and a motor, too? o_O


New member
May 16, 2012
No, that wasn't done by FS. But you should ask Nintendo for a free WiiU as you obviously bought an NES...


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Charging twice for the same game and its dlc packs is not going to win many fans over. Me included.

"When I purchase Battlefield 4 later this year, EA better include discs for both my PS3 and PS4 or I'm done with them!" See how ridiculous that sounds?


Jan 28, 2013
Whilst I'm still thinking PS4...

FarSight, I noticed that the low resolution wooden floor texture seemed to make a re-appearance in the E3 demo. I appreciate it was a work in progress.

Please can this be upgraded!


And before one of you guys mention it...

By 'upgraded', I did not mean carpeted! ;)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I bought Pinbot on NES back in 1990...I should get it for free on every other platform too, right?!

No, but you should have returned it for a full refund.
That game was a stinker. Rollerball by Hal on the other hand was pretty great for it's time.

Jeff Rivera

New member
Jun 18, 2013
I played the STTNG table for a good while at E3. I managed to throw a pretty good score up on the high scoreboard as well. As for the gameplay, it was silky smooth. I've noticed hiccups in framerate on pretty much every platform from time to time, but in the 20-30 minutes I spent on the game at E3 I never saw even the slightest dip. It's not the best place to really judge things, being that you're standing two feet from the TV, but things did look nice and I'm excited to see how TPA plays on the next-gen consoles with the added horsepower with the full range of tables.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I played the STTNG table for a good while at E3. I managed to throw a pretty good score up on the high scoreboard as well. As for the gameplay, it was silky smooth. I've noticed hiccups in framerate on pretty much every platform from time to time, but in the 20-30 minutes I spent on the game at E3 I never saw even the slightest dip. It's not the best place to really judge things, being that you're standing two feet from the TV, but things did look nice and I'm excited to see how TPA plays on the next-gen consoles with the added horsepower with the full range of tables.

Thanks for your impressions. It's good to hear about the smoothness.

Billy Fishtale

New member
Mar 22, 2013
To the smart asses a few posts above who mocked my comment could I ask how come on ios/android you can upgrade your hardware and you don't recur another purchase?!
Not such a silly post now was it.


how come on ios/android you can upgrade your hardware and you don't recur another purchase?!

Because you aren't changing OS when you upgrade hardware within the Android or iOS environment; so long as you remain with the same OS.

However with Consoles the differences between generations is drastic and usually quite massive. I am honestly surprised at the level of entitlement in the latest generations of console gamers. Did NES players get free games when SNES came out? did SNES gamers get free **** when N64 or Game Cube came out, how about WII, etc etc.

Just because it is the same game on a different system owned by the same company doesn't mean that anyone owes you, the consumer, anything beyond the chance to purchase it. If the developer decides to allow for a cross buy in order to bring in nquick customer support and have a ready available set of users to test with, then it is their prerogative. This is not an expected, nor a normalized practice.

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