Recent content by Adam

  1. A

    DX11 Public Beta Now Available

    Installed, working, and gorgeous. Thank you so much for making this beta public. Also, full screen works fine for me with Alt + Enter.
  2. A

    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    I'm still having the issue on my nVidia card, so I don't think it's really an ATI vs. nVidia thing. I am running my computer on a 720p HDTV rather than a regular monitor, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.
  3. A

    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    I've been using max settings. Post Processing On, Anti-Aliasing 16X, Texture Filtering Ansio(x16), Ball Reflection High. Also, just to throw it out there, I'm running Windows 8.1 (64 bit) on an AMD FX 8350 processor. I tried None, 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x, and 16x all with the same result. Perhaps...
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    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    My card is the Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti.
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    PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?

    Is the issue where post processing leaves tables looking incredibly jagged and ugly ever going to be fixed? This has been a known problem for a while, but I haven't heard a single thing about it since 2013. If an answer is buried somewhere in this forum, kindly direct me to it.
  6. A

    Bug 1.26.11 - texture filtering

    I have this issue too. It's pretty noticeable on Pin*Bot.
  7. A

    Season 3: Who Dunnit, Junk Yard and BK2K confirmed!

    "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY" Done. I love all of these tables. If those are any indication of the rest of the season, it may very well be the best one yet.
  8. A

    Table Pack #21 speculation

    Please God let this be a Fish Tales/Cyclone pack.
  9. A

    Goodbye XBOX

    I'm pretty sure I'm done with this game on Xbox. It runs beautifully on my crap video card laptop, has more control options, and actually gets updated on PC. I'm in the "I don't care anymore" club now. At least this nonsense with Microsoft over the past year has made the decision between...
  10. A

    PC Version 1.19.4 Discussion & Feedback

    Three cheers for rumble and four for the incredibly quick update! Now the decision between the 360 pad and the X-Arcade side buttons is a bit more difficult.
  11. A

    Purchases will be handled strictly within The Pinball Arcade - why?

    That's good news...quite frankly I'm really only interested in getting the Season packs as it is. I'm hoping the Season purchases we make now are flagged, though.
  12. A

    It's out! (PC Initial Release Discussion And Feedback)

    Any way to turn off mouse click activated flippers? Not the biggest deal in the world, but I love using the mouse as a plunger and it looks stupid have the flippers go off at the same time. I'm also concerned it will interfere with "hold down left flipper" plunging options.
  13. A

    It's out! (PC Initial Release Discussion And Feedback)

    Really impressed with how smooth this runs...I was scared this would be a nightmare for the mediocre video card on my laptop, but now I'm confident this will be the platform I stick with since the 360 version has been in a coma for a year now. That being said, is there any way to get rumble on...
  14. A

    Full Gamepad Support for Steam version?

    Looking forward to playing it with my X-Arcade side pinball buttons...finally :D
  15. A

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    A re-release that will take me into the darkness? Sounds like we'll get Jive Time after all. Actually, I'm stumped...unless by "it's opposite day" they mean one table will be space themed and the other will not. In that case, it's probably Space Shuttle...maybe Pin*Bot, but probably Space...

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