PC - Bug Will post processing ever be fixed?


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Is the issue where post processing leaves tables looking incredibly jagged and ugly ever going to be fixed? This has been a known problem for a while, but I haven't heard a single thing about it since 2013. If an answer is buried somewhere in this forum, kindly direct me to it.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
We had issues with ATI cards early on. But I believe that got fixed once we got one in our office.

I use a GTX 670 in my work PC, and I'm not seeing any AA issues. Which settings are you using?

Have you tried 2x, 4x, and/or 8x Anti-Aliasing?


New member
Apr 5, 2012
I've been using max settings. Post Processing On, Anti-Aliasing 16X, Texture Filtering Ansio(x16), Ball Reflection High. Also, just to throw it out there, I'm running Windows 8.1 (64 bit) on an AMD FX 8350 processor.

I tried None, 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x, and 16x all with the same result.

Perhaps helpful to know...I did stumble upon a workaround of sorts, where I override or enhance Antialiasing through the NVIDIA Control Panel. If I set Antialiasing to "8xS" the issue seems to resolve itself. For some reason lower settings through the Control Panel don't seem to work, however.
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Sexton Hardcastle

New member
Jun 5, 2013
I split my TPA time between two computers:

-Upstairs HTPC which has an nVidia GTX 660 Ti. Post-processing works perfectly. Well, everything does, actually.
-Downstairs, I have another PC, but that one has my older Radeon 6850. This one also works without issue. That one is my favorite on which to play, because even though I go from a 42" inch TV down to a 24" monitor, the monitor stand allows me to rotate the screen into portrait simply. Tough to go back to landscape after that.


New member
May 30, 2013
so any updates?

Are the Post Prosessing experience on ATI the same as on nVidia Graphic cards now?


New member
Apr 5, 2012
I'm still having the issue on my nVidia card, so I don't think it's really an ATI vs. nVidia thing. I am running my computer on a 720p HDTV rather than a regular monitor, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.


New member
Apr 15, 2012
The problem never was fixed for either nvidia card (660Ti & 770) I used at 1280x720 windowed. For some reason, those settings still have visual artifacts.

I posted in the bug threads several times.
I can provide more info if needed.
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New member
Jun 11, 2012
I'm using GTX 660 running 1200x1920, and the only visual problem I've seen lately has been some vertical lines on the sides of the table occasionally. I'm guessing those are due to the display syncing being a bit off with the nonstandard resolution or something.


New member
May 28, 2014
It appears to be resolution related. I can reproduce on both a GTX 550 and an old 9800 GS. At 1920 x 1080 or 1680 x 1050 post processing works perfectly. Drop the res down, either full screen or windowed and the post processing jaggies appear. Happy to provide more info including screenshots if required.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Here's an example screenshot from AFM at 1200x1920. You can't really see the lines on the side unless the screen is moving which only really happens when you plunge when in portrait mode.


Linking it since it looks like the forum constraints the picture size.

e: Looking at that screen there's some weird aliasing on the cow ramp but I think it's because it's a moving texture and it clips into the playfield or something so it looks wonky because of that.

edit edit: Now that I think about it why the heck is the cow ramp entrance a moving texture anyway. I can't remember any shots under that ramp. That's just weird.
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New member
May 28, 2014
I am running my computer on a 720p HDTV rather than a regular monitor, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

I found that while the TV is 720p, the actual panel resolution can be different. I ran up against this while testing a TV for my cabinet build. While it was a 1080i, the native panel resolution was 1680 x 768. At 720p it looked terrible but was sharp at the native resolution. Unfortunately the post-processing bug is evident at this resolution :(


New member
May 3, 2013
I haven't seen any problems with PP on my laptop connected to 42" FullHD TV running 1920 x 1080p res, on GT 560M 2GB GPU. All GPU options on highest settings and the game runs nice and smoothly.

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