PS3 Version 2.05 Available Now (NA) (Feedback Thread)


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I just wanted to let everyone know that version 2.05 is available now in NA. It's a 240MB update.

I'm not sure what has been fixed, as I haven't noticed anything yet.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Nice, thanks for the heads up. Glad I upgraded my internet speed.
Check for new trophies ... Might just be new table stuff.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
They managed to make the taxi skill shot worse! Full pull now doesn't even make it to 100.
Edit: Gofers too... It doesn't have enough pop to make it up the blue ramp on a plunger shot.
Cirqus doesn't plunge the same as it used to either.
Seems the plunger was weakened in general somehow.

How do they miss stuff like this?
Last edited:


New member
Sep 7, 2012
More worse then before.. They did it again.. The twillight screenshot with the missing post was hillarius ROFL
Fantastic four is back on Zen 2 just fantastic work..

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Please use this thread for general feedback and comments on the update. The bug thread is now for bugs only. Thanks.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
They managed to make the taxi skill shot worse! Full pull now doesn't even make it to 100.
Edit: Gofers too... It doesn't have enough pop to make it up the blue ramp on a plunger shot.
Cirqus doesn't plunge the same as it used to either.
Seems the plunger was weakened in general somehow.

How do they miss stuff like this?

Once again... Why are people so frustrated with FarSight?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
So the only change in the update is that the plunger is weaker?
I don't get it.. and 240MB, isn't that the full TPA frontend + 4 originals?
Farsight.. Please give us a Changelog so we know what is being fixed here.


New member
May 23, 2012
It isn't weaker. Just more realistic. A quick snap back and release of the right analog stick is a full plunge. It took some getting used to for me.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
It isn't weaker. Just more realistic. A quick snap back and release of the right analog stick is a full plunge. It took some getting used to for me.

Maybe a bit of both. I know on a real machine, if I pull the plunger out all the way and let go it hits the ball pretty damn hard... Unless of course there is something wrong with the spring.

I really can't find any differences... Black Knight certainly isn't any better. :(
I just played the most dissapointing game of that ever...
The first ball went through my flipper, then I got multiball and both balls launched straight down the middle followed by the third ball going through a hidden warp zone on the lower level and ending up on the top tier!!

Now is where it gets sad... I was finally about to get my final needed Wizard Goal (extra ball from the bottom tier) on my last ball.
I was shooting for the extra ball light and hit nudge ever so slightly and......
TILT!!! *%^*^%**! :( I nearly threw my controller.
I vow to never play this table again until its fixed. I like it too much to have it ruin the good memories I have of it.

Also the artwork is still backwards on a bunch of the cabs, but the good news is nothing else is broken and the original 4 tables still look fantastic.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I think maybe ill hold off updating until I hear more about this update. I really, REALLY wish they would release update logs!


Nov 11, 2012
Anyone test to see if the Black Hole lower playfield lock bug is fixed?

Darn, just found out about the update after I already went to bed. I actually hooked my PS2 again and played BH and Whirlwind on it, out of frustration with BH on PS3 with that one issue.

Regarding the size of the update, doesn't it hold all the DLC and buying it just unlocks it?

I'm kind of holding back on the DLC tables until all those issues have been fixed, so I appreciate comments especially towards Gorgar and Elvira, old favourites of mine, as well as TMBoP.


Apr 13, 2012
After some quick games:

The plunger works better now in TotAN and TOM.
In MM, the right inlane slows down the ball, there is no acceleration anymore. Yeah. :)

Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
ok taxi is weird i have tried several games and the first shot and only the first shot seems to never make it to 100 after losing the ball i can shot normal again bizarre.

the medieval madness right wire ramp is definitely slowing the ball before dropping on the playfield which is great, no flipper changes tho but this is a start.

not sure what else has changed it would be nice to see a patch list, kinda odd that this patch was dropped on wednesday figured it would come next table pack hopefully they aren't getting charged through the nose for it.

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