Table Pack #17 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Confirmed!

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Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
What do you think will be in #17? I think Tee'd Off is a likely candidate given the image of the season 2 pass...

Hopefully we will get the hint soon and I'll update the OP with it, but until then let's speculate and dream.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
What do you think will be in #17? I think Tee'd Off is a likely candidate given the image of the season 2 pass...

I tried searching high and low.. where is that image??

Also, are we through all of the "blurred out tables" from Shutyertrap's images? I can't seem to recall any that are yet to come.

I guess that leaves unlicensed tables like Roadshow, Diner, Cyclone, High Speed 1/2, F-14 Tomcat, Junkyard and Fish Tales among the obvious choices for upcoming tables - of course, FS would be (and are likely) wise to mix things up a bit, so they aren't using up all the most popular tables all at once.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
After looking at the tables from the recent poll, I'll take pretty much ANY Bally table.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
What do you think will be in #17? I think Tee'd Off is a likely candidate given the image of the season 2 pass...

Hopefully we will get the hint soon and I'll update the OP with it, but until then let's speculate and dream.

I was wondering when this thread would start up! Anyway, I have a few ideas on what Table Pack #17 could be. Tee'd Off seems very likely for the re-release table, but the new table is much more up in the air. Given my druthers, I'd put one of the roller coaster trilogy in as the new table, but I wouldn't object to Seawitch, either, and Earthshaker would be a pretty sweet table to have as well.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
As for Williams re-releases, they also have yet to get Sorcerer and Jive Time out of their system. No doubt they'll appear soon enough. Not particularly excited about either, though.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
As for Williams re-releases, they also have yet to get Sorcerer and Jive Time out of their system. No doubt they'll appear soon enough. Not particularly excited about either, though.

When this whole project started, FarSight stated that those 2 tables were not being considered. Of course, that doesn't mean they can't change their mind.


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Tee' Off seems probable. Hopefully 8Ball Deluxe or SeaWitch for finishing close seconds in the polls. Those are the two I voted for and would be very happy with either.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Rollercoaster Tycoon. I don't think they will pair two dmd tables together, so I am going to guess Victory or Ace High as the re-release.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Well, if it's going off of any of the polls, an EM would be most likely. I'm factoring in the time needed to acquire the game, tear it down, photograph and digitize it. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the original Fireball. King has said he likes the game and it wasn't in the EM poll. I know Pin Wiz said that it didn't make the poll but, how? Fireball is a very popular classic EM that commands decent money. My guess: Fireball and Tee'd Off.
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New member
Sep 13, 2012
Fireball works, because it's obvious that any table announced soon will NOT be in the pinball polls otherwise the table may well have been released by the time that the table is 'announced'

There's no obvious tables missing in the Gottlieb classic, Williams or Bally polls other than Fireball (which was in the other poll)

So either it's a Gottlieb Premier, Stern/Sega/Data East table Bally EM or a Premier table (which to be honest isn't going to happen)

So if it's an electromechanical to pair with Tee'd Off then it'd probably be Fireball.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Teed Off and High Speed is my guess for 17. I think I guess High Speed every month. Eventually I have to be right, don't I?

Fireball would be awesome too.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
So either it's a Gottlieb Premier, Stern/Sega/Data East table Bally EM or a Premier table (which to be honest isn't going to happen)

Bobby said that they won't be doing any Sega/Data East tables until next year.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Bobby said that they won't be doing any Sega/Data East tables until next year.

Then that cuts it down to Gottlieb Premier, Stern or Fireball.

I wouldn't imagine pairing Tee'd Off with another Gottlieb, so it's basically Stern or Fireball.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I tried searching high and low.. where is that image??

Also, are we through all of the "blurred out tables" from Shutyertrap's images? I can't seem to recall any that are yet to come.

I guess that leaves unlicensed tables like Roadshow, Diner, Cyclone, High Speed 1/2, F-14 Tomcat, Junkyard and Fish Tales among the obvious choices for upcoming tables - of course, FS would be (and are likely) wise to mix things up a bit, so they aren't using up all the most popular tables all at once.

The only table left that I saw is Victory. I've been thinking High Speed or The Getaway since Jay dropped those two names in the video. So Victory as the rerelease table, and one of those 2 for the new! Never happen though, as that table pack makes too much damn sense with both being racing themed.
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