1.2.2 Now Out! (Feedback & Discussion Thread)

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New member
Aug 12, 2012
Seriously, guys. I'm an artist and professional graphic designer. If someone at FarSight could just throw me a bone, I'd happily generate some royalty-free graphic assets for your menu interface. No big deal.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
STTNG Update on iOS - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

In addition to what I previously mentioned, I've lost all my hall of fame points on my iPhone, the previous post was regarding my iPad.
No amount ofnlogging out and in fixes my 0'score on iPhone.
On top of that, the new menu is really unresponsive on all my iOS devices (iPad2, iPad3 and iPhone4S)


New member
May 29, 2012
Cool, force quit and reset fixed things. Well, aside from landscape mode, though maybe that's intentional.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Seems to be a hit and miss with the Kickstarter...
Updated the app iOS, logged out and back in, lost all tables, restored purchases, but still a buy now sign on ST:TNG...
From what I can gather from the web, it should work fine with logging out and in again, but not here :(

Ditto. Mine is one of two states: logout/in and have Arabian Nights, TZ and TNG in my purchased tables, or restore purchases and have everything, but the kickstarter tables (I should have both as rewards). I've tried multiple force quits. Well at least I an play them all, but it's a shame the rewards couldn't have been given out more gracefully.

I'll give some more time for it to be sorted, but then I think I'll go back to not using the Farsight account and just buy both of them for my iPad and hope rewards will register better on Wii U!


New member
Jun 24, 2012
So, uh…what do I have to do to get ST:TNG? I backed the Kickstarter project, and got an email awhile back asking what platform I want the table for. Is it just supposed to show up in the app? I sent an email to support to let them know my FarSight email is different from the one I use for Kickstarter (perhaps that's why it's not showing up?). That was only a couple hours ago, so I suppose I just need to wait for a response?

Just anxious to try the new table and wanted to make sure I didn't miss some important piece of info.


New member
May 10, 2012
Could not get my reward for TZ on either android or IOS so I bought them. Same thing now. Tried logging out a couple of times on the android beta and now on IOS but ended up paying for it. That kinda sucks. I do not want to wait to play it just because I payed early on kickstarter. Oh well, what is another 20 $ or so when I have already payed more than 600$ for these two tables. At least it is out early and it seems like a good version except a few things mentioned here already, like the button placement that obscures the right outlane (no surprise there) and the ship being the wrong way. Getting used to those outlanes will take a while. Drain monsters from hell. This seems like a much harder game than TZ, but a good challenge is always welcome. Did not expect to see this before Christmas so mostly happy :)


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Could not get my reward for TZ on either android or IOS so I bought them. Same thing now. Tried logging out a couple of times on the android beta and now on IOS but ended up paying for it. That kinda sucks. I do not want to wait to play it just because I payed early on kickstarter.

Good call. Screw it. I just went ahead and bought it too. I don't feel like waiting, and the reward wasn't really the point of backing the project anyway. Just wanted to make sure it happened, and it did, so it's all good. And now I'm off to play the new table!


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Seriously, guys. I'm an artist and professional graphic designer. If someone at FarSight could just throw me a bone, I'd happily generate some royalty-free graphic assets for your menu interface. No big deal.

Now now. Someone's nephew worked real hard on those graphics in their high school computer class. Got extra credit and everything.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Good news! TNG and Twilight Zone is finally working! Bad news... none of the rest of my tables show as being owned anymore... Oh and I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but the main screen is stuck in landscape mode... Well, at least I've got a couple tables I can play... *Sigh*

I'm having the same exact issue right now. The tables that I have previously purchased aren't registering as being purchased. I contacted Apple and they only refunded Twilight Zone back. :mad: I said what about the rest. They told me I had to contact FarSight. This is crazy!

EDIT: Okay problem fixed. I have all of my tables, however I have to redo the standard and wizard goals. :( Btw guys/gals, I can't seem to get ST:NG on my new IPad. I restarted my IPad and I still don't see it. Am I doing something wrong?
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Well, I believe I'm going back to v1.2.1...ST:TNG is a great table from what I've played but I did not purchase it yet. What's irking me the most is the virtually forced landscape mode...I'm really getting tired of rotating the iPad and/or constantly making use of the iPad's side switch to rotate the screen to portrait which I have always used. I don't think I've rotated the screen or used the switch in the past more than I've done so in the last couple of hours after downloading. Or maybe I should force myself to use landscape. OTOH, I've got plenty of tables to keep me busy without ST:TNG. Hopefully, the menu system will be corrected in the next version.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
I don't see an update. I have the free version with 3 paid tables. The
$0.99 version shows STTNG. Do I have to buy that to get access to it?


New member
Sep 23, 2012
I don't see an update. I have the free version with 3 paid tables. The
$0.99 version shows STTNG. Do I have to buy that to get access to it?

Same question here.

Also, what exactly is the difference between the two versions, other than 99 cents? It's a bit confusing.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Just so everyone knows, Apple jumped the gun on posting the update for the $0.99 iOS version. Both iOS versions along with Android and possibly Mac were scheduled to be released tomorrow, December 21st. Just look at the date on the iOS update page and you'll see what I mean.

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Could not get my reward for TZ on either android or IOS so I bought them. Same thing now. Tried logging out a couple of times on the android beta and now on IOS but ended up paying for it. That kinda sucks. I do not want to wait to play it just because I payed early on kickstarter. Oh well, what is another 20 $ or so when I have already payed more than 600$ for these two tables. At least it is out early and it seems like a good version except a few things mentioned here already, like the button placement that obscures the right outlane (no surprise there) and the ship being the wrong way. Getting used to those outlanes will take a while. Drain monsters from hell. This seems like a much harder game than TZ, but a good challenge is always welcome. Did not expect to see this before Christmas so mostly happy :)

Pretty much the same situation as I had,karl. Paid for TZ although I had backed it , but chalked it up to not knowing exactly what to do and impatience; and as Stormchild said , was happy to help bring it into being so a little extra didn't freak me out. No problem getting STTNG this time though as I was sure to have a login set up on the mobile after TZ and it was in place this time without difficulty. Apparently don't have the pro version though -nor any other pro versions though I've bought them all. However,I think it should straighten itself out eventually as itunes has been very good at never double charging me for past purchased items , so I expect that I should get them all back for free even if it requires a full restore (knocking on wood , mind you ;) ).

Very pleased to get the beta version now - big surprise for Xmas- and it looks wonderful . Well done , Farsight! The new menu format will take some getting used to, and, as has been mentioned above , the menus are available only in landscape mode rather than allowing changing to portrait. Would like to have the option of both portrait and landscape for that from the beginning ,if possible, but not a big deal at present. :)

Update: As I expected, and hoped for, if you are being prompted for a pro version that you have purchased previously , just click yes and give your password (if required-I didn't need to for STTNG ). It will( should ) quickly tell you that you have previously purchased it and will begin an immediate download again at no additional charge.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
happy as a pig in doodoo

love the difficulty

launcher buttons pretty akward

mr la forge see if you can modifiy placement or custom

make it so!

merry xmas


New member
May 23, 2012
I'm unable the restore my tables. The app just crashes when I select "yes".


New member
May 18, 2012
I got a crash of the app (I'm on iPad 3, 5.1.1) about 5 seconds after I launched it for the first time after the update


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