Request Addams Family Pinball Twitter Mamuska!


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Has anyone tried this before? Could we try and use social media like Twitter and Facebook to contact some of the actors involved in The Addams Family Movie. We could let them know we would appreciate their approval of FS acquiring the Addams Family Table. I'm just posting this as an idea, something positive the community could possible do to get things moving! Any other ideas are welcomed!

Jimmy Workman - Pugsely Addams - (Twitter account unknown)
Christina Ricci - Wednesday Adams (Twitter fan page @ChristinaRicci)
Christopher Hart - THING - (Twitter account unknown)
Christopher Llyod - Uncle Fester (Twitter account unknown) Fan page
Anjelica Huston - Morticia Addams (Twitter fan page @AHuston_Fanpage)
Carel Struycken - Lurch (Twitter account unknown)

A lot of fake accounts on Twitter, hard to find. Perhaps Facebook is the way to go! Unfortunately I don not use/want Facebook.

My Twitter @JetFueledFan
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New member
Nov 19, 2012
I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I don't think bugging people will help any cause.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
FS has to WANT to do this, and as far as we all know, they haven't said a word about it.

Heh yes, you forgot whoever owns the estate of Raul Julia too.

And this would absolutely need a kickstarter


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Didn't forget Raul Julia, just don't know who to contact! But thanks though Skill_Shot! Maybe you know!?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Like a lot of people, it's my favorite table of all time. FS know it is loved and wanted. If they can find a way to make it happen, they will. I think it best to leave it to them.

Tony C

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Apparently, it was in Raul Julia's will that his likeness could not be used after his death. I think his estate would rather follow that to the letter than try to interpret whether a particular recreation of a previously licensed work complies with the stipulation in his will. TAF is one of my all time favorites, too. I hope that FS can work through it, but if not, we'll still have a good collection of digital recreations.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The whole Raul Julia's likeness thing has no substance. The will was never made public so nobody can know this.


The will was never made public so nobody can know this.

one can supposedly buy (a copy of) his will, that might clear up any lingering questions ...

RAUL JULIA Document Price: $20.00
The darkly handsome actor who starred with equal aplomb as Othello on stage and lusty Gomez Addams in the movie "The Addams Family," died in 1994 at age 54. We offer his remarkably detailed 37 page will, the death certificate showing the deceased's name as Rob Hunter, and an affidavit from his doctor stating that Mr. Hunter and Mr. Julia were one in the same.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
His name sounds so Hollywood ~ Rob Hunter , for him to go "ethnic" with his celebrity name is funny , in the 40-50's a guy named Raul Julia would naturally name change to Rob Hunter , not the other way around.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
The whole Raul Julia's likeness thing has no substance. The will was never made public so nobody can know this.

I did some quick googling to find any proof of this and the closest I came were posts on this very site.
Urban legend started by Pinball Arcade?


New member
Jan 27, 2013
Yeh, that will is an oddity, since his birth name was Raul Rafael Carlos Julia y Arcelay, son of Raúl Juliá and Olga Arcelay, per his official biography. Kinda sheds doubt on the will, IMO.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
FS has to WANT to do this, and as far as we all know, they haven't said a word about it.

Heh yes, you forgot whoever owns the estate of Raul Julia too.

And this would absolutely need a kickstarter

Seriously? You actually think FS is sitting up there in the mountains going, "I don't know about this TAF table. I mean sure, it sold the most of ANY table to date, but would it really be a good fit with our game?"

They absolutely want this table, as it is probably the number 1 most requested table for them to do! Not only that, but Bobby has stated as much, numerous times. The main number one issue is they can't even get a conversation going with certain parties (it might not just be Raul, but also the Addams estate) to find out how much the license would cost. Only then can they even think about how much a kickstarter for it would be.

Don't think for a minute they aren't actively trying for this table. It's delicate, they are trying to inquire in discreet non intrusive manners, and having us blindly tweet to people that may have nothing to do with the hang-ups of licensing this beast is not going to do a lick of good.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I find it such bull ****. When your dead, its over. Why bother? Its a game for christ sake.

They earned alot with this pin, and there next of kin can get some more, and thousands of fans are happy.

We all win on it, come on!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Right before Raul died, there was a commercial where they digitally inserted Gene Kelley dancing with a vacuum. There was also a commercial with John Wayne drinking Pepsi. There was a general disgust among the talent community at the ability to now have a long dead performer be used to hawk products. It was seen as tainting their legacy. Everybody got real fearful that the same would happen to them. You really can't blame them.


New member
Jan 20, 2013
I don't see why we need to pay them at all... The game is ~25 years old at this point. I feel the same way about HS2 and the whole La Grange thing. The world we live in is pretty screwed up.

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