Allow Game Launch?


New member
Aug 30, 2015
Hi all, for a long time now, I have been getting a dialog generated by Steam when autolaunching Pinball Arcade via the FreeCamMod. This didn't happen when I first setup my cabinet about a year ago. It says...
Allow Game Launch. Pinball Arcade is attempting to launch with the optional parameters shown below:
"C:\Program Files\blah blah\PinballArcade11.exe" %command%
Cancel OK

If I hit OK, it actually launches the DX9 version of PBA.

Any ideas or suggestions to avoid this prompt?


New member
Mar 12, 2015
To avoid this prompt, Steam should be launched with Admin rights, if you're 100% sure this is the case and UAC is also disabled, you can also try this: go where your steam games are located (Steam/SteamApps/Common), right click on PinballArcade folder, Properties, Security Tab then make sure "Authenticated Users" have full control on this folder.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Hi NoEx, I have the same problem of steam requesting to OK that promt. I had set the command manually under steam start options.
I tried everything you suggested, but it didnt't work.
Haven't played TPA for a few Months, but back then it worked just fine.
I am eager to try out your and freezys great new stuff...


New member
Aug 30, 2015
Even after NoEx's suggestions, I still can't get the prompt to go away. I, too, wondered if something in Steam had changed and that I may reverse. If it makes a difference, I'm using Windows7 Pro 64bit.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Win7 64 for me too. At least when I set the command directly in steam startup settings the game launches in dx11.
But still strange since it worked without the prompt before ...


New member
Oct 2, 2016
I have the same Probleme.
I have Window 7 64 Bit. The problem begins in June. Since June I have try a lot of things but nothing works for me.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Damn. No luck for me either...
Maybe someone can confirm that the mod is working without the nasty prompt under win 7 64 with latest versions including steam?


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Browsing the steam forums it seams to be a steam security "feature" (stupid annoying bug) whenever a third party app sends some launch parameters.
Maybe you could remove the dx11 launch parameters from the mod or make it optional?
We still can set it in steam launch options directly.
The prompt is totally annoying as the window is hidden as has to be brought up an then click OK.


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Yes I can, but without command line, game autolaunching by the mod won't work properly, you won't be able to start DX11 version of the game.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
No that is no good. I thought autolaunch and start as dx11 were two separate things.
Well, maybe we find another solution.


New member
Dec 7, 2016
Yeah, I'm caught in this one as well. So does Steam consider this a bug or is this how things are from now on?


New member
Dec 7, 2016
I've worked my way around it by using PinballX, which I was already planning on using anyway, was just using the CameraMod directly while I was working on setting up my cameras. I was planning on the CameraMod launching TPA but since that doesn't work I'm using PinballX to launch it as a 'Launch Before' program before it launches Steam -app launch directly. And then having PinballX launch the dmdext utility as something to launch when PinballX starts up.

Seems to work and I'm getting so close to having things setup the way I want (be 'seamless' and just launch directly into PinballX without having to click around anywhere - mostly for kids to just play by hitting a button and to keep up the illusion that it is a real pinball table). Just have a few issues:

1. Wonkiness in PinballX selecting the right table.
2. Finding the right CameraMod views to fill up the playfield screen with as much of the playfield as possible without seeing anything else off to the sides (that illusion thing again).
3. Performance issues on the TPA tables when using the CameraMod - works fine running TPA without it but then again doesn't obviously use the backglass and DMD monitors at the same time then.

...but those are for another post(s).

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