Bug Android Version 1.0.10 Bugs

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New member
Jul 26, 2012
No, it doesn't seem to work at all.

Is it just me, or does BK seem generally rough around the edges? I've only played about five times and have already seen lots of bugs.

The table honestly behaves and feels very Alpha/beta to me.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
The table honestly behaves and feels very Alpha/beta to me.

I wont say its polished, but its come a loooooong way since at least the ios beta (when it was basically unplayable). But yea it's still a WIP.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
I wont say its polished, but its come a loooooong way since at least the ios beta (when it was basically unplayable). But yea it's still a WIP.

Now I wish I'd paid for a different set of tables until this gets cleaned up. Oh well.

We need physical control mappings more than ever now.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Anyone else think that BK on camera 2 doesn't pan the camera up in time to make the flipper shot accurate when launching the ball?

Yeah... I'd thought that was just a performance issue with my phone (the frame rate also goes way down during the pan).

It also seems physically harder to make the shot than in PHoF (the ball bounces more unpredictably), but I wouldn't be surprised if that's a feature of the real game rather than a bug. It used to be I could lock three balls in the upper lock right off the plunger almost 100% of the time, which made Black Knight's multiball feel a little too easy.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
I'm in a similar boat; Every BK (and BK2000 for that matter) has had weak flippers making the left ramp shot nearly impossible - but now it seems (as Vader would say) "All too easy".

Yeah... I'd thought that was just a performance issue with my phone (the frame rate also goes way down during the pan).

It also seems physically harder to make the shot than in PHoF (the ball bounces more unpredictably), but I wouldn't be surprised if that's a feature of the real game rather than a bug. It used to be I could lock three balls in the upper lock right off the plunger almost 100% of the time, which made Black Knight's multiball feel a little too easy.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Just wanted to thank Ryan for the anisotropic filter which looks even better on my new Samsung Galaxy S III. :D

By the way, I've fallen in love with The Pinball Arcade all over again as it looks absolutely amazing on the Galaxy S III. I had no idea how much work you guys actually put into the mobile versions of these tables until now. Also, all tables run silky smooth and I have to say, this is the absolute best experience I've had playing The Pinball Arcade on any Android device. Thanks again.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Just wanted to thank Ryan for the anisotropic filter which looks even better on my new Samsung Galaxy S III. :D

By the way, I've fallen in love with The Pinball Arcade all over again as it looks absolutely amazing on the Galaxy S III. I had no idea how much work you guys actually put into the mobile versions of these tables until now. Also, all tables run silky smooth and I have to say, this is the absolute best experience I've had playing The Pinball Arcade on any Android device. Thanks again.

oh you got new phone? no more EVO 3D?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
oh you got new phone? no more EVO 3D?

My HTC EVO 3D went to my 7 year old daughter (after putting restrictions on the phone of course) and she's rocking The Pinball Arcade as well...without having to take my phone away from me anymore. :D

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
My HTC EVO 3D went to my 7 year old daughter (after putting restrictions on the phone of course) and she's rocking The Pinball Arcade as well...without having to take my phone away from me anymore. :D

Plus daddy gets a new toy as well. It's a win-win. :)

Nik Barbour

Bug:- Landscape play speed sporadically goes x2 (twice as fast as should be - super powerball).

Most noticable in Funhouse. But happens in all tables.

Triggered more often with textures on high. But does also happen on normal.

Portrait speeds are all perfect - no faults in portrait.


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Just wanted to thank Ryan for the anisotropic filter which looks even better on my new Samsung Galaxy S III. :D

By the way, I've fallen in love with The Pinball Arcade all over again as it looks absolutely amazing on the Galaxy S III. I had no idea how much work you guys actually put into the mobile versions of these tables until now. Also, all tables run silky smooth and I have to say, this is the absolute best experience I've had playing The Pinball Arcade on any Android device. Thanks again.

Also an appreciative thank you and heads-up that the sound issues that plagued my Evo 4LTE appear to be completely gone with the newest update. Seems as though overall performance has improved as well; this version plays near as well as the Vita version does. Thanks again for the work on this.


New member
Jun 23, 2012
In the leaderboards when choosing My Score it always says None.
Overall and Friends scores show up fine though.


New member
May 16, 2012
BK: When the balls are releases for multiball, and I do not use the upper left flipper, it goes SDTM.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
got all the wizard goals fine, but there are definitly glitches

okay so i played both tables ALLOT I actually got the wizard goals for both new tables already. Superjackpot on creature seems tough but once you master jugling your multiball between flippers and holding one on a flipper while keeping the other in play it gets allot easyer.

I did see a bunch of glitches on my ASUS transformer tf101 (the first gen transformer)

The most annoying is on Creature when entering a high score it is impossible to do so without hitting the left or right flipper a million times to move over to the next letter, ive been able to enter mine but it involves repeatedly hitting the button and hoping you can fiinish all 3 before the timer runs out.

Another not so important glitch on creature is if you start a new game and immediatley plunge the ball at the start of the game it somtimes launches the ball out of the table backwards.

the only other glitch i found on creature was one of the lights on the right side of the table shows the wrong texture when it is lit. It's the one going to the slide where you collect M and is the closest of the lights to the player on that row.

Black Knight has some glitch on the upper flayfeild where the ball can go inside the upper left flipper. Also all the camera angles seem to not let you fully see that upper left flipper which can really mess your chances of locking a ball up. Williams challenge had a much better on top angle that let you see this flipper very nicley.

Sometimes when you activate multiball the score counter gets stuck on blinking the number 3 or 2 for the rest of the entire game (ball after ball) not letting you see your score

Also I dont know if it was my imagination or what but I swear one time I hit it into the lower playfeild ball lock and it magically apeared immediatley rolling down the mystery score ramp like it had warped, that was really wierd.

Even with all these gliches I had lots of fun getting the all the wizard goals and I can't wait till the next new batch of tables. thanks for making an awesome game :)

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Also I've just discovered something which might yield a huge boost in performance.

Have you ever noticed that in Zen even when portrait is selected that the screen orientation is actually landscape? I think this is something to do with how Android uses the GPU. I don't know the technical reason, I just know that when I play TPA in landscape format its lots smoother. The general Android OS is much smoother than in portrait too. I really think this is something that needs looking in to!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Ok, after a few days using the Samsung Galaxy S III, I've decided to go back to HTC and got myself the HTC EVO 4G LTE. I must say, the framerate is much more consistent on the EVO LTE than is was on the Galaxy S III, so I'm very satisfied in that regard. Also, as already stated, the sound issue on the EVO LTE has been fixed and is no longer a problem.

@Ryan...Can you please update The Pinball Arcade to ICS Android 4.0 to get rid of the black bar menu that appears at the bottom of the screen with apps that have yet to upgrade to ICS. You guys don't use the Menu as it is, so there's no reason for it to be there anyways. Once you upgrade The Pinball Arcade to ICS, the black bar will disappear from the bottom of the screen and the Menu would then be accessed by holding down the soft Home key (if you guys ever implement a need for the Menu). Thanks and hope you can take care of this soon.

Nik Barbour

Please keep support for Gingerbread devices - at least until mid April 2013 (upgrade day). :D

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Can the tables be made darker like the console versions or is that not possible? Medieval madness is so busy it's hard to see the ball.

Will we be getting PHoF mode?
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