Bug Android Version 1.4.2 Bugs

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New member
Mar 5, 2012
Which build is the latest now? I've got both AndroidPinballActivity3.apk and AndroidPinballActivity_A.apk but not quite sure which one to install :confused:

Nik Barbour

Which build is the latest now? I've got both AndroidPinballActivity3.apk and AndroidPinballActivity_A.apk but not quite sure which one to install :confused:

ends Activity3.apk is the last one posted.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
hey so ive tested flippers getting stuck in the upward "flipped" position, on multiple tables using my phone. Only one flipper stays up in every scenario.

Ok. For ex. if you would like the left flipper to stay up (without pressing on your device), do the following....

1. Press down on the left side of the screen and swipe to the right side of the screen and then back to the left without releasing your finger. When you let go of your finger when it is back to the left side, the left flipper will stay flipped upward.
2. This happens doing the opposite with the right flipper as well.

*Sorry, start by pressing the right side of the phone, if you want the left flipper to get stuck. (this may vary actually, because i could of swore it was the opposite when I played earlier)
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