Another eternity until DLC 1 is released.

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New member
May 29, 2012
Wow, just checked out the new gameplay videos you guys were talking about, they look stunning! Now this is why I bought a proper console for. I mean, I love how quick the DLC on iOS is, but I think I prefer the version with slower updates but better visuals. While I love tables like Monster Bash, they look so dry and sterile on iOS - and honestly, I'm starting to get a bit sick of the blue walls and the space carpet ;)

A big part of why I love pinball are are the flashy, neon arcade aesthetics, and this is exactly what I'm seeing here.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
what about the bug in rbion that makes it unplayable?

This post you made was very vague and could have been any number of bugs which led me to ask you a simple answered it and I thanked you for it.


@ Forum Superstar

This post you made was very vague and could have been any number of bugs

at least we agree that there are many

my god, my wife complained less

i wish, i wouldn't have to - but since all you guys can say is "thank you" - nothing would change
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
@ Forum Superstar

at least we agree that there are many

I have posted countless bugs on these forums and have sent many bug reports to FarSight as well. As a matter of fact, I'm in the process of putting together yet another bug report to send to FarSight. There is definitely much work left to be done to get The Pinball Arcade to the level we all expect as consumers.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Wait, you mean there are people who like this game, who may even be!? on this here forum called

Say it ain't so!

wish, i wouldn't have to - but since all you guys can say is "thank you" - nothing would change
Yes you are our saviour, thank you for all the bugs that you singlehandedly helped fixing. Oh my those are mighty long arms you have, does that come in handy patting yourself on your back?
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who may even be

i consider myself as a pinball fan – but a fan is not equal to a fan, there are fans and there are brainless shells.

Yes you are our saviour, thank you for all the bugs that you singlehandedly helped fixing.

No i’m no saviour and i never said that. I don’t fix bugs – this is not my job and unfortunately i’m not able to do it. But i have a job and in my profession i’m considered as on of the best and this is all i’m asking for, that everyone gives their best in whatever someone is doing.
This is the way i was raised.
My Father always told me – if you can’t do a thing properly than pass it on to someone who can make the best out of it. Everything for the cause. If you can’t cook – don’t open up a restaurant. If all you can came up with is some mediocre s*it – don’t be selfish – and pass it on.

This is what he told me – and this is what i did and still do. Therefore i am where i am. Making a good job.
If more people would have been educated in their childhood – many things would be different, but unfortunately fools raising fools these days.

Nowadays people are satisfied with everything, they’ve stopped demanding (and giving of course). Apple is the best example – everything they produce is mediocre. Everyone with a little bit of brain knows and sees that it is just mediocre hardware at best. And what do the people do? The pay 3 or 4 times more than the whole piece of …. is worth – and even worse, people wait in front of the stores the whole night just to get ripped off.

They are waiting to get ripped off – and still smiling and furthermore being proud about it. Running around and showing their new apple product – „look i’m so stupid, i got ripped off but laugh nevertheless“

When i was growing up there where some kids playing soccer, football and hockey. And as i wanted to join – they kicked my ass but allowed me to carry the water for them. I’ve trained every minute and after a while i was one of them and we kicked another kids ass – and on and on.
We are ending up being 15 or more kids in our neighborhood who can beat everyones ass at any time on a hockey, soccer or footballfield. And i was glad they kicked my ass.

I’m sure if farsight needs a computer for their work – they want the computer to work properly. So Farsight is demandig craftsmanship from other professions but are not willing do deliver craftsmanship themselves.
And although a pinball game is one of the easiest games to make (a lot of work though but easy nevertheless) they are, after more than 20 years, still not able to do it properly. And don’t forget compared to PFX they don’t even need to design a whole table all they have to do is make some hd-photos of an already existing one.
And if you take a look at their outcome so far – just average or below average titles at best.
More than 20 years in business for god's sake.

So maybe it is better to try something else. I don’t know, but maybe they would be outstanding hairdressers or dog sitters or whatever. Everyone is good at something.

So giving the best and demanding the best sounds fair to me.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
i consider myself as a pinball fan – but a fan is not equal to a fan, there are fans and there are brainless shells.

No i’m no saviour and i never said that. I don’t fix bugs – this is not my job and unfortunately i’m not able to do it. But i have a job and in my profession i’m considered as on of the best and this is all i’m asking for, that everyone gives their best in whatever someone is doing.
This is the way i was raised.
My Father always told me – if you can’t do a thing properly than pass it on to someone who can make the best out of it. Everything for the cause. If you can’t cook – don’t open up a restaurant. If all you can came up with is some mediocre s*it – don’t be selfish – and pass it on.

This is what he told me – and this is what i did and still do. Therefore i am where i am. Making a good job.
If more people would have been educated in their childhood – many things would be different, but unfortunately fools raising fools these days.

Nowadays people are satisfied with everything, they’ve stopped demanding (and giving of course). Apple is the best example – everything they produce is mediocre. Everyone with a little bit of brain knows and sees that it is just mediocre hardware at best. And what do the people do? The pay 3 or 4 times more than the whole piece of …. is worth – and even worse, people wait in front of the stores the whole night just to get ripped off.

They are waiting to get ripped off – and still smiling and furthermore being proud about it. Running around and showing their new apple product – „look i’m so stupid, i got ripped off but laugh nevertheless“

When i was growing up there where some kids playing soccer, football and hockey. And as i wanted to join – they kicked my ass but allowed me to carry the water for them. I’ve trained every minute and after a while i was one of them and we kicked another kids ass – and on and on.
We are ending up being 15 or more kids in our neighborhood who can beat everyones ass at any time on a hockey, soccer or footballfield. And i was glad they kicked my ass.

I’m sure if farsight needs a computer for their work – they want the computer to work properly. So Farsight is demandig craftsmanship from other professions but are not willing do deliver craftsmanship themselves.
And although a pinball game is one of the easiest games to make (a lot of work though but easy nevertheless) they are, after more than 20 years, still not able to do it properly. And don’t forget compared to PFX they don’t even need to design a whole table all they have to do is make some hd-photos of an already existing one.
And if you take a look at their outcome so far – just average or below average titles at best.
More than 20 years in business for god's sake.

So maybe it is better to try something else. I don’t know, but maybe they would be outstanding hairdressers or dog sitters or whatever. Everyone is good at something.

So giving the best and demanding the best sounds fair to me.

I'm going to leave all of your comments alone and state a simple fact here, since that's the way you seem to operate.

Farsight is making a consumer product. Consumer products succeed or fail based on the consumers purchasing or not purchasing them. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. Plain and simple. This being a place that was created by a fan of a consumer product for fans of that product, you would expect that it's going to be frequented mostly by people who really enjoy that product, warts and all, and are pulling for it to succeed. You coming here and personally attacking those people doesn't really seem to serve much of a purpose except to stroke your own ego.
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Jun 28, 2012
Consumer products succeed or fail based on the consumers purchasing or not purchasing them.

This seems to be the point that Franky was pointing at. Products should succeed or fail based on the Quality i.e. Apple = Bad Quality but Successful, because People buy without thinking.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I'm going to leave all of your comments alone and state a simple fact here, since that's the way you seem to operate.

Farsight is making a consumer product. Consumer products succeed or fail based on the consumers purchasing or not purchasing them. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. Plain and simple. This being a place that was created by a fan of a consumer product for fans of that product, you would expect that it's going to be frequented mostly by people who really enjoy that product, warts and all, and are pulling for it to succeed. You coming here and personally attacking those people doesn't really seem to serve much of a purpose except to stroke your own ego.

I have aired my fair share of criticisms on this forum, but I have always done it constructively. There is nothing wrong with having a beef, but when people start blatantly attacking forum members and Farsight it really detracts from their argument.


@ Danielito

exactly, at least someone gets the point - congratulation, you are obviously a thinking person.

@ DopedToInfinity

sometimes smoke is not enough and you need to start a fire. people especially fanboys are very stubborn - all i want is that people start getting their heads out of ..... and say something like:

"he farsight people we are willing to support you, we already paid for your license and we will pay for the product as well but we would like you to do your job more carefully. That you test your program BEFORE selling it. That you response more often to known bugs or other problems. That you stop throwing tables out instead of fixing all the bugs first."

You know - something like that - because that's our right - and that's the way EVERYONE would talk to a carpenter if the work isn't done correctly. This is business as usual, this is how it works - a give and take. And no serious company would be mad about it.

I've studied psychologie and economics and i work as a consultant for many years now and i saved a lot of asses. The majority of the companies i've saved made the same mistakes - they want everything to quickly and their work is just too sloppy.
If i would be farsight, besides the fact that i would only release a table when it is PERFECT, i would spend 1 hour EVERY DAY on this forum answering questions. And if farsight would be my client, that's one point that i would suggest them.

There is one sentence i always say to my clients and it's: "Credibility is Success is Credibility". Everything comes and goes with this. Farsight is in the business for more than 20 years and they still can't effort a pinball license and still sitting in a shack in the woods making mediocre pinball games. To me it seems that they make some wrong decisions on their long way and i've seen it all. And don't come up with: "farsight is a small company" - EVERY company started small - farsight is not a small company, farsight is STILL a small company.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
They said we'd see the 360 DLC by mid-July, so we should see it on either 7/3, 7/10, or 7/17.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Point of information: I think I speak for the majority in saying that we're not thanking FarSight when they answer our questions on this forum because we're being obsequious or that we think they're gods. We're thanking them because it's simple common courtesy to thank someone when they take time out of their busy day to answer a question when they have no obligation to do so.

The blown out lighting has been fixed. The tech used is different (DirectX vs SPU Effects). I'm not sure if we plan to redo the post processing, the lighting looks really good on the next release. Once it's out, let us know what you think.
Good to hear the lighting is turning out well, thanks! Do you know if the 360 is getting the random-color neon for CV this update?

So maybe it is better to try something else. I don’t know, but maybe they would be outstanding hairdressers or dog sitters or whatever. Everyone is good at something.
Hairdressers? Really?

I think it would be better for you to try something else, rather than continue to argue ad hominem on this forum. If you want to criticize the bugs in FarSight's products or their handling of those bugs, fine. We do a lot of that here, believe it or not. But the available evidence does not support a charge that FarSight's employees are grossly incompetent at their present line of work, and even if it did, that still does not warrant you insulting them en masse on this public forum.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Farsight have been really good answering questions and bug reports of late on the forums. You raise a few good points with regard to a polished product being released, and I agree with that.

The thing I don't agree with is being rude and flaming, any student of "Psychologie" would agree that it would yield poor results :)

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Franky, as I explained to you privately, attacking other users that have differing opinions isn't tolerated here. Constructive criticism is welcome, and encouraged, but you keep omitting the "constructive" part. Yes, many of us feel FarSight could be doing things differently, but nearly all of us feel they're making progress in many regards. Yes, I'm annoyed that there are bugs that haven't been fixed, but instead of bashing them I'd like to help them fix the problems. Yes, they need to do more testing before the product goes out the door, and that's why I was happy to hear that they hired two new testers; Jake, who has been posting here a lot, is one of them.

I'll say this once again: attacking users is not acceptable. Posting constructive criticism is welcome, and encouraged.


Farsight have been really good answering questions and bug reports

you guys have a three question poll running. as i said - ONE HOUR EVERY DAY - but look, i don't want to make any trouble i guess it's my profession and the fact that i've seen it all, all this mistakes farsight is making - i've seen it a hundred times. And it is ALWAYS the same ALWAYS in EVERY company - small or big. You're right i was rude and i appologize for that but stubborness either from consumers or (and even worse) from companies makes me angry. As i've said, i work and worked with such companies my whole life.
And what makes me even more mad is, when a company is wasting potential. Another Sentence i have to use almost everyday - "Never bite off more than you can chew" and that's clearly one mistake Farsight made and still make - Two PERFECT tables are NOT DOABLE in one month.
One perfect table every two month - that's what i would suggest them AND, as said before, ONE HOUR EVERY DAY (or at least three times a week) answering questions - EVERY QUESTION.

My Program for one of them would be:

Monday - 1 Hour Ios/Android
Wednesday - 1 Hour Sony
Friday - 1 Hour Microsoft/PC

General Measures would be:

- no more new tables till EVERY BUG IS FIXED ON EVERY PLATFORM
- no more licensed tables until EVERY non-licenced table is perfectly made and out (at least 20 of them)
- special pr-measures in cooperation with redbull
- tables combined and offered in packages like "halloween special", "monster special", "nostalgica pack" ...
- ...

This are just the first steps. The goal should be to stabalize farsight as company to reckon with - so that they can buy in the end EVERY LICENSE they want and still have enough left to live a happy life.

attacking users is not acceptable

i get that and I want to apologize to PiN WiZ

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New member
Jun 5, 2012
- no more new tables till EVERY BUG IS FIXED ON EVERY PLATFORM

Well, this is not possible... This is Software, and Software has Bugs. Software always had Bugs, and will always have Bugs! However, most of the Bugs no one will ever find!
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