Another eternity until DLC 1 is released.

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New member
Apr 13, 2012
FX 2 got screwed royally. Avengers was hot about a month ago, but now people barely remember it, and that will get worse as The Dark Knight Rises, Amazing Spider-Man, and The Man of Steel release dates approach.

People "barely remember it"? It's now the 3rd highest grossing film of all-time. Dark Knight, Spider-Man and Man of Steel won't come close to beating it either. (Dark Knight will do well but won't equal the business of the 2nd film because of all the interest surrounding Heath Ledger's death and Joker performance).

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
My daughter just went to two, count 'em, two Avengers-themed kids' birthday parties. Of course, they were probably planned several weeks ago, during the run-up to the opening weekend. But the appeal seems to have lingered. The Lego store is still moving a lot of Avengers merch.

Still, if you're releasing some product that's a movie tie-in, you really do want it to come out during the initial publicity storm, and that's clearly past.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Right, but it's still within in the window of the movie being "popular." It's still making money at the box-office. They're saying they might release a Directors Cut in August and it'll have a second wind when it comes up on home video in a few months I totally disagree with the poster that the public has "already forgotten it." Movies that do $600 million (which it will) and move as much merchandise as it probably is don't just disappear from public consciousness overnight. And nobody is going to care about the new Superman movie next year. Really if it weren't for Nolan's Batman flicks DC's entire film franchise would be DOA after Superman Returns and Green Lantern.

Anyway we're off topic :)
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New member
Apr 19, 2012
I was ready to be done with Pinball FX2 as well, but it seems if I want some new pinball on the 360 this month that's where I'm going to have to go.

Dante Kleinberg

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Jun 6, 2012
Now that I've completed all Wizard Goals, I don't see myself playing these four tables again anytime soon. But at least the Avengers Chronicles next week will keep me plenty busy until we finally get the Pinball Arcade DLC. At this point, it seems like one of those things you talk about that you never actually expect to happen, like winning the lottery.

DJ Clae

New member
Jun 17, 2012
They've really missed their window. Like many others, I bought this game thinking there would be 2 new tables out each month. It was really exciting. Got my brother with a PS3 very into it too. I was setting us up for severe disappointment. Way to go, Microsoft. I'm still going to buy it whenever it gets here, but we'll never know how many customers were lost.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
What do you think are the odds of getting at least DLC 1 in the near future? I think:

6/26 - 25%
7/3 - 45%
7/10 - 70%
7/17- 90%
7/23 - 95%
7/30 - It better not still be unreleased by then.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
On the topic of Microsoft's draconian policies. From my days working at GameStop , They do indeed have a in-house policy to NOT carry any game that has exclusive DLC content on a competing platform .

This means any DEV offering a DLC exclusive to PS3 or Wil is automatically killing their approval to be a game for XBox 360 . This has changed the scope of DLCs offered to the 3 main consoles , and has made it so that no one console gets a DLC exclusive .

With a policy llike that in place, i have no doubt your 360 version of the The Pinball Arcade is being delayed so a competing MS Pinball game has free reign in their store . They are very blatant when it comes to manipulating their profits .


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It was said that the last attempt at resubmit would be given priority and it was submitted as all 3 DLC packs. I am guessing it could be as early as this week but I'm thinking next week is the likely release.

Skydiver Nehus

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May 27, 2012
I mockingly commented on Microsoft and Zen on Facebook thinking it to be a joke about conspiracy theories, but I really am starting to wonder about that. It's a little strange that Microsoft would delay the certification of TPA's DLC by another 3-5 weeks after reaching an agreement with Farsight on the title update size. Coincidentally, it just happens to be delayed for an almost unreasonable amount of time right around the release date of Avengers Chronicals. Go figure. Still, something is a bit fishy in this situation. I'm just glad I have the IOS version to tie me over :p TPA is so freaking awesome, period.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Wasn't Avengers Chronicles supposed to be released close to the movie's debut? Had it been, it would have been a lot more successful, especially with no "standard" Avengers game coming out.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Xbox 360 users should get some good news on Monday...Microsoft will always one up Sony when given the chance...DLC Tables Pack #3 anyone???

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Now would be a good time for me because I have the funds. But my first year wedding anniversary is coming up in August so my money will be tied up for that.

And conspiracy or not, it definitely sounds plausible.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Xbox 360 users should get some good news on Monday...Microsoft will always one up Sony when given the chance...DLC Tables Pack #3 anyone???
It'll be out July 3. Why? Because I'll be on vacation then, and Murphy's Law dictates DLC will be released when I'm unable to access it. :p

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Xbox 360 users should get some good news on Monday...Microsoft will always one up Sony when given the chance...DLC Tables Pack #3 anyone???

That would be awesome! The question is, which is more important to MS - supporting their own studio's pinball game, or not getting smacked by Sony?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
FS already stated the 360 would be the first console to see DLC 3. Is it possible DLC 3 will be released prior to the other 2?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Believe me, George, I would go on vacation tomorrow if I could, and not just to get the DLC out faster! Work's been a total @#$%! lately.

FS already stated the 360 would be the first console to see DLC 3. Is it possible DLC 3 will be released prior to the other 2?
I doubt it, if only because MS would not have seen DLC #3 before and so it has to go through its journey to hell and back...erm, I mean certification process. I'm hoping for simultaneous release of all 6 tables myself, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
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