Android - Request Apk download page.


Nik Barbour

Hi, would it be possible to have links from this site where you could download the android apk files for 'the pinball arcade' app.
I'm a rooted user, and am filtered by "the market".
I've managed to get the app apk. Installed it, it works perfectly. I've bought all 4 initial tables, but due to the market filtering won't see any updates.
As the app is free, would it be possible to download the apk files directly from this site?

Nik Barbour

APK Website Download

I know I asked this same question early doors to this forum - but now that Farsight are reading these posts I thought I'd ask them also.

Farsight (Ryan) -

Any chance of having a website where the .apk files for the Android app could be downloaded.

Because I run a custom rom CM7, this app is filtered from me on my 'Android Market', so I have to do "a bit of a fiddle" to get the app to download.

As the basic app is free, could you post previous and current .apk files on a website somewhere that custom rom users could download and manually install? (I have seen other developers do this with free app's).
The table purchase within the app works fine once the .apk is installed - this could create more income from people who can't see the app for Farsight (as well as making my life easier)!

Or even better - remove the filter (I think its the open gl 2.0 that's giving problems).

Thanks in advance.
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