Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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New member
Mar 12, 2013
... Internal beta is in the final stages now ...

"Internal beta testing" has such a weird ring to it.

Call me old fashioned, but way I see it, if it's testing done internally by employees, it's not "beta testing". That's just called "testing". When it's given to early external customers, then it's "alpha testing" or "beta testing".


New member
Feb 20, 2012
"Internal beta testing" has such a weird ring to it.

Call me old fashioned, but way I see it, if it's testing done internally by employees, it's not "beta testing". That's just called "testing". When it's given to early external customers, then it's "alpha testing" or "beta testing".

Your right actually, I think they are calling it QA. During it's last run through there was only one major bug which mike said he's fixing now.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
We always just called internal testing the "alpha" and external testing the "beta".

EDIT: I've merged the "firm date for PC?" thread into this one, and also deleted a useless whine.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Useless whine. The PC version has been delayed for over a year now. Everyone knows this already. So there is no need to keep repeating it, especially when one of the devs just gave us an update letting us know where things stand.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Haven't we had updates before? Didn't Bobby mention in the previous interview that there should be no reason that people shouldn't start receiving the beta like the next week. I don't trust a word they say. Sorry, not buying it anymore til I see it in my hands.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
If I wasn't on an island I would have multiple. I bought 2 pinballs from the Seattle pinball museum as souvenirs and they rusted in about 2 weeks. I will stick to digital while here. No room either.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Haven't we had updates before? Didn't Bobby mention in the previous interview that there should be no reason that people shouldn't start receiving the beta like the next week. I don't trust a word they say. Sorry, not buying it anymore til I see it in my hands.

We've already made it clear to them that we want it badly so at this point there's nothing left to do but wait. Nothing we say is going to change that. :) Just be patient guys.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I refuse to get my hopes up anymore just to have them shattered once again. I am waiting patiently as I can, but I am done with the optimism.
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
"Internal beta testing" has such a weird ring to it.

Call me old fashioned, but way I see it, if it's testing done internally by employees, it's not "beta testing". That's just called "testing". When it's given to early external customers, then it's "alpha testing" or "beta testing".

From all my game development experience. We have 3 major milestones. Alpha (feature and content complete), Beta (Small amount of minor bugs, almost, if not all major crash type bugs fixed), and GMC (Final submission for release). Those definitions vary a bit based on publisher.

Testing on a Beta build internally could be called Beta testing.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Cool! Did you already submit the fullscreen fix to QA? Now only a few more weeks until Steam plays nicely and someone from the management thinks about writing the mail? ;)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
For me LW3 is one of those yuck themes but fun to play pins. Surprisingly good. Good luck landing her.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Cool! Did you already submit the fullscreen fix to QA? Now only a few more weeks until Steam plays nicely and someone from the management thinks about writing the mail? ;)

I haven't been able to fix the full screen issue yet. I'm trying to get management to put out the beta so we can get feed back on fullscreen from multiple hardware setups. I have a feeling it'll work in some resolutions on some PCs'.
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