Bugs in 7.9.5


New member
May 26, 2013
Seems the bug fixes in 7.9.5 not only contains bugs from earlier versions, but even produced new ones.

Older bugs:

- Since the recently played button was introduced it shows Last Action Hero. Never updates to the table I really played recently.

- In portrait mode I can not scroll to the end of table lists. The bottom row isn‘t showing at all. The row above that is only showing the half table icon.

New bugs (in 7.9.5)

- Table Goals: The entries for Wizard Complete and Wizard have vanished.

- My Tables: My Favorites vanished.

- Layer problem: The Buttons Year, Manufacturer and Table Packs activate the table icon scrolled under them. To avoid that I have to press the buttons making sure to hit the gaps between the columns.

Using iPad Air 2 and most recent IOS.

Hope that helps for next round of bugfixing.


New member
May 26, 2013
Therefore I just discovered: Wizard complete and Wizard have not vanished. But the WHOLE PBA has been reset to ZERO!!!


New member
Jul 18, 2012
I noticed that it doesn’t log in to gamecenter anymore. Maybe that’s the reason?
Next to missing favourites I also lost all table goals.


New member
Jan 31, 2014
I lost my wizard goals, hof points, favorites, challenges, and high scores.

is this common w/ updates?
is it temporary or permanent?
if a fix is forth coming, should we cease any meaningful play in the meantime?

is there an auto update setting that should be turned off?
maybe wait to update with season 7 available?

Sorry with the newb questions, I recently migrated to iOS with the OSX version currently dead


New member
Jan 14, 2016
iOS has started to feel like it's being abandoned/left behind like the older consoles and OSX. I emailed support yesterday to ask about the memory leak crash for SPA (it was only fixed in TPA), but it sounds like the TPA patch that fixed that ended up destroying a bunch of other data. Clearly they're struggling to stabilize the iOS platform right now on both TPA and SPA.

Support email replied and said they were aware of the issue and working on a fix (to SPA) and hoped to get it out shortly.

All of your questions above are good ones - I will say that Farsight is very good about EVENTUALLY fixing bugs.

I'd recommend emailing farsight support, they are very good about responding quickly, not sure how much influence they have over bug fixes but at least they will acknowledge if the team is aware of the issues you list above.

It's really too bad, in my opinion the iOS platform (on an iPad) is the best way to play TPA/SPA.


New member
May 29, 2013
Glad I wasn’t the only person seeing this problem. With GameCenter not loading, favorites and achievements don’t load either. I’m not playing this anymore until that gets fixed, for fear I’ll corrupt my achievements. I also noticed the splash screen is for “Banzai Run”, which isn’t even in the set of available tables.

God, I wish Farsight would get its act together… maybe take a month off from new tables and just fix bugs.


New member
May 26, 2013
[MENTION=568]Kolchak357[/MENTION]: Heya Night Stalker! Farsight forced me to play Zen for a while. So better keep an eye on your pro score.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
[MENTION=568]Kolchak357[/MENTION]: Heya Night Stalker! Farsight forced me to play Zen for a while. So better keep an eye on your pro score.

Go for it buddy! Which table do you plan on crushing me on? Maybe I can up it a bit for you. Most of my Zen scores are pretty modest. Most of the time I don’t even know all the rules. :)


New member
May 26, 2013
That seems fair battle than. I‘m not much into the rules either. Just playing and see what I find out on my own.
Yesterday I pushed my scores at Iron Man and Civil War.
But my first goal was to catch up with your Pro Score.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Any update regarding table goals being wiped after the update, or should I continue to ignore this game?

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