Computer vs reality


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Hi everybody, im qite new to TPA, but im wondering after watching some real pinball tournaments ...
What stuff you can pull off from real life pinball in TPA? I was trying some of the tricks but the flipers seems dont have this kind of short cut off of the action like real pinball does. Its hart to explain, but its like in TPA when you push the flipper its goes fully when jou press it, but in real pinball jou can make this little moves just by tap in it quckly. How is it? I just need more practice or its just limitation of the game?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Dead bounces and post transfers work as in real life; in fact on some tables post transfers are much easier than on the real machines. Some tables allow a bastard version of a live catch, but it's not going to be pretty, and to be honest it's often debatable whether it even qualifies as a true live catch. Drop catches and tap passes are more or less impossible currently.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
the simulated fillpers are very innaccurate as for as real flippers go while tpas fillpers ( soliends) reset at light speed, any advanced techquies usually rely on the small delay on resetting an real like flipper control (solied) tpa is still a lovely game tho and it gets better with age heh enjoy and welcome, im sure someone whos played in ten years will correct me;)


New member
Mar 26, 2012
My main bugbear about the game, even moreso than ball spin (but only by a little bit). Not being able to pull off live catches and tap passes is this game's uncanny valley. Clean cradle separations are literally impossible with it :(

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