Bug Crossboard posting


New member
Mar 14, 2013

I should've scored higher, but I was just blasting through them, and didn't want a 2 hr game, you know?

My mustang was 48,926,130. The photobucket is acting up again, probably the ads
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New member
Oct 8, 2015
Since I didn't see your name posted in phantom I decided to slog through them all, I thought Co1812 seemed a little high in my T200 comparison but thought simplier railroads might explain the situtation.

Didn't see your name on Phantom, MSF, LAH, Rbion, SST, HRC so those tables don't post in addition to another table.. from what I gather from extorks post from the 28th last month the new tables like Star Trek and Mustang must be using the wrong leaderboard.

I'll have another look for your rbion score of 8,085,690 and mustang score of 48,926,130

Getaways Weekly/Monthly board still doesn't work so I can't check it
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New member
Mar 14, 2013
Since I didn't see your name posted in phantom I decided to slog through them all, I thought Co1812 seemed a little high in my T200 comparison but thought simplier railroads might explain the situtation.

Didn't see your name on Phantom, MSF, LAH, Rbion, SST, HRC so those tables don't post in addition to another table.. from what I gather from extorks post from the 28th last month the new tables like Star Trek and Mustang must be using the wrong leaderboard.

I'll have another look for your rbion score of 8,085,690 and mustang score of 48,926,130

Is it possible that most people using iOS didn't buy the second SPA pack? So it would make sense that the scores weren't showing up in the t200. I hadn't bought the second pack before this. I only did it to help figure this out. The second pack only had Mustang new, and it was free

Speaking for myself, I did buy the first pack because of AC/DC and Star Trek


New member
Oct 8, 2015
I thought the cross app access to previous purchased tables between TPA and SPA was a thing? on top of the free mustang table from pack 2 kinda redundant? does the free table not post scores?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
This is part of the reason I was kind of confused when you said you didn't see my name on phantom. Well, tpa phantom or spa phantom?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Ah... I see the ios thread, 6/19 someone had theirs manually fixed via email, sorry ios peeps.

I couldn't find those 8 and 48 million scores on the ios weekly board anywhere, perhaps we can try again next sunday just playing those two tables.

I'm up to it. :) it's been kinda fun! I'll keep you posted


New member
Mar 14, 2013
So, the getaway HS2 has a weird score for me for weekly too. But this time I have no idea where it came from. 714m, but that's not from one of my SPA tables

Never mind, I figured it out....

Here's another one down, Mustang is posting to HS2.

I must've squeezed in a game on mustang right after the boards reset for weekly
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New member
Mar 14, 2013

So I have a theory about the crazy low scores on RBION and HD. But it's just so crazy, that it's not crazy. We've been looking in the wrong place. Would I be too crazy to say that Brunswick Bowling is posting scores to those? Then, the scores make sense. They don't seem messed up, but if you scroll down there's 4 scores of 5,000. Which isn't possible with the table.
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New member
Mar 14, 2013
So far we've got

Star Trek - Red & Ted
MSF - Junkyard
RBION - ???
SST - Co1812
AC/DC - Safecracker
HD - ???
Phantom - T2
Mustang - HS2
LAH - Earthshaker
HRC - Whirlwind


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Just saying, those weird low scores for RBION, and HD, for SPA on IOS only go up to 5,000. It wouldn't be from a low scoring table like Central Park. Because the overalll doesn't have very many, and they are too spaced out. But the weird thing is that for RBION, one of those was from [MENTION=5727]Voof[/MENTION], and one was from [MENTION=3745]vikingerik[/MENTION]. So what I'm suggesting is that one (if not more) of those tournaments from Brunswick Bowling are connected to SPA. Voof and vikingeric, did you guys play Brunswick Bowiling using the same name?

I'm thinking that the ranking for the tournaments on BB posted to those 2 tables

Those weird impossibly low scores not ending in zero made me think, it's just from a table that only put up the first part of the score. But VE, I couldn't find any of your scores starting with 3,566. But maybe it was the right number, but just a different app from FS. And it makes sense once you think about SPA and TPA being connected.

I've officially fallen down the rabbit hole
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I haven't played any TPA in months, don't even have SPA, and I don't even know what Brunswick Bowling is. Whatever's going on has nothing to do with me. Presumably somebody messing around using my name.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Ok, I hear you guys, but just take a look at those low scores overall for SPA RBION and HD. I don't think it's coming from another table


New member
Mar 14, 2013
If it's all just part of one big troll toll, then maybe I've wasted too much time. But I'd still like to figure out what's posting to those 2 tables. I realize there's a lot to sift through, but when the weekly boards reset, maybe I'll be able to figure something out.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I just played every tpa table to put up a score. Still nothing for spa RBION or HD. Maybe that wasn't worth it. What a slog. I feel like less of a person. And TPA MSF just crashed the app. On my iPad and iPhone. Just upon selecting it


New member
Oct 8, 2015
looks like the weekly leaderboard just cleared up [MENTION=2241]Extork[/MENTION] so play one of the tables in SPA and then look for your name on the TPA boards.

HD and RBION still in the dark for what boards they're posting to.
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New member
Oct 8, 2015
[MENTION=2241]Extork[/MENTION] I see you on centaur - 2,105,540.
Cactus Jacks - 7,013,340?
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New member
Mar 14, 2013
So the Centaur and Cactus Jacks scores were from me playing TPA. Wipeout and TX Sextor both had scores that were legit too. But the weird thing was that I saw a weird 714mil score on HS2. I didn't play that table OR any of the SPA tables since the weekly reset.

Then I did a playthrough of all the SPA tables...so here's what I've got if you wanna do some searching. I'll be doing some of my own...

st - 8,532,190
Msf- 68,306,200
Sst - 40,224,170
AC/DC - 13,794,920
Poto - 301,490
Mustang - 62,553,570
Lah - 47,310,600
Hrc - 61,125,200
Rbion - 2,589,680
Harley - 87,963,450

...you think the HS2 score came from one of the TPA tournament tables? I still think mustang goes to it. But that doesn't mean other things couldn't
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