Demos underselling some tables

Rudy hates me

New member
Jan 13, 2014
I buy all the packs as I get enjoyment out of any table (yes, even Goin' Nuts), but I always try the demos on android first, just to get the point of view of somebody who tries before they buy.

Now some tables are immediately fun for me in the demos, Terminator 2 for instance. Flight 2000 on the other hand doesn't look like a very interesting table. You watch somebody else play, it doesn't look interesting. You play the demo, it confirms it's not very interesting. Then you buy it and play it properly and find it's a fantastic, brilliantly designed little table, you just can't get into the rule set in a demo.

The most recent examples of this are the last 2 tables. Black Rose comes across as great fun (which it is), but to me, Fish Tales comes across as boring, and I would never have payed for this great table had I based my decision on the demo.

Maybe it just me, what do other people think of demos? They're great to have, I just wonder if people are missing out on tables they'd love if they got the full version.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Demos are way to short even for a competent player. When I first tried the T2 demo I scored the super jackpot the first time and the demo ended. Raise the score a bit or have it timed for 10-15 minutes regardless if some tables end that soon too.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Interesting point. You definitely don't get a total feel for a table. Especially when you can play almost any table ever made, in real life or on TPA and have several awful games without ever getting any scoring going. Especially games like Pinbot where everything drains into the outlane before I can even flip the ball then I finally have a great game where I visit the sun twice on the first ball! You could have a player turned off by thinking the game is too difficult if it punishes them in that manner. They could base a purchase decision on that. I would hope they'd keep trying but if they made that the only consideration then a negative impact on sales would occur.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
My problem with the demos is where some of the score limits are set. Some tables you can barely play at all, while others I would rarely hit the limit. Tables like No Good Gofers, PinBot, and Class of 1812 just have the score limit set too low. There are plenty of times I'd hit it within like 15 seconds on NGG. On the other hand Taxi's limit is set quite high and I rarely hit it.

I'm a bit curious what you're talking about with Flight 2000. I have yet to buy any season 2 or 3 tables because I keep praying Farsight will come to their senses and runs a sale (yeah I know, fat chance) but Flight 2000 seems like one of the best tables in season 2. The demo limit gives me just enough room to ignite multi-ball, but not actually play it. Of course I can see why most people might not like this table. I just thought it was neat from the first time I played it.

PinBot, on the other hand, seems unexceptional from it's very limited demo. I love this table on Pinball Hall of Fame but you can barely play the TPA demo. Just hitting the skill shot a couple times seems to hit the demo limit.

There are also tables where I think the demo limit is set just right. Central Park, Centaur, Theatre of Magic, Genie, Attack from Mars, etc. all give you a decent amount of play before you hit the limit.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Just a gut feeling but I think people who won't buy a table after playing the trial because they haven't been completely won over would not likely buy it without trying it either. Conversely I bet many people have been won over with a trial and have become a fan of TPA.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Oh I absolutely feel the demos are critical. Without them I guarantee I wouldn't have bought nearly as many tables as I have. Having the demos is one thing I definitely feel FarSight got right, even if the score limits could use a little fine tuning.


New member
May 24, 2013
hi , always buy before trying demo. I don`t care what table it is , as long as it`s a pinnie table with 2 or more flippers. may I say the 2 tables in season 3 are great !!! if this standard is kept, we`re in for a bumper season even with 1 table a month.can you believe in such a short time we have 43 tables,i pinch myself every day, sometimes I can`t believe it !!! anyway yahoo to TPA !!!:)

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