Request Difficulty Settings

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Simply include easy, factory and hard selectable for each machine.

TPA is starting to bore the pants of me because its impossible to have 'a quick game'.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Are you mean some kind of quick storable presets for table dipswitches?
not bad idea if you want easy way to select some often usable presets.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012

It's desperately needed.

And physical adjustments (outlane posts, more kickout variation, etc), but having harder ROM settings would be a nice start, with a separate leaderboard of course.
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David Smith

New member
Feb 28, 2012
+1 from me, too. I'd love to be able to play a leaderboard-qualifying game of TZ that doesn't take upwards of an hour to complete. And the tournaments should be on hard ROM and table settings always.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I can't wait until the day I can finish my games in 30 seconds or less! :D

Just kidding, this sounds like a good idea.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I would give my right arm for the ability to alter kick out power/randomness. On real tables, if you hold up the flipper during kickout you'll usually hit slings or it will go over slings and in danger of outlane. In TPA holding up the flipper is a safe catch on most tables, which makes things really boring.

Of course, with more random kickouts it's be nice if we had live catching, because that's the best (but hardest to pull off) way to handle a tough kickout.

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012

...and being the pinball equivalent of a 'duffer' in golf - little to no ball control- and thus a majority of my games lasting only a few minutes as I flip away recklessly but happily, I would also love this to slow some tables down a bit. I think I would enjoy the app as a whole a bit more if I could take my time and build up my skills with this feature. Unlike a lot of you wizards on here, I'm sure I represent a minority of overall players, perhaps, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I must confess that I sometimes silently scream 'No !' when I read threads asking to tweak up or modify tables for speed or other complications (reasonable as they may be to better simulate the real tables) that I already find pretty hard as is- and especially requests to beef up the ones that I'm comfortable with, or not too bad at, from the first version.

Outlanes generous in T2 (ex.) ? Hmm, fine by me - or at least let it be for a while ( a month ?), I'm begging you! ;) Seriously though, this would be a great option that would likely encourage new players or those like myself who want to try all(most) of the tables , but may lose interest or give up on them quickly if it's just too dang hard, and there's no way around it such as a difficulty feature.
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New member
Apr 21, 2013
it would be nice to able to select low, factory , and hard without dealing with the service menu. However the point is moot if adjustments disqualify / bar you from goals and leader boards. Up until now i have purchased the "pro" versions of each table where available however starting with T2 i will only purchase the standard version the coin box can stay locked as what good is it when changing any settings and you are disqualified.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
+1... with high score tables per difficulty level.

A few lengthy games of T2, and I'm ready to go back to F2K.

But please don't make games harder with random bounces or loop and ramp exits.


Jan 28, 2013
Definitely count me in as a supporter for this.

Harder settings please, via physical adjustments. A tad of randomness would also be of benefit.


New member
Aug 30, 2012

It's desperately needed.

And physical adjustments (outlane posts, more kickout variation, etc), but having harder ROM settings would be a nice start, with a separate leaderboard of course.

Three difficulty levels would be nice if there were separate leaderboards to go with each.


New member
May 18, 2012
Physical adjustments, yes please. It shows how easy or hard it can make a game in Zaccaria when you start tweaking. Also, TPA has too much rubber bounce imho, it would be nice if this can be tweaked as well.
Even how well T2 is done, I think this game will bore quickly. I have more fun with Firepower and Flight 2000 for example, just simple but hard. You keep comming back for more you know.

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