DX11 Public Beta Bugs


New member
Apr 21, 2015
PC updates used to get uploaded every couple of days.
Been awhile since any bug updates or progress for a true cabinet version.
Any news P A?


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Your new computer isn't DX11 capable? How new is it?

Edit: just saw your other post. 3 months, eh? Sorry to hear it. Hope you didn't pay too much.

It was about 600 bones when I got it on sale. To its' credit, it does run DX9 flawlessly (even at 1920x1080), and PFX2, and Mortal Kombat at 1280x768.
My previous desktop ran DX9 at 1024x768, pFX2, and couldn't even run MK.

AMD Radeon R7 is useful for its' purpose-unless that purpose is running DX11. Seriously, slowdown in Cyclone???? WTH? (End mini-rant.)


New member
Feb 17, 2015
It's the emulation running in conjunction that hogs up all the processing, or so we've been told. Pinball FX does not have the emulation equation, so can run more efficiently while looking better.

The emulation code runs on an iPad 1, so it can't have that much impact on an Xbox 360 CPU.

Your new computer isn't DX11 capable? How new is it?
Edit: just saw your other post. 3 months, eh? Sorry to hear it. Hope you didn't pay too much.

He says he can't run TPA DX11 at 50-59 fps, he never said it isn't DX11 capable.

AMD Radeon R7 is useful for its' purpose-unless that purpose is running DX11. Seriously, slowdown in Cyclone???? WTH? (End mini-rant.)

Don't blame the device, blame the code. We all know TPA isn't optimized on any device.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Dear Farsight devs and other Pinheads....

Here is MY bug-report, that you can hopefully fix.
I haven;t tried the l8est Beta, but anyways, relating to JUST the 'DX11 BETA' release of v.1.37.9 (no such problem on this or any other previous DX9 releases), there seems to be quite an issue with the screen swapping from fullscreen to windowed fullscreen with a black or coloured border on all sides of my screen, both top and bottom, left and right sides of the screen. Besides the CAPSlock key causing this to happen, here, it also seems that pressing the 'escape key' causes the same problem. The problem of the TPA game screen swapping from fullscreen to windowed doesn't seem to be an issue here(and never has been in this latest DX9 update or any of the DX9 releases preceeding the current 1.37.8 release) when running the DX9 version 1.37.8 under the same conditions. Could the Farsight devs please address this issue in the next release,ASAP please?...or at least what it is in the DX11 (beta) that is causing this and how/when Farsight are going to fix this issue.....an issue that is quite annoying, irritating and off putting, meaning I have to press the 'ALT + ENTER' key combination mid-game whenever the screen changes to 'fullscreen windowed mode, SURELY, this shouldn't be an issue for Farsight to address, seeing as there isn't this problem in any of the DX9 releases......Good job with the lighting btw.So far, I have only just bought season 1 on my new PS4 ($15/£10, thank you eBay <grin>), and IMHO, the new DX11 PC version knocks the PS4 version's socks off and down a peg or two from its high pirch. I hope this post makes complete sense to Farsight understanding it? I'll get round to buying the PS4 Season 2 on eBay too, when the price is low enough, but sorry, IMHO sod paying over 20 quid for 'any' game disk, be it DVD or BluRay (apart from GTAV(PC), MAYbe, OR unless I can find a working key or something else to activate the full version of GTAV I acquired from some place or other *wink*)....excuse me now, I must shoot myself in the foot for being so open......open like the beta =o)

Best regards

Al (zedster)

PC Specs:-

Intel Core i5 2500K @ 3.8GHz
3GB Sapphire Radeon 7950 - Vapor X (soon to be updated)
Sabertooth Z77 Mobo
500GB Samsung EVO 830 SDD, 2GB WD Black HDD, 3GB HDDWD Black, 4GB WD Black HDD + 1 x External WD MyBook HDD
2xSony DVD Read/Writers
1xPioneer BluRay Read/Writer
650W Corsair HX Pro PSU
Antec - Twelve Hundred V3 Full Tower Case.
Fans, 10 in total.
OS: Windows 7 - Ultimate Edition
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I've been working on the next table the last week or so, that's winding down so I'll be back on bugs soon.

I just wanted to clarify something about the DX11 build. Rendering 100-200 point lights is extremely processor intensive. It will require a decent graphics card to handle that. The DX9 build does not have point lights, which is why it runs well on lower end hardware.

Also wanted to clarify that rendering a pinball table in general is pretty taxing. Most 3D games get away with culling out art that's behind walls, or things you can't see. In a Pinball table there is nothing to cull out. You see the entire table all the the time. You also see it pretty close up which requires a lot of higher res textures. In other games you can put really low res textures on a wall that's far away. In Pinball, nothing is far away.

Using JackBot as an example. The table has 140+ MB worth of textures. 3 of which are 2048x2048 and another 5 are 1024x1024.


New member
Jun 11, 2014
Reduced bulb brightness to 75% on CV,TOTAN,and Funhouse and all tables playing smoothly now - room brightness set to 10%.Nice work for such weak notebook gpu like GT710m (-:
Back buffer widht 1440
Back buffer height 768
MSAA samples 1
MSAA quality 30
Anisotrophy 16
Ball brighten On
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Okay, more work for the art department. Here is the reward light as seen on Whirlwind...


I like how the lighting on that is, but we really need the full display like seen on Earthshaker or Cyclone.


Problem is, both of those and TAF have zero DX11 lighting effects applied. With Earthshaker you can see that it looks how it should on the backglass, but not on the HUD. So can we please have the DX11 effect applied to the HUD on Earthshaker, TAF, and Cyclone? And then on Whirlwind can we have the full HUD? It is especially helpful on that game to know how many have been lit.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
What I'd like to see is the same type of HUD used for Cyclone used on Pin*Bot and High Speed. If I've left out any tables that could also benefit from this, I apologize.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I've been working on the next table the last week or so, that's winding down so I'll be back on bugs soon.

I just wanted to clarify something about the DX11 build. Rendering 100-200 point lights is extremely processor intensive. It will require a decent graphics card to handle that. The DX9 build does not have point lights, which is why it runs well on lower end hardware.

Also wanted to clarify that rendering a pinball table in general is pretty taxing. Most 3D games get away with culling out art that's behind walls, or things you can't see. In a Pinball table there is nothing to cull out. You see the entire table all the the time. You also see it pretty close up which requires a lot of higher res textures. In other games you can put really low res textures on a wall that's far away. In Pinball, nothing is far away.

Using JackBot as an example. The table has 140+ MB worth of textures. 3 of which are 2048x2048 and another 5 are 1024x1024.

Mike, were you guys able to reproduce the fps drop problem a lot of us have been reporting on some specific tables (especially Cirqus Voltaire, Black Hole, TOAN)? Having a steady 60 fps rate on almost all tables (including TAF, Jackbot, etc), except on a few specific ones isn't normal. I plan on buying a better gpu next summer, but I know I shouldn't need it to run PA with DX11, since it's most certainly an optimization problem on developers' end.

My specs: AMD HD Radeon 7770 1 GB, intel i5 750, 8 GB RAM


New member
May 17, 2013
You can't expect much form that 7770. I know, because i had it. CIV is too much for it. Sure, let them "optimize" all day, but i hope nothing gets cut just to make it work on 60$ gpus. PC TPA should be top notch, insane textures, crazy lights, no compromises. Sure, it should scale for older hardware, but not if something is chopped. It's 2015, let't never hold back. New gpus and cpus are just around the corner. Today you can get a killer gpu for ~150$ used that will run (almost) any game @1080p with all at max.


Apr 4, 2015
Even my GTX750ti overclocked by Gigabyte should be able to run TPA in max settings and that card did cost me under 150€ NEW. For me it's only my physx processing unit, but I testet it alone with Grid2 and it did a good job with something around 50fps in ultra settings.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
You can't expect much form that 7770. I know, because i had it. CIV is too much for it. Sure, let them "optimize" all day, but i hope nothing gets cut just to make it work on 60$ gpus. PC TPA should be top notch, insane textures, crazy lights, no compromises. Sure, it should scale for older hardware, but not if something is chopped. It's 2015, let't never hold back. New gpus and cpus are just around the corner. Today you can get a killer gpu for ~150$ used that will run (almost) any game @1080p with all at max.

Then explain me why I get a steady 60 fps on TAF and not on Black Hole? Black Hole is more demanding on gpu? LOL! Please...


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Theatre of Magic transparent issue


Was this one there before?... haven´t seen it until recent times..

Also with directx11 I am out of luck when trying to get filtering for transparent edges to work.. on dx9 i can run the envidia inspector and override/change settings any way I want... with dx11 nothing changes no matter what.
Changing the utility settings in the steam configure panel results in no changes either. This is on a GTX750 nvidia card.
(you can really see the difference in the fonts in steam popups ect if you get things to work but running dx11 and everything remain sharp at all times)


Jun 27, 2012
PC TPA should be top notch, insane textures, crazy lights, no compromises. Sure, it should scale for older hardware, but not if something is chopped. It's 2015, let't never hold back.

I agree, while pinball appeals to a wide audience, the game should only run on the most extreme, most expensive, most niche hardware possible to ensure only a minimum of sales occurs and that FarSight fails to make a profit and can't afford to produce more tables! Are you with me!?

Honestly, there's a point where the answer to your demands to unparallelled realism is 'Just go buy a freakin' pinball table'.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I agree, while pinball appeals to a wide audience, the game should only run on the most extreme, most expensive, most niche hardware possible to ensure only a minimum of sales occurs and that FarSight fails to make a profit and can't afford to produce more tables! Are you with me!?

Honestly, there's a point where the answer to your demands to unparallelled realism is 'Just go buy a freakin' pinball table'.

I think the argument here is more likely that a high end rig should be able to have its fun and not be held back. GTA V can run in 4k, but only the most extreme computers will be able to do so. The rest of the world can still play the game though, and have it look every bit as good as the PS4 / Xbone versions. The request is more that you shouldn't gimp the program now because the tech in the user base WILL catch up, not merely stay the same.

It's not like the option for playing in DX9 is going anywhere, and it's not like an option for high detail couldn't be added to DX11 that could be toggled on and off. Seems every other PC game has this and many other performance options to play with.


New member
May 17, 2013
I agree, while pinball appeals to a wide audience, the game should only run on the most extreme, most expensive, most niche hardware

It's 2015, A ~150$ gpu + a ~100$ cpu can run dx11 tpa at very very high settings. How is that extreme and unreasonable? It's unreasonable to expect the dx11 version to run on medium-high on a 50$ gpu.

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