Every table crashing at end of game


New member
Mar 14, 2013
So, something weird happened over the weekend. I was connected to wifi, but it was a bad connection. Somehow everything on my phone was automatically logged out. Outlook, Game Center, TPA, all of it. The tables weren't all showing up, but I fixed that. I still have my goals but not my HOF points. Oh well. The problem is, whenever any table tries to load the score, it crashes.

I'm really hoping that I don't have to reinstall. Hopefully there is a way around this. Anyone have some suggestions beside doing a reinstall? I've never been able to back up my data on my computer. It's old, and doesn't have the latest version of iTunes. It's gonna be a big hassle if that's the only way. Thx guys


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Do a hard reset of the device? Logging in/out of TPA? I sure hope you do have a remote backup, then a reinstall is not that much of a hassle (had to do it a couple of times myself with updates to iOS and TPA, especially with the drama that is called Phantom of the Opera). Good luck man!


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Thx for the advice. I've reset the device, logged in/logged out. And that was all just to get my tables back. Most of them must've been bought on the free version, season 3 was showing up on the other version (weird). The thing that worked for that was just playing one of the season 3 tables after I deleted the not-free version (after I did all that crap). Must've tricked it into remembering that they were purchased. Just glad I didn't have to email FS. So that's all set, but it still didn't help the crashing. Which I swear didn't happen before last weekend.

BTW, I don't have Internet on my computer. If a reinstall is my only option then maybe it'll push me to get out of the Stone Age. Thing is, I've been getting wifi from neighbors, which moved away. That's somewhat excusable right?

Also it's pretty crazy that even just clicking on challenges causes an instant crash. Just noticed that. Looks like the only option is to do a reinstall. I was just hoping threat there might be something else


New member
Mar 14, 2013
In the meantime I might just back it up on someone else's itunes. There's probably more to it than that. Shoot, I miss the days where your progress was saved until the dang-gone game blew up or something. Like Zelda for NES


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I have no patience. I'm doing a reinstall. Goodbye goals. Didn't have very many wizard goals left


New member
Jun 17, 2012
My iPad continues to crash as well after every game. No problems with my iPhone 6. Any other solutions besides a complete uninstall/reinstall?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
If the simple things don't work (like a device reset by pressing and holding Sleep/Wake and Home until the Apple logo is seen), then a complete app delete/reinstall may be the only sure thing that'll fix it.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
On iOS the app update has been broken since ios8. (I'm jail broke on 7.0.4). My update button just launches the app. For farsight table updates if I let it auto update (iOS system setting) it updates on its own and is fine. If I get excited and click the update button manually it corrupts the game and I get the crash just like you did (happened to me twice). Only fix is to delete the game and reinstall. Just make sure you do the remote save data first. You get everything back by restoring data except challenges. (And it takes forever to redownload all the tables)


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Is this something TPA specific? Or have you seen it on other apps?

I noticed it first with TPA and then it happened again a second time. I am not sure if other apps get glitched by manually updating because I don't get excited when I see them in the pending updates enough to click the manual update (which must cause the glitch) without thinking :) letting it auto update works fine.

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