
New member
Mar 26, 2012
Everything implemented sofar has been small inital offerings that are later expanded upon. I get the impatience of some people but greatness doesnt come overnight.
Not wanting to get defensive (but it'll probably come off like that! So anyway...) but I think the fair assumption was that with Game Center support would naturally be the implication that high-scores for individual tables could be compared between friends. Not that some irrelevant number would be generated based on your score, then added up between tables and put up as an indication of your worth compared to others.

For example... I haven't bought Ripley's. Does that mean I'm at a disadvantage simply because my effective score for that table would be zero while others who have paid for it (who may not necessarily be better at it than I) will be ranked higher regardless of skill level? It's not like WPC where everyone can have the same score because it's the same table pack that goes out to everyone... there will be people who choose not to have certain games (or play them, as is my personal case with BoP). And because they don't dig certain mechanics (hell, I'm fairly well completely over BoP) they're ranked lower? So basically, it's a b/s number because it's not a measure of skill per table, it's a measure of skill across the number of ones available for purchase, regardless of whether you've purchased or not.

I'd probably rather they didn't include it at all as opposed to including some worthless implementation that in essence, means squat in relation to people's scores on specific tables.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
If you rather they didnt use it in it's current implementation, ignore it or disable it.

The current implementation is similar to the proscore in Zen, but I agree individual leaderboards should be in there. My point is it will most likely come.
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New member
Mar 17, 2012
Hopefully FS will implement a type of autolog feature like Pinball FX uses, so will be informed when your nearing or beating a friends high score on a certain table. That might be a question to ask in the next Q&A session??


New member
Jul 29, 2012
i'm pezpunk. at the moment i'm ranked #1 overall (lol) but obviously that will change as soon as some competent players get around to playing :)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I think a number of us will have deleted our data, so it's likely we'll see a lot of churn as folk start going for table goals they had previously cleared. Should be fun!


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I think a number of us will have deleted our data, so it's likely we'll see a lot of churn as folk start going for table goals they had previously cleared. Should be fun!

I would like to raise my score to give you some competition but the stuttering bug is taking the fun of the game for me.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I wonder if this is split up into Free vs Paid versions of the game. If so we all probably want to only add those with that version. I will edit my first post, cause I only can only see one other although I have approx 10 people as mates from this site (I have the free version)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
@pacreis: I'm still hoping to catch your Jetpack Joyride score - definitely worthy competition!


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Aug 19, 2012
Hi all! been lurking for a bit and decided to jump in. :) Feel free to add me... at0mxii (that's a zero not an O.)

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