Request How About A Multi-Table Kickstarter?



MMMM, $5000- Jive Time, $10000 - Ace High, $15000 - Sorcerer, $20000 - EM 4 Pack release!! :rolleyes:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yeah netizen, I think something like that would be sweet. They have a lot of the work already done. Right?


Yeah netizen, I think something like that would be sweet. They have a lot of the work already done. Right?

That could raise the whole other sunk cost fallacy debate, considering those "free" re-releases that we got in "Season 1" before it was Season 1.

I think I have lost track on what the official stance is now wrt the PHOF re-releases. Any Marketing "Gurus" capable of decoding what we got, when? :D


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Interesting idea. I could see lots of people throwing money at it hoping to get their favourite table, but then being angry if it doesn't happen "right now!!"

Plus there is the knock on effect of "promises" being made during the kickstarter, or at any-time, by FarSight being taken as Guarantees by "fans" of TPA. This then leads to indeterminate periods of drama and tension as people go quote hunting looking for that perfect "Gotcha!" moment to prove that what was said actually meant what the reader thought it did.

SO, if FS were to even mention any licensed titles as possible stretch goals, and then found that they could not come to an agreement on the license, then there is more potential for pinball drama that could simply be avoided by not listing any titles and merely stating clearly and openly something like: "we will use any and all money above and beyond the goal of X to work towards bringing you more licensed titles, faster."

IDK though, it's your idea. Maybe FS is listening and will take a bit from A and a bit from B

I was operating off the assumption that FS would have other licensed tables all sorted out and only needing funding so as to avoid precisely the situation you describe. My thought process was that by having other big-ticket licensed tables riding TAF's coattails, FS could have money coming in from fans of the licenses in question as well as the hardcore pinheads who were going to donate to the Kickstarter no matter what. If FS line up the right licenses, that could add up to a lot more money than a vague promise to use excess funds to finance future licensed tables.

That could raise the whole other sunk cost fallacy debate, considering those "free" re-releases that we got in "Season 1" before it was Season 1.

I think I have lost track on what the official stance is now wrt the PHOF re-releases. Any Marketing "Gurus" capable of decoding what we got, when? :D

According to FS, they've done most or all of the PHOF releases that they're going to do (Jive Time and Sorcerer are still up in the air).

MMMM, $5000- Jive Time, $10000 - Ace High, $15000 - Sorcerer, $20000 - EM 4 Pack release!! :rolleyes:

Yeah netizen, I think something like that would be sweet. They have a lot of the work already done. Right?

Actually, I do like the sound of that. In fact, let's kick things up a notch: how about a high-level reward tier where big backers can select any non-licensed table FS have the license to reproduce and guarantee it a slot in Season 4 or 5?


New member
May 10, 2012
Lots of great suggestions here but hard to pull through. EM 4 pack is my favorite. I also like the idea of a big backer getting to choose a table for season 4 but I guess for that to happen you gotta cough up at least 1000$. Not even Fathom is worth that much... Well, almost :)


Sorcerer is a newer (March 1985) SS table;)

at risk of being pedantic ... you did see the commas and different imagined dollar values that are separated by the commas?

Those little things taken in combination would indicate that Sorcerer, and the 4 pack EM idea are separate ideas, and would become different and individual stretch goals to be worked towards. like a 1-2-3-4 process with the EM 4 pack being the last and obviously most expensive one.

Want to go back and look at it again?


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Those little things taken in combination would indicate that Sorcerer, and the 4 pack EM idea are separate ideas, and would become different and individual stretch goals to be worked towards.

I'm still asking myself now about MMMM. Must be an EM ;)


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Aren't all KIckstarters technically multi table? Any overflow(which I believe TAF will have plenty of) will go towards licensing fees on another table.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
Aren't all KIckstarters technically multi table? Any overflow(which I believe TAF will have plenty of) will go towards licensing fees on another table.

Yeah that would be cool if TAF indirectly would finance another license table.Preferably one that could never kickstart on its own.

The Shadow!!!!!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
What's MMMM? And I would love a 4-pack of EM's, make it a mix of Williams and Gottliebs:

Spirit of 76
Fast Draw
Capt Fantastic or Queen's Choice (similiar layouts)
Air Aces

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