How to eat my ham


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Aside from just picking it up and taking a bite out of it, I have no idea what to do with this thing. Or make sandwiches. Someone suggested cutting it into fourths and freezing some of it. Well, my job gave us all hams, which is pretty cool cause it'll last me a long time. But I need suggestions for what to do with it. Could I make chili with it?


New member
May 24, 2013
Aside from just picking it up and taking a bite out of it, I have no idea what to do with this thing. Or make sandwiches. Someone suggested cutting it into fourths and freezing some of it. Well, my job gave us all hams, which is pretty cool cause it'll last me a long time. But I need suggestions for what to do with it. Could I make chili with it?
add cheese tomatoe onion and pickles and make quite a few sangas !!!:cool:( plus bread)


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I bet you say that a lot... ;) ;)

P.S. This is the selfie age! Take a pic of your ham and post it, then we'll know what to do.

I'll tell you what, I'll open it up and take a picture while I see Star Wars again, but for now I gotta pass out until my girl on the side wakes me up


New member
May 4, 2012
I'll tell you what, I'll open it up and take a picture while I see Star Wars again, but for now I gotta pass out until my girl on the side wakes me up

I hope you're gonna offer the girl some of the ham. Unless she's a bacon girl. Or worse, a pork chop girl. Shudder!

P.S. It's almost unfair to have both a ham AND a girl, so stop bragging. :rolleyes:


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I hope you're gonna offer the girl some of the ham. Unless she's a bacon girl. Or worse, a pork chop girl. Shudder!

P.S. It's almost unfair to have both a ham AND a girl, so stop bragging. :rolleyes:

I don't really have a GF, so I must've been tLking about the ham lol. I'm too busy playin ponball for a GF.

I guess I could make potatoe soup with ham chunks in it. But that sounds like a lot of work. And I don't have the thing that takes the skin off. And I'm too busy playin ponball


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I would ask [MENTION=4638]HotHamBoy[/MENTION] .... He most certainly will have an opinion on this matter! :)


New member
May 4, 2012
I don't really have a GF, so I must've been tLking about the ham lol. I'm too busy playin ponball for a GF.

Whew. Becuz if you had a girl, a ham, AND a pinball, you'd be like in the 1% and the socialists would be coming to take it all away from you. Amirite?

P.S. One suggestion for your ham: make ham biscuits. Biscuits are easy to make from a can. Get some sharp cheddar cheese slices from Wal-Mart, slice up the ham, and make about 20 ham biscuits and put them in the fridge in a ziploc bag, with some paper towels to sop up some of the condensation. Then you can pop a couple in the microwave when you wake up for an instant breakfast. It works for me.


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Jun 3, 2014


New member
May 4, 2012
Hey Chef Dedpop, those bananas look good. Eating them looks like a lotta work though, I would slice the ham into ribbons before wrapping the nannas.

I wouldn't eat that congealed aspic terror if I were in jail. Are those peas around the top? The salad looks intriguing but I might have to ask for a different fork.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Hey Chef Dedpop, those bananas look good. Eating them looks like a lotta work though, I would slice the ham into ribbons before wrapping the nannas.

I wouldn't eat that congealed aspic terror if I were in jail. Are those peas around the top? The salad looks intriguing but I might have to ask for a different fork.



New member
Mar 14, 2013
So it turns out the ham was already sliced. The people at the deli must've thought I was an idiot cause I brought it there to get sliced. And they said that it's against regulations to slice a ham from a different store, woopty Do. Anyways, I'm making some chili out of it. Filled a Tupperware container with slices, and froze the rest. I'll post a pic of the chili, hope it turns out ok. Just waiting for it to simmer now. It'll be different cause it's a spiced ham, but it smells really good right now

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