iOS Version 1.1.5 Bugs and Feedback

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Mar 26, 2012
Weird. On my 4S there's a distinctive difference between how responsive CFTBL/BK and something like MM are. Night and day for me, personally (but I tend to get pretty particular about this stuff). I've removed the app and I'm reinstalling so I'll see if that makes a difference.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
rebooted iPad with iOS 4.x:
- pressing "Login": the app quits
- created a new account: no confirmation email has been sent.
- playing a demo table for the second time (the moment when the advertisement is supposed to show): the app quits
- having reached the maximum points for a demo table, game is "connecting", pressed cancel to speed this up. Game shows the "you have reached the maximum point for this table" message. Pressing "continue" crashes the game (not responding anymore). Pressing the iPad sleep button plays one gamesound and repeats a part of it a couple of times. Waking up the game iPad shows the frozen game.
- checked leaderboard of a table. "you need to be connected to Facebook to...". Pressing "continue" crashed the game.
- Imagine you want to make yourself comfortable on the bed. You put the iPad in portrait mode, lock the screen orientation, lay on the side and start a game. Shortly after pulling the plunger: neverending TILT INFERNO!
-Ripley's Believe it or not: wanted to play one game. On ball 2, the ball went missing.
ROM says the game is missing:

TPA says: no need to call the operator, because the ball isn't stuck.

iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1.1:
- Main menu, opening Achievements while looking at Monster Bash, Pressing "Done" while still loading the list: white screen with table music playing. GameCentre bug?
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the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
Having no problems with logging in .. once i worked out how to do it ...
Creature looks beautiful very impressed by it :)
Got about 1,600,000 points on black night and completed all the wizard goals in that game then when it came to the final bonus it gave me the points but then locked up and wouldn't exit game so i had to quit and lost everything .. a tad annoying :) .. Love black night though brings back lots of memories in dimly lit arcades :)


New member
May 18, 2012
I registered an account to access the leadboards (why do I have to do this when the game supports game center?) and the scores are messed up:

-) FH shows my CV-score
-) BH shows my TOM-score
-) TOM shows my BH-score
-) CV shows my FH-score

did anybody else notice that or is it just me?




New member
Feb 21, 2012
The Black Knight magnasave buttons are a bit of a reach on iPad, don't know how useful they will be all the way up there!

As mentioned above, by others, no redo downloads of any other tables, so no fixes for them.

Ridiculous! What WERE they thinking?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Yeah those Manga save buttons are ridiculously place, i cant think how they thought putting them there was a good idea at all. Could they not be implemented into the flipper buttons/area, so when you press the flipper the manga is also enable, or if that isn't viable then move the manga button to the center of the screen towards the bottom where the area is to activate the flippers?


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I'm having major slowdown on Ripley, rendering the table unplayable. The table starts fine but something triggers the game to slow completely. Never happen to me this before on any table. Playing on the new iPad.

Update: After a reboot it seems to have stopped.
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New member
Jun 6, 2012
BLACK HOLE was promised to be corrected this update (Gate closing on lower level bug)
So disappointing! Black Hole is my favorite table.


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Rebooting also solved my problem. Pretty sad that my gal had to suggest it before I thought of it. D'oh!


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Rebooting also solved my problem. Pretty sad that my gal had to suggest it before I thought of it. D'oh!

Unfortunately doesn't seem to be table specific, it happen to me in Arabian Nights and Funhouse too and always during a Multiball... even after a reboot.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I never power off my iPhone/iPad. I might give that a go and see what happens.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I just had my first good game of creature (530m) but at one point I'm sure I had a ball disappear during multiball, I was sending balls around the ramp that leads back to the whirlpool when one ball just vanished right at the highest point at the top of the table. Is there a ball lock there or something? Or did it fall down onto the table without following the ramp around? It looked to me like it went into the backglass but I could be mistaken.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Well I bit the bullet and deleted it, which sorted the blank icon issue. Now I've lost all my scores, but that's cool since none of my existing goals got picked up by Game Centre anyway. I did keep my Game Centre standing, though, so I guess it reflects stuff the game knows nothing about?

All a bit goofy and I'll ad my voice to the chorus which doesn't want to be prompted to log into anything. Game Centre is more than enough, ta.

Just Some Guy

New member
Jun 18, 2012
Speaking of bugs, rather than complaining about the level of Game Center "integration" the bottom half of Gorgar is still really low quality on the iPad 3. Have not tested on my iPad 2 to see if it's the same.

I've also noticed that most tables seem to be stuttering at random now, similar to what happens when a notification pops up onscreen. (but there were none)


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Everything seems to be running smooth for me now. No framerate issues or anything. I'm a huge FS supporter and not usually one to complain as I really love these tables. Still it just seems like there's so much more screwing around to get it to work with this game than any other I have ever purchased. Delete the whole thing, then reinstall on ps3, login issues etc. Eventually I screw with it enough to get it to work but never with any instruction from the guys who made the game. I'm fairly decent with computers etc. but many aren't and I can see why there's so much frustration. There's almost as many 1 star reviews as 4 stars. I still rated it a 4 because I appreciate what FS is doing here very much.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
ok, I was having my best game of Black Knight so far, the ball drained and I think a new one came up at the plunger but I couldn't really see as the camera stayed centered on my flippers. Game kept making the "waiting to plunge" sound effect. Call attendant denied all knowledge of a stuck ball. Deliberately tilted to see if it'd clear the condition and it did not. Had to abort game.

Then I went for a consolation game of Gorgar. Settled in to what looked like being my best game ever, just over 610,000 on the first ball, rockin'. Second went SDTM, curses, but #3 started looking pretty good. Knocked off the 1,2,3,4 extra ball which had been my last wizard goal to get, saw the notification and then the frame rate went straight to hell. Ball stopping and starting all over the place, no sane way to keep it in control and it went down the middle, BUGGER.

Still, extra ball! yay, fire it off and the frame rate is STILL crazy and it's gone before you can say WHAT THE SMEG IS GOING ON.

Can we at least try and arrange it so that the bugs don't happen on best-ever games please?


New member
May 26, 2012
I've also noticed that most tables seem to be stuttering at random now, similar to what happens when a notification pops up onscreen. (but there were none)
Absolutely the same thing happening on my iPad 1. Had it happen a lot on Black Knight, I think always during or just after multiball.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I've lost count of the balls I've lost during ' notification Tasmanian devil ball '


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Absolutely the same thing happening on my iPad 1. Had it happen a lot on Black Knight, I think always during or just after multiball.

The stuttering happens to often, this bug is game breaking for me, i'm going to have to put pinball arcade on hold until a update fixes this. :(
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