Bug iOS Version 1.1.8 Bugs & Feedback

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New member
Jun 24, 2012
Not seeing what's "improved" about Cirqus Voltaire. If anything, it seems even worse than before. It said "ball 1 is locked" when no ball was locked (the ball flung over the highwire ramp from the ringmaster's head, but did not actually land on the wire or show the "sneaky lock" animation). I'm sure it was referring to the highwire ball lock (definitely not juggler), because when I later locked my *first* ball in the highwire lock, it said "ball 2 locked".

Also still seeing the exact same issue from the previous version where the camera doesn't return to the plunger view when launching a ball after locking one.

Hope the other "improved" tables are better than this one.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Black Hole is definitely better. The issue where the glass over the lower playfield stays "open" (hidden) after returning to the main playfield is fixed. Not seeing any camera issues anymore either. It's reliably zooming in during multiball only when all the remaining balls are in the bottom playfield, and zooming out whenever one or more balls returns to the main playfield. This is actually the first time I've ever experienced the mindbending chaos of playing on both playfields at once (since it used to stay zoomed in, causing you to lose any balls that returned to the top level).

Were there some rule changes in the scripting for this table too? A couple things seem different. The captive ball on the main playfield now releases every time the ball drains (or did it do that before?).

Anyway, thumbs up for Black Hole.


Apr 6, 2012
When you hold the iPad in landscape mode you get a "Back up save games" menu item in the options menu, but not in portrait mode.
Pressing the Back up save games menu item doesn't do anything (yet). Beta code?


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Feb 20, 2012
Well I don't know why I'm getting different results to everyone else but I've just installed the latest version yet all I'm seeing is the same as last month, i.e. nothing newer than CFTBL and BK. Thats on ipad and iphone 4s.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Lots of improvements so far, so thank you for those.

Black knight is much better. The ball moves great now. Please don't change that. It always passes through the upper left flipper if hitting from right while left is still up though. Magna save spot is better now. Just need to get used to it.
Had all three balls get STUCK in the multiball hole and had to restart.

Black hole has improved textures and sounds. Lower playfield is very good now. Gate problem fixed.
However, on the upper playfield the ball now moves in SLOW motion. Only table to do this. Please fix back to how it was. It is barely playable for me as is and used to play great.

BoP is good, but still gets cut off when saying "now i see you". Only gets to "see".

ToM is good. Didn't get to a high score yet to test entering initials lag. Hopefully that is fixed.

Monster bash sound is much better and more importantly ball movement is improved. . Thank you. Passes through flipper occassionally

Gorgar is awesome.

Also, icon is white now.

Now able to purchase new tables!!

Taxi is awesome, but entering initials does not work. It moves flippers instesd and cannot exit. Had to shut down app.

Elvira seems to work great too.

Gofers is awesome. No problems yet.

Harley is cool too! Man does it come around the flippers quick. Is it supposed to be that quick?
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New member
Jun 24, 2012
I gotta say, as someone who mostly plays on an iPad in portrait mode, the Magna-Save button placement is actually even worse now. It's so terrible I have to wonder if this is some kind of brilliant practical joke, because the alternative explanation (total incompetence in UI design) is much more depressing. I play with my thumbs just below the halfway point between the top and bottom of the iPad, which is crucial since this is the only position from which it's at all possible to do the touch-style nudge with any degree of success. Farsight has effectively made it a choice between using Magna-Save *or* being able to nudge. It is literally, physically impossible to place your hands in any position and still be able to reach both the nudge area and the Magna-Save buttons without doing some seriously unnatural, freak-show-grade contortion.

I don't mean to be a jerk, but it's painfully obvious that no thought went into this at all. TPA badly needs user-customizable flipper/nudge/special button placement, because it's going to take years to get it right if Farsight keeps moving these things around randomly without soliciting any feedback whatsoever from actual users and changing the layout yet again when people inevitably complain. I'm reminded of the scene from UHF where the blind man is doing a Rubik's Cube one twist at a time, each time asking another guy sitting next to him if he's got it yet.

"Is this it?"


"Is this it?"


C'mon guys. Put a little bit of effort in here, would you? I have never, ever successfully used the Magna-Save feature on Black Knight, and at this rate, I never will.
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Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
While my thumb/flipper placement is lower ( closer to the bottom and just above the new Magna-save positions ) , I find myself in agreement with Stormchild as far as the feature simply not working in a way one would expect at all . I have just finished a number of practice games focusing ONLY on saving the ball .I have tried it just slightly before the Magna-save location , on it , and slightly after it, and none of them seem to make any difference at all.The ball just refuses to be snagged like it is on the actual table. Since I have only a mere centimeter or less to move my thumb , I feel that it should have worked at least once. I also am not including those situations where the ball zipped by the location and would likely not have been saved on the actual table , but only those where it went by at a reasonable speed to save.

I used to play this table a lot and am familiar with what I should expect from this feature. On most tables, it was often very generous in terms of snagging the ball if it was within the circular painted region on the table - before, on , or slightly after.
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Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Ripley is finally playable on iPad1. It used to be so jumpy that it was almost impossible to play.

Black Hole is really slow, but at least slow in a "natural" way. Like the table was set up almost horizontal. I did like it better when it was faster even though this makes it a bit easier.

Was the Gorgar Hi-score fixed (high scores over 1M won't appear in high score)?

Was the PinBot Hi-score fixed (duplicate high scores)?

Medieval Madness didn't download a new table so I assume nothing has been done for it? Such as the distance between the flippers.

I couldn't wait for Taxi and HD the other day so I bought the tables for my Mac. It also had the joyride bug. HD is incredibly lame up to the point it is a bug but Taxi was really charming!


New member
Jun 13, 2012
The inability to detect that I'm on the 'net is a bit annoying since with two table packs I would have bought all (whereas I was going to skip Harley otherwise).

Hopefully we'll get a quick update to sort that and any new bugs that might have cropped up. I've downloaded the updated tables (surprised Medieval Madness wasn't one - I thought that had a flipper position change?) so I'll play with those and see what's what in the meantime.

So happy to see Big Shot appearing in the next update!

Oh, should have noted iPad 3rd Gen running iOS 6. I'll check the iPhone 4 (same OS) later today.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
Tiny UI Bug:
When you scroll L to R (HD to EATPM) it shows EATPM as a Stern table.
However, scroll R to L (NGG to EATPM) and all is fine.
EATPM Seems the only table affected by this.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
4 new tables and a blackhole fix!

Is it just me and an early morning but does shake to nudge seem even LESS sensitive?

Still no rotc in creature

Other than that so far im gravy had no download or installing issues

Is the fookbook login is broken or did i just forget my password?(onky used for tpa)


New member
May 19, 2012
What's the iPhone slowdown bug on IOS6 that's mentioned in the FS newsletter? Not sure if I should download this update - I've got an iPhone 4 on IOS6 and iPad 3 on IOS6. It makes no mentioned of iPad, so is that unaffected?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Don't know about slowdown, on iPhone 5 the ball is like a rocket on some tables.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Taxi - locked a ball which is not noted by the game, won't allow call attendant as ball not stuck. Game just halts, tilted to try and get around it but the ball just stayed in the lock. Had to restart game.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I was able to purchase table packs on my iPhone 4 running iOS 6 and thanks to the app being universal I could then download my purchased tables on my iPad, so if you've got more than one iOS device this should hopefully be a viable workaround as only iPad seems to have the bizarre issue of the in-app purchase not working.

It's lunchtime so once my new tables have downloaded I'll get to have a play!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Gotta say elvria and the party monsters is pretty fun, ive barey touched the other 3 yet, it puts funhouse to shame i think...being another alphanumeric ,

Gorgar seems to be easier now and not much of an outlane exersice...(tho still a huge risk)

Ive not noticed anymslow down, ioad3 and ios5
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