iOS Version 1.2.7 Discussion And Feedback

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Please post your iOS version 1.2.7 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
The good:
- Detailed release notes / change log. This is great!

The not so good:
- The release notes are obviously incomplete. Six tables are listed as updated, but details are only given for four.
- The new "Invert Nudge" and "Event Camera" options are accessed via the Table Options menu, but are not saved per table. i.e., if you change these options for one table you're changing them for all tables. (This is also true for every other entry in the Table Options Menu, except for the Tilt setting.) If the intention is for these to be system-wide settings, they should be accessed from the main Options menu, no?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
The other 2 tables weren't updated per se. They were updated last patch, but since they didn't change the version number, you had to delete them to update. Now that they updated the version number it will update for everyone.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
The other 2 tables weren't updated per se. They were updated last patch, but since they didn't change the version number, you had to delete them to update. Now that they updated the version number it will update for everyone.
Oh yeah, I remember that now... In that case the release notes should reflect the "version number only" change.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
- The new "Invert Nudge" and "Event Camera" options are accessed via the Table Options menu, but are not saved per table. i.e., if you change these options for one table you're changing them for all tables. (This is also true for every other entry in the Table Options Menu, except for the Tilt setting.) If the intention is for these to be system-wide settings, they should be accessed from the main Options menu, no?

I was just going to post the same thoughts. If changes to options in a specific table's menu affect all other tables then I wish FS would move them up to the main menu instead. The way they've done it is confusing and counterintuitive.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I posted in the wrong thread about this version and ball stuttering i was having. Seems to be gone now. Don't know what it was but i don't think you need to worry about that. I just had the ball kind of freeze once more in gorgar. Playing as much as i can to reproduce, so far ok. Also seeing many visual improvements.

I think it's a good update. Appreciate the work again.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I posted in the wrong thread about this version and ball stuttering i was having. Seems to be gone now. Don't know what it was but i don't think you need to worry about that. I just had the ball kind of freeze once more in gorgar. Playing as much as i can to reproduce, so far ok. Also seeing many visual improvements.

I think it's a good update. Appreciate the work again.

I've been getting random ball stuttering since, I wanna say last update. The one before this one.

There is absolutely no ryhme or reason to it, it just happens. Very seldomly, sometimes during the same session, sometimes not at all. And I've had it on many different tables. But I think Dr. Dude. in particular did it to me a little more frequently.

It barely happens but it's so strange. Iphone 4S btw. And before people ask, nothing running in the background no text messages or stuff like that obviously. Kinda a bummer that it's starting and I have zero intentions of getting an Iphone 5 any time soon. Wonder what is up with this? I hope it doesn't get worse.


New member
Jun 27, 2012
The shake to nudge settings not saving bug is fixed! Also...

This is the first update I don't have to do the "Worf Maneuver" to restore TZ and STTNG!


New member
May 21, 2012
The good:
- Detailed release notes / change log. This is great!

The not so good:
- The release notes are obviously incomplete. Six tables are listed as updated, but details are only given for four.
- The new "Invert Nudge" and "Event Camera" options are accessed via the Table Options menu, but are not saved per table. i.e., if you change these options for one table you're changing them for all tables. (This is also true for every other entry in the Table Options Menu, except for the Tilt setting.) If the intention is for these to be system-wide settings, they should be accessed from the main Options menu, no?

Sorry but what is event camera?


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Sorry but what is event camera?

When the camera view zooms in on a special event. Like the Mixmaster in Dr. Dude or the lower level playfield in Black Hole.

Sometimes there are play issues after the event ends so users have asked for the option to disable the event camera.

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Think I've found the right thread for this question. :) My question also regarding the event cam seems to have been answered above-thanks-but I am wondering now if someone could clearly explain just what is meant by ' Invert Nudge ' ? Also, would appreciate some comments from other IOS users as to their impressions of the current state of shake nudging v.s. other nudging styles-especially on the iPad. Ultimately, I hope that shake will will become sensitive and accurate enough to use in most cases, as I still find the coordination required for an effective touch/swipe awkward and often too slow to save or guide numerous balls. Shaking would be preferable for me eventually, at least.

Finally, if it isn't too much trouble, would love to see a brief video of one of you PA wizards out there showing us your nudging techniques on tablets. Would be a great tutorial and very helpful. What say ... ?:cool:
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Invert nudge is just what it sounds like. If you touch nudge on the left side of the screen the ball goes to the right, but if you would prefer the ball to move to the left when you touch nudge on the left then you can can change the invert nudge setting. If you like it the way it currently set then you don't have to touch it.

They are working on improving the shake nudging. It works just ok in portrait mode but poorly on landscape mode. Touch nudging is still the better option for more consistent results.
As for gameplay videos, I will leave that to the folks with the really high scores.


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Think I've found the right thread for this question. :) My question also regarding the event cam seems to have been answered above-thanks-but I am wondering now if someone could clearly explain just what is meant by ' Invert Nudge ' ? Also, would appreciate some comments from other IOS users as to their impressions of the current state of shake nudging v.s. other nudging styles-especially on the iPad. Ultimately, I hope that shake will will become sensitive and accurate enough to use in most cases, as I still find the coordination required for an effective touch/swipe awkward and often too slow to save or guide numerous balls. Shaking would be preferable for me eventually, at least.

"Invert Nudge" reverses the direction the table is pushed when you nudge left/right - try it both ways and stick with whichever one feels better.

See for more iOS nudging discussion...

I'm a touch nudger - shake is too imprecise, swipe takes too much time away from flippers. And I run "Invert Nudge: On" as this allows a quick right nudge tap then left flip (or vice versa) to avoid SDTM balls. YMMV, of course.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I am wondering now if someone could clearly explain just what is meant by ' Invert Nudge ' ?

Normally with touchscreen nudging when you use the right nudge, it's actually nudging from the left side of the table in order to force the ball to move to the left. This is fine and intuitive for playing on a tablet, but if you've played a lot of real pinball, you'll tend to want to nudge like you do on a real table. So in that case you'd turn off inverse nudging so a left nudge on the tablet makes the ball go to the left.

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Wow, so quick with the responses! Many thanks to all the above for the helpful feedback-you guys are awesome. :cool:

I, too, find touch nudging the most effective so far, but often start playing TPA using flippers at the bottom of the screen ( as though it were an actual machine I guess) whereas to touch nudge quickly and effectively, one needs to play the flippers at least 30% of the way up the screen, which still feels a bit awkward for me still, and my thumbs keep slipping down lower as I play.:p Oh ,well...something to work on. I am certainly looking forward to when shake nudging is more effective.

Any takers on a nudging techniques video, guys ? Anyone ? :)
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