PC - Request Is the UI-Beta Botched or what?


Jul 3, 2015
According to discussions on Steam, where people contacted FS support, the UI Beta has been delivered properly and it's only not working on a case by case basis.

Yet, according to sources close to devs from this forum the entire release was FUBAR.

So, the question/request is will FS actually own up and make a public statement to let us know WTF is happening, or will this be yet another game of whack a mole where anyone who contacts them, by whatever means (IRC, PM, EMAIL, etc), gets the answer they want/need to hear based on the info that person they spoke with had; none of which conforms to the story being told by other company reps.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I'm on vacation until January. I'm not sure what happened, someone else made the beta after I left. Most likely a build flag wasn't set properly, or something for the build was not updated correctly.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I'm on vacation until January. I'm not sure what happened, someone else made the beta after I left. Most likely a build flag wasn't set properly, or something for the build was not updated correctly.

Enjoy your vacation and stay off the forums.....:D

But when you get back, if you could disable "UI_Broken" and then maybe enable "Super_Secret_Cab_Suppot_that_Mike_Put_Alot_Of_Work_Into" that would be great! At the mall, Santa said it would happen....on the 12th day of Christmas...:eek:

Every time my cab knocks, an Angel get's it's Wings!



New member
Apr 12, 2012
The beta broke my game. I updated to the UI beta, as I noticed it while I was digging around looking for a solution to the 'launches in wrong resolution bug'. I guess I should have checked here before installing it, but I figured worst case scenario I could just reinstall the consumer version. So I finish the update, attempt to launch the game to check it out, it doesn't launch. At this point, I check here, apparently the beta is broken. Ok, no big deal, I'll revert to the regular build. Did so, game doesn't launch. Hmm weird, must be a beta bug that lingers. I uninstalled the entire game, then reinstalled the regular build. Still nothing. Even after a reboot. What can I do to fix it?

I click to launch in steam as normal, the choose DX9/DX11 ect dialog pops up, when I choose either option, I get an hourglass for a second then nothing. If I try to launch the game again, Steam shows error, saying the game is already running. I do have an item in my task manager for PA, but it is using 0% resources, and basically does nothing until I kill the task.

Is there an error log or something I can get you, Mike (or whoever is not on vacation lol)?

Edit: Now I'm having this issue with other programs. Must be an OS issue, I guess this was just the first thing I noticed it with. I'm on Win10 if anyone else has had this issue.
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