It's not easy (nor wise) to be an early adopter of next gen...

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I kinda got to thinking. I do read this board, and from what I've read most of you bought your PS3's in 2008, or later.

And kudos on a smart decision. Not only did you get the hardware for a good price (300-400$) you also had quite an established library of great software to play. You got trophies, clean/fast online play, games already patched, and reliable hardware.

This is not true for early adopting masochists such as myself.

Hey guys, remember Resistance Fall of Man? How about absolute classics like Full Auto? Of course you don't. Why? Because this software was crap. And guess what? This was the cream of the crop of PS3 launch!

Remember Six-Axis? Early adopters controllers didn't even have vibration lol. Ever get a yellow light of death? Well, it's pretty common for early PS3 models, like the Phat 60 gig. How bout a red ring of death? Lol, yeah, I'll go on record saying that early 360's have a 100% mortality rate. There is no way, no how, there exists a working 360 that was manufactured in 2005.

Early adopting a console is not easy. PlayStation 3 bombed in it's first year. B.O.M.B.E.D. Yet, you still could not get one until, at earliest, late December 2006/early January 2007. I had to wait 3 days in line to get one on launch day. And yeah, I was a little too tempted by the Ebay madness and I sold mine for a big profit. Had the PS3 not been had such a poor launch, realistically you'd be looking at Spring/Summer 2007 ,at the earliest, to get one.

That's what I expect with PS4. Even most early adopters are going to have to wait until Spring 2014.

That's a full year from now. For all we know, Pinball Arcade won't even be ready for PS4 until then anyway.

So I guess my point of the thread is: stop worrying, enjoy Pinball Arcade now on your platform of choice, and relax.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I wouldn't count them out for having TPA ready near PS4 launch, but I'm going to *try* to hold off because I would rather wait for the first major hardware revision.

I did get one of the original 60 GB PS3s near launch, and it only just died last year--although it went through long periods of only protein folding rather than gaming--so that wasn't really too bad, and I prefer the vibration-less controllers anyway because they're lighter, and I really really liked the backward compatibility, but yeah otherwise the slim model I have now is a much nicer machine and was much more affordable. So I'm thinking of trying to hold out a year or so on PS4...although I know my will power is capable of being severely sapped by a decent price or jaw-dropping TPA PS4 footage.


New member
Sep 5, 2012
I totally agree with you OP. It's not really a good idea to be an early adopter of any console. I for one bought my PS3 on 2008 when Metal Gear Solid 4 came out, and around that time, the PS3 started to get really good games. Being a gamer since the NES era, I have found that my favorite console of all time is the PS3, so I'm going to keep supporting it till the end. I'll probably end up getting the PS4 around two years after it launches.

As for TPA, I going to keep buying my tables on the PS3. I'm not going to miss out on all the fun that I can have right now with the game by waiting on a PS4 version that who knows when it's going to come out.


New member
May 19, 2012
Launch day PS3 owner here, but won't be doing it this time. 60GB phat died 4 times with YLOD, but main reason is I'm not prepared to ditch £100's of games and hardware. I've got Rock Band guitars/drums/keyboard/mics, DJ Hero decks, Move stuff, Buzz controllers, remotes, uDraw, etc, none of which will be compatible with PS4. PS3 was a huge jump for me into online gaming, I'm not sure the PS4 will be that different from what we've already got. I'll get it eventually, at a decent price.

Btw, for 12-18 months, RFoM was the greatest game ever! One-shot kill shotgun free-for-all on the ship!


New member
May 10, 2012
I agree with you Mark, but if TPA comes out early and are looking good I will stand there in line throwing my cash as fast as I can at Sony. Chances that us Europeans will get this on launch is pretty slim so I will probably have to wait anyway :(


Jan 28, 2013
Again, I am also in agreement with you Mark.

I am a bit long in the tooth to be jumping in head first on launch day, I haven't done that for years. I think the last time was probably when I bought one of the first Sega Dreamcasts (import) in the country, along with Soul Calibur and Sega Bass Fishing! I didn't jump in straight away with either the Gamecube or original Xbox and I passed on the PS3 completely.

This time, I honestly think Sony is packing a major punch with the PS4 from the off. Developers are already talking of how good the system is. The more I read about it, the more I think Sony are developing a platform that will become one of the true heavyweights in the history of home gaming machines.

Also, a lot of people have tired of current-gen. It's widely regarded that this generation's life cycle has long since passed it's peek, which may mean that there will be a LOT more early adopters when the PS4 launches.

It may not be 'wise' but I may well be one of them... :)

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Used to be an early adopter Mark, first in the queue and all that... Not any more. I guess as you get older you just say to yourself 'I can't be bothered yet'

I bought my 60gb ps3 in 2007. It was still going strong when I replaced it 3 weeks ago with a 320gb I got free 18 months ago with a new TV.

A mate of mine still has an old Xbox 360 some years old now. Still works fine.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I got my first PS3 a few weeks after launch, and it just died a few months ago. I picked up another one when they went to the slim model because I wanted a BD for upstairs, and then I bought a new model when the 60 GB died. I've also bought 3 to give as gifts to friends.

I had a blast playing games in the early days, including Resistance. I'll be preordering a PS4 when they go for up for sale. I also imported one of the Japanese DualShock controllers so I could use it with Uncharted, as the North American release was going to be after I would have finished the game.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I've only had my PS3 for a little more than a year. So I won't be upgrading to the 4 anytime soon.
Plus I will get the benefit of PS4 reviews from all of you tech savvy folks.


New member
Jun 27, 2012
Going by the pre-views of soon to be released PS4 or next gen games, I am not impressed with the graphics. They don't look any better than PS3.

I also agree 100% with the op. If you buy it on release you will be lucky to get 1 year out of it or wishing you hadn't bought it at all.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I'm sitting this one out. Even though I keep breaking it, I always try to only go with only one console each generation. I almost made it this time, except the need to play Uncharted trilogy, GOW 3, Heavy Rain, MGS 4, and now the upcoming The Last of Us and Beyond Two Souls were too much temptation. At least I still don't have a Wii, even though they're quite cheap now.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I was able to get mine a month after launch and was very happy with it. Really liked Resistance and loved Motorstorm which came out shortly after launch.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I got the second revision PS3 (when they removed PS2 compatibility) and that unit is still working at my sisters house hehe. I am really tempted to go all in on the PS4 straight away, but I think I will try to bide my time a bit here since it is "untested" waters. Of course that is what I usually say and end up buying stuff early on anyways :p The deciding factors will mainly be price range and when TPA is released :)
Looking forward to NextGen, which I also hope will boost the PC gaming since the development will be on x86 for both consoles and pc!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Wow. Most of you seemed to have lucked out with how long your PS3's lasted. I bought the 40 gb, which I think was the third version and one of the last "fat" models, just after it was released. It died last year (red light) and I ended up buying a 160 gb slim to replace it. The slim is Ok but the cost cutting is there. The drive is noisier than my "fat" model and it makes weird squeaking noises now and then which, I read, is normal.

As far as the PS4 goes, you know what will keep me from being an early adopter? Anything over $400 in the price point. :)
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I really hope the price of the PS4 is more reasonable this time around. It doesn't have any cutting-edge parts to it, like the BD drive that drove up the price of the PS3. Would love to see it at $399, but I expect $499 for the pricier of the two models (since I assume there will be more that one).

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
We actually have a working 1st gen X360 here, one of two bought on UK launch day (the other one RRODd after about a year and so did its two successors). I also have one of the original US ps3s (the ones with ps2 backward compatibility) that still goes.

I'm hoping now I'm special friends with Sony an' all maybe I'll be able to pick up a cheap ps4 come launch!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I really hope the price of the PS4 is more reasonable this time around. It doesn't have any cutting-edge parts to it, like the BD drive that drove up the price of the PS3. Would love to see it at $399, but I expect $499 for the pricier of the two models (since I assume there will be more that one).

8GB DDR5 Ram is rather cutting edge and expensive tbh.

To the topic at hand, I got my 360 a few months after launch for cheap (second hand) and it only RROD on me 6 months ago. No regrets there because it kept me busy, but nothing special came out the first year apart from 2 games. I think Oblivion was the first real big game that I still remember fondly as a defining experience and Dead Rising was the only other one in 2006. 2007 was where things really kicked off between NHL07, Bioshock, Portal/HL2/TF2, Mass Effect and Halo 3. Thats about 2 full years after the thing launched...

Bought my PS3 way later (2009 I believe) and had a decent library of exclusives to play and pick up for the cheap.

This time Ill at least wait a year before making my choice (right now PS4 has my fancy) so then Ill know how the lay of the land, prices, services,what games are out.

Till then I have about 23 games in my backlog according to my profile, including plenty of 50+ hour games like Ni No Kuni, Xenoblade Chronicles, Skyrim (120+ hours in and still havent finished main quest line or any of the DLC...) and Borderlands 2. And still want to get 3/4 more games I havent had a chance to pick up for my collection (Darksiders 2, Dishonored, Rayman Origins, Tomb Raider). And yet I want to replay Bioshock Infinite once I grab it for the 360 tomorrow :)
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Apr 12, 2012
I expect to wait at least a year on the PS4. I bought my PS3 in 2010 and am thankful I missed any launch window bumps and bruises. My plan is to wait that stuff out on the PS4 as well. Also, I'm cheap and want the price to come down. And, finally, I have a ton of games on my PS3 that I haven't played yet. Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Resistance 2*, Resistance 3, Battlefield 1/2/3, Bulletstorm, Rage, Bioshock 2, Rainbow Moon, Far Cry 2, Dungeon Siege 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Just Cause 2, Payday: The Heist, Saints Row 2, Darksiders, and at least a dozen more. I don't have any reason to upgrade.

What could change my mind? Backward compatibility and a killer launch lineup.

* - I don't care what Mark says, Resistance: Fall of Man was a good game. And I played it years after its release.

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