PS3 Muted colors/lighting in some PS3 tables


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Sounds like just lighting, like CFTBL and EATPM are nice and bright but TOM or MM are dark in the center, this has nothing to do with lighting but who ever at farsight gets carried away with the black airbrush tool....GORGAR right side on the apron WTF!? and of coarse BK its as if they dont like green:) spray over it with black thats better LOL!

Lol! Well at least it's a start


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Im inclined to think along the lines that the "shadow masking" is to disguise how similiar the old tables look to previous HALL OF FAME releases , which is fine , but the last 4 DLCs were rushed and need polishing . Some Pinball tables really fit better in the dark atmosphere setting , and some need the bright room lit setting.

Dark Room:
Elvira tables
Creature From the Black Lagoon
Monster Bash
Twilight Zone

Bright lit:

No Good Gofers
Harley Davidson
Black Knight
Star Trek The Next Gen
Big Shot

Personally < i think trying to hide /differentiate the old tables by using shadowing and darker lighting obscures the work the graphics artist/s did . It needs to stop .
It should be used only when the theme of a table calls for it , or when the lighting effects are best accented (as in Circus Voltaire)

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Quite a few of the tables are missing bulbs under slingshots and plastics, regardless of whether the plastics are lit or not. I can understand it on mobile platforms, to keep the poly count down, but not so much for consoles.

More likely the G.I. circuits on their NGG have blown their fuses. There's no light anywhere on the playfield! ;)

Good point.

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