Bug No (or low) sound on multiball intro

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I always thought the multiball intro was lame, but then I played the VP version, and it is clear TPA is missing the "build up" sound that is supposed to precede it. Instead of the near silent intro currently in place, there's supposed to be a rising crescendo much like the Showtime lead in the Addams Family.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
The crescendo is still there, but it's softer than before the update.
You're right; if you turn the sound up, you can hear it, so it is bad sound mixing, and not missing samples. I haven't noticed a difference since the update, though - it was always too quiet. They really need to fix it; it shouldn't be hard to do, but it has a seriously detrimental effect on the presentation.

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