PC Version 1.19.4 Discussion & Feedback

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New member
Jun 11, 2012
Yeah, Those were my thoughts originally: I use a sixaxis controller with xinput emulation through "Better DS3". I have only had this sixaxis controller for <5 months and most of that time it has been sitting on my desk waiting for the steam release, or for me to finally get so frustrated that I root my Nexus 10 to play TPA on HDMI passthrough.

Anyway, IDK, if it's a mixture of the factors you have mentioned, really it's baffling me. When I map the flippers to the L1/R1 shoulder buttons the problem is more frequent, with the L2/R2 triggers it's less often, but still happens. I'm hesitant to believe that it is the dead zone centering or the analogue stick being bunk as I can play VP with the same sixaxis controller using the same emulator in key/mouse mode to give me analogue nudging and I don't experience any problems. :/

Initially I was going to write it off as an emulation issue but I saw a complaint on the FaceBook wall from users with Xbox 360 controllers experiencing the same issue. This inspired me to ask if it's happening to more players, or if it is really, really rare.

I've been using motioninjoy but I'll try out the better ds3 program and see if I get the same kinds of problems. Meanwhile if it's an option in the program try disabling the gyroscope and see if that helps. It's not going to be useful in TPA anyway so it's worth a shot.


I've been using motioninjoy but I'll try out the better ds3 program and see if I get the same kinds of problems. Meanwhile if it's an option in the program try disabling the gyroscope and see if that helps. It's not going to be useful in TPA anyway so it's worth a shot.
Thanks for having a look at any rate.
I tried motioninjoy first. I think you'll like better DS3.
Maybe I missed a setting and need fresh eyes :/


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Thanks for having a look at any rate.
I tried motioninjoy first. I think you'll like better DS3.
Maybe I missed a setting and need fresh eyes :/

Yeah thanks for the heads up on that. much cleaner interface than motioninjoy and no ads spewing everywhere. At least from preliminary testing I can't get any of the problems you're describing. I'd suggest going through the profile you're using in better DS3 and make sure you have nothing assigned to the sixaxis section in the bottom, and that you have nothing except bumpers and triggers assigned to anything in either column in those sections. If none of that works I'm pretty stumped.

Oh yeah also go to the windows controller panel and do a test. If your better ds3 settings are right and you get things triggering besides the bumper buttons/trigger axis when you press on those I hate to say it but it's probably going to be faulty wiring on the controller or some other hardware issue.

As a side note I'm a bit bummed out that I can't get staged flippers to work even when I have full analog settings on my shoulder buttons. Anyone know offhand if you can even do flipper staging on the PC version with any control system?
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
FRAPS has been around for ages and it's the standard among PC gamers for this sort of thing. You can always turn it off when you're not playing a game.

Thanks Jeff, I downloaded FRAPS from the developers site without any problems. I think I got pretty lucky with my sub £400 laptop. I'm getting an almost solid 60 fps with PP off ball reflections on low and x16 AA even during multiballs. off course had to play a few hours of pinball to make sure it all works. :D


As a side note I'm a bit bummed out that I can't get staged flippers to work even when I have full analog settings on my shoulder buttons. Anyone know offhand if you can even do flipper staging on the PC version with any control system?
I did a ninja edit in a previous reply, must have not seen it in our exchange earlier.
There is no staged flippers in the PC version, with all the complaints about in the PS3 it was removed or hasn't been implemented yet afaik. There is a switch in the options for in in ps3 at anyrate. You have to use r2/l2 for analogue triggers

This is based on the input options I have in emulation not any solid I have it from a source re: the analogue triggers.

Yeah, all my tilt options are empty in better DS3. I find it really weird that my analogue nudge is borked in TPA but I have no problems with using it in VP, I even dled FX 2 to give it a try and no issues using it there either. I'm feeling totally stumped here. it really seems like a software issue related to TPA somehow, but IDK how.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I did a ninja edit in a previous reply, must have not seen it in our exchange earlier.

This is based on the input options I have in emulation not any solid I have it from a source re: the analogue triggers.

Yeah, all my tilt options are empty in better DS3. I find it really weird that my analogue nudge is borked in TPA but I have no problems with using it in VP, I even dled FX 2 to give it a try and no issues using it there either. I'm feeling totally stumped here. it really seems like a software issue related to TPA somehow, but IDK how.

Ah thanks for that re: flipper staging. I can stop trying that then, not a big deal anyway. If windows controller test doesn't give extra inputs on the shoulders I agree it's probably a TPA issue. Next up would be to find the TPA settings files, nuking those and reinstalling or doing a file integrity check in steam so it makes new ones I guess. Maybe that'll fix it?


New member
Jul 4, 2013
FWIW I've been using both setups because I prefer the rumble of the DS3 at this point compared to my Xbox controller and my wife likes it the other way around...anyway...

I have no random input into nudge with any setup, so sorry this is just theory...

Re-Calibrate! You get all kinds of goofy stuff if you haven't calibrated since last driver change.
For starts, I'd try increasing the deadzones. Secondly, it maybe a USB port issue, I've run into PC's in the past with "dirty ports" the more or less do what they want sometimes, try the opposite side of the PC, if you're in the front, try the back, or vice versa.
Lastly, if all else fails, move some outlets around. Power fluctuations on any segment (even monitor) can make the whole deal act crazy.

All these are unlikely but it's possible the "event' is happening faster than 60Hz and could be slipping in between monitor frames in the control panel...I've seen it before ;) It turned out the be power and a bad USB port on that guys motherboard sending fake button presses in 2 out of a whole bunch of games.

Just some random stuff you might not have thought about...good luck!

Flipper staging=hardcore mode to me but I promised myself I'd learn to use it eventually on the PS3 to feel more "real", I'd use in PC when I got the feel if they ever turned it on, but do I miss it? Naaaaaaaw
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If windows controller test doesn't give extra inputs on the shoulders I agree it's probably a TPA issue. Next up would be to find the TPA settings files, nuking those and reinstalling or doing a file integrity check in steam so it makes new ones I guess. Maybe that'll fix it?

I re-calibrated the controller, and that seemed to help for a bit, so i did an integrity check and found 3 file that I needed to re- acquire so I re-calibrated again as things wera ll borked as soon as I started.

It seems that when I re-calibrate things are good for a bit, but it doesn't last too long and some tables are worse than others. I'm going to have to take detailed notes or ignore this entirely.

ETA: Larry, those are some really good things to consider. I'm about at the point of not wanting to think about this much more for the day so Thanks for giving me some extra info.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
While systematically going thru each machine collecting Standard goals on each table before moving on to the next, I finally played No Good Gofers. Here is where I must proclaim "Yayyyy! Transparent ramps!"


New member
Dec 19, 2012
While systematically going thru each machine collecting Standard goals on each table before moving on to the next, I finally played No Good Gofers. Here is where I must proclaim "Yayyyy! Transparent ramps!"

Thanks for the heads-up. Never looked at the table because of the ramps. Thought they were solid ramps.

On the in-game leaderboards is anyone having troubles entering their initials? I can't get my initials entered on tables that use the table display to enter initials. Unlike Big Shot where FarSight has it's own initial entering system.

It's making me not want to play the pc version because I can't get my initials on the in-game leaderboards. Any insight is appreciated.


Thanks for the heads-up. Never looked at the table because of the ramps. Thought they were solid ramps.

On the in-game leaderboards is anyone having troubles entering their initials? I can't get my initials entered on tables that use the table display to enter initials. Unlike Big Shot where FarSight has it's own initial entering system.

It's making me not want to play the pc version because I can't get my initials on the in-game leaderboards. Any insight is appreciated.

Are you using a controller or the keyboard Frank?


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Are you using a controller or the keyboard Frank?

I can use either one. I use a controller to play the game, but never could find anything on controller that would move to the letter I wanted to input. I thought the d pad would be the key and "A" to enter. I also tried the joysticks with no avail.

I've been trying to do it with the mouse. I try to forward to "C" on the scoreboard, but the arrow right button that I click on goes back to z,y,w, then it goes by y,z. Sometimes I do get to "C" and I enter it, but what comes up on the display is "B". I am doing something wrong, because I am the only one who has commented on this issue.

How do you enter your initials? Thanks for the help netizen, you always a great citizen of this forum. You're also very knowledgeable.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
On the non-Williams tables (ie: Gottleibs), the input entry might be a little sluggish, I tend to take those tables slower, as you can mash the left/right buttons repeatedly and it barely registers. I don't think that's a TPA problem though as much as it is a table problem.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Seems like the PC version of MM is easier than the xbox one. Reached bftk 2 times in one game yesterday.


Can the PC ever have the same options as the console + mobile versions.

I would like to have the event camera On/Off option in addition to the 2 stage flipper option; judging from the number of people asking about this I am not alone. As it is the game feels lacking in some way, and there is all this focus on lighting, which I guess I can understand in some way when on some table you can't tell when inserts are lit, or if indicator sign lights are on/off.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Seems like the PC version of MM is easier than the xbox one. Reached bftk 2 times in one game yesterday.

I have to say on the rare occasion I manage to find and play a real table I always find it real effort to hit the ball up to the upper back part of the table - I almost feel like the flippers don't have the power but it is most likely related to the slope the operator has set the table up with. This is the feel I always remember and its the feel I like and I really hope Farsight will have a harder mode with weaker flippers and steeper slope. Wasn't it someone who is well known in the pinball world who suggested to Farsight to do this? It's a strange idea and doesn't really make a simulation....well ... a simulation. Please Farsight add a harder mode - even if there are no leaderboards for this mode at least we can capture / experience the real feel.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Seems like the PC version of MM is easier than the xbox one. Reached bftk 2 times in one game yesterday.

Yeah, they toned down the bounciness, which made it a lot easier to control the ball.

I'm with Silverballs. +1 for a harder difficulty mode. Can't wait for it.


New member
May 4, 2012
On the non-Williams tables (ie: Gottleibs), the input entry might be a little sluggish, I tend to take those tables slower, as you can mash the left/right buttons repeatedly and it barely registers. I don't think that's a TPA problem though as much as it is a table problem.

I'll confirm that this is a table (Gottlieb) problem.
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