PC Version 1.23.9 Discussion and Feedback

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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Please post your PC version 1.23.9 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Fantastic OP!

Loving Black Knight. Was hoping the music quality could be a little better and it'd play a good deal faster, but it's still fun. Had a quick look at some of the files that have been updated (there was the major update and another smaller one an hour or two ago) and I suspect Gorgar, BK and BH may now be emulated and not scripted. No idea how to tell, though.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I hate to be a party pooper but why is it that we don't get any kind of patch notes? It would be nice to get info from FS on what changed besides the obvious new table.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
BK2K is fun, but the Lightning Wheel is so bright and flashy that I usually lose sight of a fast ball moving across it. Did the real life machine have this problem?


New member
Sep 2, 2013
Hmmm.. Let's see.
Cabinet Mode? NOPE
Adjustable camera OR at least centered table for portrait mode? NOPE
Use of a real DMD? NOPE
How about Ledwiz compatibility?? NOPE

Am I going to pay for season 3 yet? NOPE!!!

But I am playing Tron Pro in cabinet mode with ALL of these features AND THEN SOME for FREE today on VP!! (thank you 85vett)
TPA has A LOT of catching up to do. It has some pretty graphics and a good physics engine, but that's all. I'm beginning to lose hope...


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Any chance of getting a change log? I saw a dev post on the steam forums that there was a problem with challenge mode on the pc and that it was pulled at the last minute. No ETA for a fix.
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New member
Apr 12, 2012
Did anything even change, aside from the new table? I have lots of new framerate bugs globally, so I assumed something got monkeyed with, but I don't notice anything new/different.


New member
Feb 14, 2014
Just update to DX11 so I can start playing again. This is still inferior as to what is on the consoles.


Just update to DX11 so I can start playing again. This is still inferior as to what is on the consoles.
I'm sure we all want to see advanced lightning land on PC soon, but there are nicer ways to ask for it.


BK2K is fun, but the Lightning Wheel is so bright and flashy that I usually lose sight of a fast ball moving across it. Did the real life machine have this problem?

Looks fine to me with PP on. Please don't tone it down. :(


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Do the red lights on Black Knight (not BK2K) look wrong with this update?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Yea its sad that 1 man can recode an engine from dx7 to dx9 in one weekend and have it running and we can't get Zen or PA to make a movable dmd.. :( I just think they spread to thin working on to many project at 1 time.. like building new tables when the old ones problems not even fixed.. sry for the rant just see people doing more for free while company's keep wanting more money.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Yea its sad that 1 man can recode an engine from dx7 to dx9 in one weekend and have it running and we can't get Zen or PA to make a movable dmd.. :( I just think they spread to thin working on to many project at 1 time.. like building new tables when the old ones problems not even fixed.. sry for the rant just see people doing more for free while company's keep wanting more money.

I am feeling the same. I have stopped posting here recently as progress seems to be really slow and I don't want to come over negative about the speed of devewlopment , etc. I know it's not the FS devs fault as they have so many platforms to support and there are monthly demands on the team. I am a developer and experience the same demands in my work.

I have held off buying PC Season pass 3 and in fact and not even bothering to buy any tables anymore on PC or Android, until I see a major PC update with DX11 lighting. Cab of course shortly after. This is not a malicious thing, but I am just losing interest - been waiting 2 years already.

In my opinion Farsight should have a dev Roadmap and stick to it. Eg: Assign a developer to DX11 upgrade for one solid month or two, and get it released.
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