Pinball Arcade "Coming Soon to PS4" Trailer on PSN


New member
May 24, 2013
hi fellas , I think it might be a little early to comment on.we have another 3 months before ps4 comes out. in that little clip, not long enough, it looks to me like they are trying out a bit of night time pinball.imight be wrong. it wouldn`t be bad to have night time play. they have plenty of time to fix the lighting to be mickey mouse !!!! :cool:


New member
Apr 27, 2012
hi fellas , I think it might be a little early to comment on.we have another 3 months before ps4 comes out. in that little clip, not long enough, it looks to me like they are trying out a bit of night time pinball.imight be wrong. it wouldn`t be bad to have night time play. they have plenty of time to fix the lighting to be mickey mouse !!!! :cool:

They probably have another week before the final needs to be submitted to Sony if it hasn't already. Sony's normal approval time for submissions is 4 to 6 weeks but that's for a soft release date. Now that TPA is confirmed by Sony as a day one release they have a hard release date. Sony probably doesn't want to risk not having TPA approved in time and may have asked for the submission early. But at 11 weeks until the PS4 release they would have at best 5 weeks. Realistically though it has already been submitted so that they have time to fix if it is rejected. However it does give them 5 weeks to work on the first patch. This is why games are released with day one patches.


New member
Sep 18, 2012

Ken Lee: I seen the trailer psn put out the other day and the tables look great !!!

The Pinball Arcade: Thanks, we've got it looking even better now, working on it every day, we're pretty happy so far.

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