Plants vs Zombies Pinball (Zen x PopCap)

Based on PopCap's hit title, Plants vs. Zombies, Zen Studios brings the zombie invasion to the pinball playfield! Plant your defenses and prepare your flippers for a Plants vs. Zombies pinball adventure!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I think the standard metal ball just looks better. :cool:
So played the trial version and it looks like PvZ has very long ball times. Played it over and over and never lost a ball. Not my cup of tea as I prefer short challenging tables.
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New member
Jun 12, 2012
i find that to be the problem with pretty much all of zen/pfx tables... and the boring modes/rules dont really help... i mean, there is a carbon copy of addams family (bucaneer) and it's half not fun like af at all... don't even get me started on the sttng rip off agents... that is one of the most boring tables ever...

well imo ;)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I think the standard metal ball just looks better. :cool:
So played the trial version and it looks like PvZ has very long ball times. Played it over and over and never lost a ball. Not my cup of tea as I prefer short challenging tables.

Myea, long ball times and lots of extra balls on my second play tonight. Personally I like long sessions on tables with deeper rulesets as long as there is a lot of stuff to do. Still need to figure out the different modes and whatever the hell those carawards do, so I will get my money's worth for sure (whats 3 bucks these days).


New member
Mar 28, 2012
I'm starting to dislike the long marathon tables that Zen has created. Especially when Extra balls are involved. I'm sure the table may be deeper that we think in comparison. Mail Multi ball is to easy to get to the only challenging mission IMO is the boss mission where you have to shoot that sinkhole under the mailbox to change the pea to fire or ice. The table is fun though a bit redundant. I look at it like Bride I'm finding Bride to redundant. shoot left ramp etc. to try and light billionaire. On the plus side the session can be short.

That said I think PVZ for ZP2 is trying to lure more fans to virtual pinball. I don't blame them for making the table easy. I'm not a pinball wizard but I would like tables that are a bit more challenging. Fear Itself, MARS, Iron Man are Just that I think. Even Excalibur and Earth Defense can be a challenge getting all missions done.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
50mins on ball 1!!! insanity...even the mrs said that is insane..ive been trying to backhand the right flipper into the car to practice for my LYMANS LAMENT attempt:D

seriously though i like PFX2 with its video weirdness..

as Bavelb has stated the avengers table can be rock hard....


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May 16, 2012
Brandon, I like your discreet way of manipulating pictures to push people in the right direction... with a sledgehammer! :)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm really enjoying the Zen 2 tables. I started playing them more while waiting for Farsight to sort out the PS3 version and I have to admit I am enjoying it more than I have in the past.

Everything just works as it should. No slowdown, no balls going through flippers.
Sure the sessions can be long on PVZ (and a few others), but no longer than Funhouse, Ripley's, or TOTAN for me which tend to go 1-2 hours and upwards of 4 or 5 extra balls.

The thing I disliked about Zen was the flippers and the physics and they totally revamped them. They feel much better in Zen2.

Things I love in Zen2 that I wish we're in TPA.....
Co-op online and team modes. It's so cool how well they handle this!
When you are getting close to a friend's score it gives you a little score countdown to show how many more points you need to beat that person's score. It's the next best thing to people cheering you on. :)

And being able to play with your friends online while chatting with them. I played wih my brother and was able to explain the rules as he played for the first time. Very cool stuff!

3D support on all tables....
This is probably something people that don't have a 3D display don't give a big sausage about, but *%#!?! Does it look amazing!! I picked up a PlayStation 3D display once I heard these were being remastered in 3D and I am so glad I did.
The effet brings you one step closer to the real thing. The ramps look higher than the table and give such depth to the tables. I really wish Farsight would consider this.

Machine op test mode:
It really shows you how much work goes into these tables and is just generally fun to play around with the settings and listen to all of the sounds and music tracks.

Free roam camera...
I know this has been discussed before, but I'm going to say it again. Being able to zoom in anywhere on the table really helps make you familiar with the table and shows off the beauty of it as well. Form and function!

The guys at Zen Studios definitely know how to make a solid product though.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
That said I think PVZ for ZP2 is trying to lure more fans to virtual pinball. I don't blame them for making the table easy. I'm not a pinball wizard but I would like tables that are a bit more challenging. Fear Itself, MARS, Iron Man are Just that I think. Even Excalibur and Earth Defense can be a challenge getting all missions done.

Oh trust me. They are a challenge to complete. Those tables you named alone are the most challenging. You can add Shaman and El Dorado to this list as well. Earth Defense is horrifying to complete. I did it once on 360 before I found out that I could have had beaten a friend's score. It was bad. I raged on that table. Getting all the medals is no easy feat. Mars...need I say more. Deactivating the Pyramid system alone is tough. Iron Man has become easier, however killing Ultimo is still a pain in the arse. On Fear Itself, I can beat the Worthy, but I keep draining right when its time to face Skadi. That table is tough too.

I really don't understand the Zen vs FS arguments or why people feel that they have to choose just 1 dev over the other. Why don't you just enjoy them both for the content that has been brought?!

Anyway, PvZ wasn't meant to be hard. It's as easy as they come. A lot of people didn't like how easy it is. I believe that some of you are correct by saying that they (Zen) are trying to reach the casual audience and bringing them over to the pinball genre. Its a win for both FS and Zen. I know at least 4 people who wasn't into pinball at all, but came over to my place and saw me playing Zen and got hooked immediately. Then I turned around and played TPA and they instantly wanted to get it on their consoles. See what I mean?

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