Playstation VR Support?


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Yeah, ok, but this thread is about PSVR support. Shrugs?

Dude they can't even support the current version on PS4, it's had severe issues for months/years now. We've been slapped in the face ala Payday 2 style development for console.

Honestly, as much as it would be cool for them to support VR, I would be pretty angry if they did that without addressing the numerous issues in the current version on ps4. The ps4 version has been left to rot compared to the PC version, and they seriously would need to address the current issues and polish the product they've already sold if they even expect the game to sell on PSVR.

I think the real question is, IF they do release something for PSVR, will it be anywhere near polished and not half assed? Will it even be worth purchasing given their track record with (lack of) ps4 support???


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'd love to see something like this for Pinball Arcade on the PSVR...

Even if it's just the tables in a 3D environment. VR does more for Pinball than probably any other genre of game... except maybe pool.. and Hustle Kings VR has that covered at launch (10/13/16).. just a mere two weeks away!

I know Farsight is on the list of PSVR developers, but the lack of any information on it has me concerned. That and the lack of updates on the PS4 platform in general has me concerned.

I just really think the PSVR support could be a great thing for not only gamers, but for Farsight as well.
Based on sold out pre-sales developer support, and predictions it looks like PSVR is going to do very well.


New member
Oct 31, 2014
Having played Pinball FX2 in VR, I can say I'd happily spend good money on TPA if Farsight were to release a VR version.


New member
May 7, 2013
Unfortunately Farsight already said (in reply to a Facebook question) that as the VR version was developed in conjunction with Oculus it is exclusive to Gear VR. Didn't say whether that was timed exclusive or permanent though. I think they've put all their eggs in the wrong basket, but I'm just bitter because I'd really want it for PSVR.


New member
Jan 13, 2017
No PSVR support will be made available sadly enough. I have asked the question and got this answer from the official facebook group Stern Pinball Arcade.

This will end my support for the product, as I am now used to VR pinball after playing Pinball FX2 in VR, and the experience is really nice.

The only thing to beat this experience is when real tables will be available for PSVR like in (Stern) Pinball Arcade.

I can't afford the Oculus Rift, and the Gear is just not up to it for me. I really want to support Farsight but when the VR version stays exclusive, I just can't justify buying any more of their products.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Seeing how Farsight is listed on the Sony PlayStation list of official PSVR supporters I woukd assume they have something planned.

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