PP fix for AMD gpus


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I can confirm... non of the workarounds help. The 12.1 driver crashes my system and gives me a BSOD while the beta drivers don't make any difference at all, no matter what settings are applied.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Well I can publish a video of drivers working if you like. Did you completely remove amd drivers before installing the old driver?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Well I can publish a video of drivers working if you like. Did you completely remove amd drivers before installing the old driver?

yep, cleaned everything. Even used drive sweeper and cleaned everything in safe mode. Thanks kmet14 for you assistance. Maybe someone will find this workaround useful but Farsight should work on patching this issue. All my other games work fine. Turning PP off makes the table lookin' dull and the ball looks kinda awful darkish.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
No joy for me either... this is with a 5850 and 5970 (so it's a different gen. from the OP). I'm even using 11.12 beta from Nov 18 2011 and it still has the same issue :(


New member
Oct 8, 2012
No joy with older drivers here on a 7750 with Windows 8.

I am holding off on purchasing any tables until there is a fix for this and the Steam highscore integration..... Nice to see there is no flipper lag at least; that made me quit on buying PS3 tables.

Do any drivers fix the appearance of the awful early 90's style menus? ;)


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I was trying to mess a bit with some options in RadeonPro. As i remember Nvidia users fixed that issue by changing aa to supersampling. Unfortunately changing AA method to adaptive or supersample instead of multisampling in RadeonPro didnt solve the problem with jaggies. I guess there's nothing we can do without new drivers.


New member
Nov 13, 2013
whats the problem with PP exactly? I have a Radeon HD5670 and PP activated and I dont notice anything wrong yet...=/


New member
Jan 8, 2013
I continue to have a very good picture in TPA with virtually no jaggies, with PP=On, AA=16, and Reflections=High, as long as I use the old AMD Version 9.12/9.012 driver (which I think is from around Sept. 2012). (I am not finding any benefit with RadeonPro as I have no flipper delay.) In the post above in http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/6498-PP-fix-for-AMD-gpus?p=115113&viewfull=1#post115113 , I described how to find for downloading this AMD driver from the MSI video card manufacturer's site.

If this particular old AMD driver turns out to fix someone's problem, please let me know. Then (if someone requests it) I can document a way I found to switch back and forth between old and new drivers, and this method can be used until AMD and/or FarSight can fix whatever is causing this problem people are having.
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New member
Oct 26, 2013
... guys the 12.10 gives me a blue screen of death. :( Besides, there is no way I could install an older driver on top of the newer one...except with total reinstall. But then again, the BSOD kicks in... as someone pointed out, this issue should be addressed by FS not the customers.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I had problems with 12.10 too. No bsod ,but i couldnt open any application.Still dont understand why changing method of antialiasing doesn't help. Folks from Ati should come with some quick fix. :)


New member
Oct 8, 2012
It's not just ATI cards that are affected... this is an issue on Farsight's side.

After having issues on my 7750 desktop, I thought I would do some testing on a laptop... Same issues with PP on Intel Haswell with HD4600 graphics; tried with and without AA. Then I switched to the discrete Nvidia Geforce 740 and bingo... everything is super sharp with no jaggies.

I noticed on both systems that have problems, it is like an uneven plate of glass has been placed across the camera view... graphics appear to "wobble" and shimmer as the camera pans. In table preview mode there is a noticable dividing line running diagonally across the screen from top left to bottom right. Everything below the line looks worse than everything above it (though both are affected). Has anyone else noticed this?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I seriously doubt it we'll be receiving a fix any time soon, because this is a known bug from the beginning of the beta... :(


New member
Jan 8, 2013
... Besides, there is no way I could install an older driver on top of the newer one...except with total reinstall. ...

Here is a way I think that someone can install older driver (without total Windows reinstall), then reinstall newer driver again, then go back and forth at will:

1) remove your current driver using these AMD instructions: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/GPU57RemoveOldGraphicsDrivers.aspx

2) Install old driver. The driver that works very well for me with TPA is version 9.012/9.12, that I mention (and provide a link to my other post of how to get it) in: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/6498-PP-fix-for-AMD-gpus?p=115990&viewfull=1#post115990

3) If old driver works well for you with TPA, but you also want to use new driver for other programs, now reinstall new driver

4) When the "new" driver is active, you can go back to "old" at any time, by selecting the driver tab in Windows and click "Roll Back driver" button (According to something I saw, you can only roll back to most recent prior version that is installed on your machine.)

5) When the "old" driver is active, you can go forward to that installed "new" driver at any time, by selecting the driver tab in Windows, then click "Update Driver" button, then select upper option of "Search automatically for updated driver software". Since that "new" driver is still stored somewhere on your computer this should find it. (Although it may also find something newer yet from the internet, so to block that you may want to unplug your Internet connection, or turn off your wireless, etc.)

6) repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as you wish.

Note: As far as I am concerned, the above steps are only intended to be a workaround till AMD and/or FarSight can provide a fix. Hopefully the fix will be soon, as it is a pain to do the workaround. And if newer "new" drivers come out, if someone wants to use them along with that "old" driver, the workaround has to be done all the way back to Step 1 (since apparently you can only roll back to the most recent prior driver version that is installed on your machine).

Please note that I too sometimes gets a little bit of that "shimmer/wobble" effect (when the camera moves), that iCub mentioned. And I get it even with AMD driver version 9.12/9.012. But I usually keep my camera in locked view, so that bit of shimmer is not distracting to me during the plunger time when the table is moving. (Since with 9.12/9.012 the static jaggies are minimal for me.)
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New member
Oct 26, 2013
Just for the record, what version of driver is that? Is it in the CCC suite? Too bad I'm on W7 x64
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New member
Jun 10, 2013
I'm using an old Ati Radeon 4890 on Win7 x64 and haven't had any graphical issues. Or at least I think it looks okay.
I'm using:

Driver Packaging Version
Catalyst Version 13.1
2D Driver Version
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
AMD VISION Engine Control Center Version 2012.1116.1515.27190

Some pics with Post Processing On:


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