"Problem" I'm glad I have. Anyone have a "Solution"?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It's too pink! The sound isn't synced! Whatabout Xbox???!!!

No seriously, this is too cool Sotie. But I've actually taken to just closing my eyes and swiping up 10 times. Play as it lies.


The last few times I have been playing, I just start at a table and play in alphabetical order until i am too cross eyed to play any more.

Last night I played from AFM to MB and good times were had by all. All being me and the pin gods who were laughing the entire time.

Sotie's Wheel makes for choosing a starting position much easier however. Thanks :D


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I've just been playing through them all one by one in order, that way they all get played. : )


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
Ahhh... Technology making life easier. I love it!

I can't believe there's an app to randomize your table selections. I would just close my eyes, let the menu roll and hit the button at my own whim.

Modern society is doomed. I'm glad I won't be there to see it.

You guys are lettin' the machines do too much thinkin' for ya.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Pretty funny, Fungi. I know exactly what you speak of with the Laserdiscs. I eventually amassed a collection of over 100 and could never decide what to watch. Then I started getting DVDs, and the decision got easy again. Until that collection grew. Now it happens with Blu Rays. What I came to the conclusion of was that I'll step to the rack with an idea of what mood I'm in, but once I start reading all the titles, I draw a blank and stare at the collection for 15 minutes. So instead I'll pull half way out any title that immediately jumps to mind. Often my thought process is, "oh wait! What about THIS movie?" and soon enough I've pulled 6 titles out. From THOSE I decide what I'm gonna watch. Do I put the remaining ones back in place? Nope, leave 'em out as a reminder for the next time.

In essence you can do the same thing with TPA. Ask yourself if you're in the mood for a DMD game, or an alpha numeric. If none of the above, an EM it is! Then ask yourself if you wanna short game or long. Short is for those titles you may not be very good at yet. Sometimes I pick a long table just because what I'm really looking for is a game I can relax with, rather than a short one that stresses me out.

I do think a 'shuffle' feature could be nice within TPA. I know when I'm looking for a song on my iPod and I have no idea what mood I'm in, throwing it on shuffle will a lot of times quickly put me on the path I want. Then once I'm enjoying a song, I put it on 'Genius' so I don't have to think about the next 25 song selections!

Ya know, sometimes 1st World Problems are wonderful!


Apr 13, 2012
I usally do the same kind of decision making, shutyertrap, looking at the complexity, speed, difficulty and playtime. Long games have a tendency to become boring so the theme of a table is very important.

Easy tables:
  • freaking long game full of hillarious action -> Attack from Mars
  • good flow, easy wizard modes, a lot of humor -> Monster Bash, No Good Gofers
  • controlled play with fun theme, accurate shot making required -> Twilight Zone

  • frantic action with sporadic ass kicking but a satisfying wizard goal -> TotAN

  • great themes but it takes a long time, skill and luck to reach the wizard modes -> Medieval Madness, ST:TNG, Ripley

  • easy table for inbetween -> Bride of Pinbot
  • Don't fumble or "I wanna reach Multiball and score some points" -> Creature, Dr Dude, Firepower, Black Knight, Centaur, Flight 2000
  • simple skill tables where you first have to prepare bigger scoring -> Black Hole, Gorgar

  • hungry for short games or "give me the ball back!" -> Big Shot, Firepower
  • simple tables that offer long games, choose according to your mood -> Taxi, Funhouse, Elvira
  • simple table with long games and wild action -> Whirlwind
  • simple tables with some unfair and sudden drains -> Space Shuttle, Pinbot, Gorgar

  • Pinball? I want gimmicks and animations! -> Zen Pinball, Champion's Pub
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